King's Business - 1919-04


There is as much difference in the returns from funds in­ vested in God’s work as there is in the commercial world. Many people are easy marks for the grafters, and thousands are being hoodwinked every day. The government is seeking to warn peo­ ple against exchanging their government bonds for fake stocks, and many are being saved through such warning. If Christians must give an account to God for their steward­ ship, and they must, should not they seek to use the same wisdom they would seek to use in worldly investments? You do not buy property, do you, without knowing that you can get a perfect deed? You want to know about die bank into whose care you entrust the keeping of your funds, don’t you? Why not make as careful inquiry as to your investments for God? If you are investing your hard-earned funds for the glory of God, you would not put them into institutions that would use those funds to under­ mine the faith of men and women in the Word of God, and bring a curse rather than a blessing upon your gifts, would you ? You would not ask God to bless your sacred offering, if it was put into literature or into the lives of men and women that denied the inspiration of the Bible, the Virgin Birth, or the Blood Atone­ ment, would you? Don’t you think that God expects us to use as much common sense about business for Him, as we use about earthly affairs? There are many broken-hearted people whose sacrificial offer­ ings for God’s work, have been diverted from the original pur­ pose—but that cannot be helped; they could not forsee that; but you can know whether your funds are being used for God’s glory or not. Every cent we give to the Lord should bring to us the largest possible returns. Years of experience enable us to help you, without charge, and we will be glad to suggest investments in God’s work in the world fields, or at home, where we feel confi­ dent you will have the joy of knowing, throughout eternity, that your funds were well invested. BIBLE INSTITUTE OF LOS ANGELES.

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