King's Business - 1919-04

The Visible and Glorious

Return of Jesus Christ God’s Final Answer to Infidelity and all Present Day Forms of Error. Given at FJev? York Prophetic Conference.

T O R R E T and far more detailed and explicit pre­ dictions regarding the second coming of Christ than it contains concerning His first coming, and in addition to these Old Testament predictions we have in the gospels and in the epistles and the book of Revelation in the New Testament further and still more detailed predictions regarding His sec­ ond coming, and when these very num­ erous, very detailed and very explicit predictions are fulfilled to the letter, the prediction for example regarding His descent from heaven with a shout, with the Voice of the archangel and the trump of God, the prediction concern­ ing His Coming in the clouds of heaven, and all the holy ones with Him, the pre­ dictions concerning the rapture of the Church to meet Him in the air, and all the' events predicted as to follow the rapture, the manifestation of the Anti­ christ, the time of Jacob’s trouble and the coming of the glorified Jesus vis­ ibly and bodily to the deliverance of His people, and His blessed and glorious reign, then every infidel mouth will be stopped and every knee shall be forced to bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father (Phil. 2:10, 11). There will be no possibility in that day of denying the Divine origin of these pre­ dictions and the supernatural inspira­ tion of the book which contains them. The Apostle Peter foretold in 2_ Pet. 3:3, 4 that in the last days of this dis­ pensation “mockers” would come, just as they have come in the person of Shailer Mathews and other theological

By R. A . HAVE been asked to pre­ sent this afternoon the sub­ ject of the Second Coming of Christ, or the Visible and Glorious Return of Christ as God’s Final Answer to Infidelity in all its forms,

and to all Present Day Forms of Error. I. The Second Coining of Christ God’s Final Answer to Infidelity. First of all, the return of our Lord Jesus in glory will be God’s final answer to infidelity. The promises regarding that return that are found in the Bible, both the Old Testament and the New, are very plain and they are also, humanly speaking, very improbable and apparently impossible of fulfillment, and when they are fulfilled they will con­ stitute an unanswerable proof of the Divine origin of that book that con­ tains these promises and prophecies. The promises and prophecies regarding the first coming of Jesus Christ, His vir­ gin birth, the place of His birth, the time of His manifestation to His people, the manner of His reception by His people, His death and burial, and the detailed circumstances connected with it, His resurrection from the dead, and His victory subsequent to His resurrec­ tion, seemed most improbable when made, but these predictions have been fulfilled to the very letter, and by their fulfillment in Jesus of Nazareth we have conclusive proof of two things: first, that Jesus is the predicted Messiah of the Jews, and second, that the Old Testament is the Word of God. But the Old Testament contains far more

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