King's Business - 1919-04



conglomeration of pretty much all the errors that the living church has spued out of its mouth during the eighteen centuries of its history. It contradicts the plainest teachings of the Word of God at points too numerous to mention. It has been satisfactorily answered time and time again, but the final answer to this whole vile system, to all its lies and blasphemies, will be at the second com­ ing of Christ. “Pastor” Russell taught that Jesus- has already come, that He came in October, 1874, but when He really comes, in the way the Bible says He will come, in a way entirely differ­ ent from any imaginary coming that has already taken place, Russellism will be seen to be the hollow fraud and lie that it really is. Russell taught that the body of Jesus was not raised, but either removed and preserved somewhere, or else dissolved into gasses, but when the very Jesus who was crucified and then was raised and transformed and ascended, comes again as “the Son of man,” as He said He would (Matt. 26:64) Russellism will be seen for the hollow lie it really is. Russell taught again that the Judgment is to be another probation and “another chance,’ but when the Lord Jesus comes, as He said He would, and “sits upon the throne of His glory,” and before Him are gathered all nations then living on the earth, and says to those on His right hand, “Come ye blessed of my Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world,” and to those on His left hand, “Depart from me ye cursed, into eternal fire which is prepared for the devil and his angels” (Matt. 25:31-41). Then Russellism will be seen for the hollow lie and baseless, delusive, deceiving and destroying false hope that it really is. V. The Second Coming of Christ, God’s Final Answer to Mary Baker Eddy- ism, Christian “Science” Falsely So Called. In the fifth place the second coming of Christ, the Visible and Glorious

added: “Nevertheless I say unto you, Henceforth ye shall see the Son of man sitting at the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven.” “Com­ ing in the clouds”—what does that mean? Take your Concordance and look up the word “clouds,” and who alone comes in the clouds, and you will see that Jehovah of hosts and Jehovah alone comes in the clouds; that He and He alone “maketh the clouds His cnar- iot.” So evidently the thought is that when Jesus comes again He is coming openly—manifested as Jehovah and “every eye will see” that He is Jehovah, and the Unitarians and every one who has denied His proper Deity will be overwhelmed with shame. Unitarians, every Unitarian here acknowledge now what His resurrection has proven, acknowledge Him as God; worship Him. God says in unmistakable terms, “Let all the angels of God worship Him.” (Heh. 1:6). You too worship Him. God commands it, reason demands it, the proven facts in the case demand it, that all men should honor the Lord Jesus as they honor the Father. But if you will not do it now you shall have to do it in that day when He comes and when, as God tells us in His own Word, “Every knee shall bow, of things in heaven and things on earth and things under the earth, and every tongue con­ fess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.” ' (Phil. 2:10, 11). It will do you no good to con­ fess it then if you have not done it before. IV. The Second Coming of Christ, the Visible and Glorious Return of Christ, God’s Final Answer to Rus- sellism. In the fourth place the second coming of Christ, the Visible and Glorious Return of our Lord, will be God’s final answer to Russellism. This foul system propagated with such an outlay of money, has ruined the spiritual life and paralyzed the service of thousands. This system is a strange combination and

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