King's Business - 1919-04



such like. Conscience convicts them of those. But it requires the direct oper­ ation of the Holy Spirit to convict them that rejecting Jesus Christ is sin, that it is the sin of sins. Why is it so hard to bring men to Jesus? Because there is so little conviction of sin. And why is there so little conviction of sin? Because we are laying so little emphasis on what a sin it is to reject Jesus, and thus we are depriving the Holy Spirit of His opportunity to convict men. And we are not praying that the Holy Spirit may convict men, as we should. The Holy Spirit also bears witness to the truth concerning our Lord Jesus. When the preacher and teacher give the evangel first place in sermon and lesson, how the Holy Spirit rejoices, and co­ operates, and uses. And how He is delighted when the Individual Christian in everyday life witnesses for Jesus, and He uses even an apparently stray utterance from his or her lips to save a fellow-sinner. Are we giving Him all the opportunities we might? 2. What He does in believers. It is through the operation of the Holy Spirit that men “dead in tres­ passes and sins” are “born again” and receive eternal life. We become be­ lievers through the work of the Holy Spirit.' He is their teacher and guide into truth. Many of the things that Jesus taught were not understood by the dis­ ciples until after His resurrection and the coming of the Holy Spirit. And many things that Jesus could not tell the disciples while He was with them He revealed unto them after His ascen­ sion, through the Holy Spirit. A sur­ rendered will solves many difficulties. He is their Comforter. This includes the thought of advocate or one who stands by the believer. Did Jesus stand by and comfort Martha and Mary when Lazarus was dead? So will the Holy Spirit stand by and comfort us today. In fact, Jesus said “It is expedient for

you that I go away; for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you.” It is startling, but true, that the dis­ ciples were better off after our Lord had ascended than they were before it; that you and I are better off today than if we had walked with Him through Galilee. The risen, exalted, glorious, Son of God, can do more from His place at the Father’s right hand, through the Holy -Spirit, than He could do during the days of His humiliation when on earth. He brings forth in the believer the fruits of the Christian life. The Bible talks about “growing in grace.” The human philosopher talks about “char­ acter building.” The former is natural, the latter is artificial. The former is “organism,” the latter is “organiza­ tion.” The indwelling Holy Spirit sets the belieyer free from the law of sin and death. He endues the believer with power for service. This is the secret of “power from on high.” God desires that believers shall have power for the service to which He has called them. He has made it possible for the believer to' be thus empowered. The steps for the reception of this endowment are simple: Faith in the Lord Jesus Christ; Obedience to His revealed will; Asking God, in the name of Christ, ror the gift of the Holy Spirit; Receiving Him by faith, just as one receives Jesus as Saviour. Have you received the gift of the Holy Spirit? It is the Holy Spirit who will bring life to these mortal bodies of ours at the resurrection, as He brought life to our dead spirits when we believed. How much we owe to the Holy Spirit! Note—For a full treatment of the Bible teaching concerning the person and work of the Holy Spirit, let me recommend Dr. Torrey’s book which God has blessed to tens of thousands of readers, and which may be had from the Biola Book Room, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles.

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