King's Business - 1919-04

Books on Prophecy Forty. Future Wonders.

O ne of tKe most wonderful works on S cripture prophecy in exist­ ence today. W ritten fifty years o r more ago it absolutely foretold the happenings of this decade. T he G reat ^War; the defeat of G erm any; the smashing of the T urkish Empire— all these things and many more are foretold w ith positive accuracy. It is a book no student of prophecy should be w ithout. Price, cloth bound (m ailing 10c e x tra ), $1.00 The Return of the Lord Jesus, Dr. R. A. Torrey. Dr. T o rrey s well known w ork on this "m ost Blessed H ope” is one of the greatest things on the subject. Should be in the hands of every pastor and C hristian worker. Price, p ap er 30c; cloth 60c The Number of Man. Philip Mauro. A startling arraignm ent of the man-made conditions which are combining th eir influences in these latter days to destroy Christianity. T he au th o r makes a careful study of the hum an influences, material, intel­ lectual and of false religions, to neutralize and destroy the pow er of the gospel. T he volume is one of great ability, and is a timely and masterly message to those who a re thoughtful and Conscientious. Price, p ap er 45c; cloth 75c A fte r This’ — The Church, the Kingdom and the Glory. Philip Mauro. A n exam ination, in the light of Holy Scripture, of the place and p a rt assigned to this present age in God’s plan and purpose of the ages. T he a u th o r's earlier studies have met w ith extended appreciation. 12mo, cloth, net $1.00 W hat Shall Be Done in the Dry. James Dunbar. A splendid book on the signs of the tim e s ;'th e im pending storm, and the prepared refuge for Jew and Gentile. Cloth bound, price $1.00 The Book of Daniel. W. C. Stevens. Dr. Jam es M. Gray, Dean of Moody Bible Institute, says: “The best Bible teacher is he who lets God do the most teaching through his lips, o r by his pen, and Mr. Stevens has the wisdom to perceive and act upon this principle. T he reader will recognize in this single extract the up-to-date-ness of this work, and appreciate the skill which is able to bring the Bible and the last event of history together. The book seems to have ‘come to the kingdom for such a time as this.’ ” Price $1.00 THE BIOLA BOOK ROOM Bible Institute of Los Angeles 536-558 South Hope Street Los Angeles, California


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