13th September 2024

13th September 2024

Headmaster’s Message

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School Awards

We are thrilled to be a finalist in the Independent Schools of the Year Award for Performing Arts category. It is great to see all the amazing work of staff and pupils in our school productions being recognised and appreciated!

Loving our first full week!

Loving our first full week!

Pre-Prep News

Positions of Responsibility

Carswell – House Captain: Georgia L Vice-Captain: Alfie Mc & Alexandra B

Bickley – House Captain: Estelle C Vice-Captain: Wesley A

Malvern – House Captain: Coco J Vice-Captain: Tilly S

Chislehurst – House Captain: William U Vice-Captain: Albie B

School Council for the term - (children’s vote) 2LB: Emilie 2PW: Ted G 1SH: Harriet M RLB: Rose C RGB: Hannah B



This week we have continued playing games to help get to know each other. We have also spent time exploring the school grounds where we have found plenty of conkers and apples. ​

Singing: We enjoyed sharing our favourite Nursery Rhymes and practising a ‘hello’ song. ​ Maths: We have identified the smallest and the biggest objects and sorted others in between! ​

Let’s Talk on Wednesday:

PE: The children had so much fun in the Sports Hall practising their ball skills. Play to Learn: The dinosaurs have made footprints in damp sand and we noticed that the footprints didn’t stay in the dry sand. We have used sieves to find things in a large tray of rice. Our theme next week is cars and buses. Which special place have you been to in a car or on a bus? It might be a day trip or holiday. Do you have a photo you can put on Tapestry?​

THIS WEEK IN... RECEPTION Reception We have had a brilliant second week in Reception. The children are continuing to settle extremely well into their new routines and we have been having lots of fun in the classroom. We introduced our first Topic, Let's Celebrate. This week, we have celebrated being us! We talked about what makes us the same and different and recognized that we are all special and it is OK to be different. We call this being 'unique’.

In Phonics, we have been playing listening games and we have learnt the tricky word ‘the’.

In Maths, we have been practising careful counting. When counting objects, we make sure we line them up and say one number as we tap each object. The number we stop on tells us how many objects are in the set. We call this the 'stopping number'. We are linking the skill of counting concrete objects to the pictorial representations and the abstract numerals.

WOW words:

jovial, unnoticed, astonished, slink, identical

Book of the Week: ‘Elmer’ by David McKee

Year 1



SCIENCE: We have been exploring different types of materials. We looked at objects and carefully matched the materials they were made from.​

LITERACY: We have loved listening to the story, ‘The Colour Monster’. We have discussed how the Colour Monster was feeling and linked this with our own feelings. We created our own colour collection jars to show the different emotions. This week we have been revisiting the sounds and tricky words learnt in Reception. Please feel free to practise this when reading at home. ​

MATHS: We have been busy with numbers to 10 this week! We have sorted objects into groups, counted forwards and backwards and practised writing our numbers correctly. Try making your own 10's frame at home and then fill it with some of your favourite objects as you count forwards! You can practise counting backwards as you put them away.​

Year 2

THIS WEEK IN... PHONICS: We will start our RWI scheme next week. Your child is in a group chosen to match their ability and understanding. ​ ​


SPELLINGS: We have now sent home the first spelling sheet with your child. These will be sent home every Monday. Please take time to help them learn these as we will have a test the following Monday. Our first test will be on Monday 16th September.​

We loved our school trip this week! It was such an exciting and interesting visit and we all discovered plenty of new facts about the dinosaurs!

The children made the teachers very proud!

TOPIC: We have been reflecting on our trip and piecing together our own timeline of the different dinosaur eras.​ ​ READING: Please do try and hear your child read as often as you can and sign their home/school diaries. Thank you for your support with this.​ ​ MATHS: This week we have been looking at recognising and building numbers using tens and ones. Please see examples below and do recap and reinforce with your child if possible.​ ​

Middle School News

Positions of Responsibility

Digital Leaders: 3PP – Theodore S; 3MR –Freddie B; 4ER – Sebastian L, 4SP – Henry H, 4NP – Theo M

House Captains: Bickley – Hatty H-S; Carswell – Isabelle O; Chislehurst – Rafferty M; Malvern – Tinka B-S

Librarians: Year 3 – Luca N and Rex W; Year 4 – Rosie A, Storm W-H and Ida N

Vice Captains: Bickley – Nico C-S, Persie M and Wilf H; Carswell – Aidan S, Rory F and Harry DQA; Chislehurst – Darcey S, Dominik B and Will C; Malvern – Billy G and Ottilie J

School Council: 3PP – Freya C, 3MR –Poppy N-H; 4ER – Lexi M, 4SP – James B, 4NP – Lila D


Middle School have had a fantastic first full week together. We have thoroughly enjoyed observing your children in their new classrooms and experiencing the wide and rich curriculum that Middle School offers. The children have begun some targeted Maths and English work in smaller groups, and this will continue moving forward. If you have any questions about your child’s group or their teacher for these core subjects, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Middle School team.

Year 3 – we are incredibly proud of how well the children are managing their new routines and belongings. With support, the children are moving from lesson to lesson with increasing confidence and have been thrilled to enjoy new areas of the school, including the beautiful Music Room and The Barn. In Maths, the children have been representing and partitioning 3- digit numbers and look forward to exploring 4-digit numbers next week. In English, the children have described a woodland setting, considering adjectives, verbs and the use of our five senses. In addition, the children have started work on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and are looking forward to beginning our first text of the year ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Angela McAllister. Year 4 – The children have had a fun-filled week of Forest School, where they had the opportunity to harvest potatoes and cook them over the fire. In addition, the children also enjoyed picking and cooking apples from our Forest School Garden. The children also created their own crafts & toys using natural, woodland materials and even had time to make dens and a zip wire! Next week, Year 4 will have their enriching Lumos trip to Winchester College, where they will explore the Treasury and Fellowes Library.

In Maths, they will continue to explore 4-digit place value. This week, we have started our English text, 'FArTHER', focusing on asking questions about the story and making predictions. Next week, the children will be writing setting descriptions using noun phrases.

Year 4 Forest School

Year 4 Forest School

Year 4 Forest School

Year 5 Art

Year 5's first lesson in the Art studio was all about exploration and new skills. In order to plan our clay projects and design them well we needed a full introduction to several techniques. We learned how to create pinch pots, of even thickness, and then how to join them successfully into spheres and egg shapes, we used scratch and slip for all joins, practiced coiling and rolled slabs. Our 3D pieces will use all these skills and our designs will show all the elements of pottery needed to make something wonderful.

Year 6 Science

Year 8 Geography and Science

River Cole Trip

On Thursday Year 8 all went to spend the day by the side of, and in, the River Cole. A Science and Geography combined trip, the day was split into two halves. The morning began in beautiful sunshine with half of the group completing a biological survey of the river, assessing the water quality and catching a multitude of aquatic life including some impressive crayfish. The other half of the group grabbed some waders and got stuck into some proper Geography fieldwork where they collected data so they can determine whether there is a difference between the width, depth and speed in a straight section compared to in a meander. A small hailstorm on the way up to lunch followed by a few showers on our return to the river, led to a rather damp afternoon. Spirits remained high as the groups switched over and it was fantastic to see lots of brilliant teamwork on display as we raced the ominous black clouds fast approaching our site to finish our data collection.

Boarding News


The first full week of boarding has been and gone in a flash! The boarders have enjoyed activities such as Hockey, Football and field games as well more relaxing evenings crafting, playing video games, and watching tv in the newly decorated Common Room. To finish the week, Friday evening’s entertainment will be a nachos meal followed by a pool party at school. Our first ‘Boarder of the Week’ of the term was Sam J, nominated for his kindness, punctuality and helpfulness.

Girls’ Sport


The Hockey term is finally back!

It has been fantastic watching the enthusiasm the girls have had in both their games sessions and Pre Season training. Cheltenham is always a tough fixture to start the season with but the girls put in some impressive performances across the board, winning our first piece of silverware. The Colts A have had an intense start to their season with two tournaments under their belt already. Wednesday saw them face some strong team at the St Edward’s tournament. After a slow start the girls recorded an impressive victory against Farleigh meaning we qualified for the Blanchard Cup. The girls then found their confidence to win against Pinewood and Dragon and secure a draw against Elstree resulting in us taking the trophy home!

The senior girls headed to Cheltenham for their fixtures. The 1st had a game of two halves where fitness proved crucial. An evenly matched first half saw a 2-2 score at half time with excellent goals from the Hockey captain Mariella M-S and debutant Nina V. The second half proved more one sided with Cheltenham running away with the lead. The 2nd VII had a great first game of the season scoring a 2-0 victory. Alexa H worked her socks off upfront, being rewarded with a great goal. The 3rd VII made their coach Mrs Ricks very happy. They gelled as a team, and played some fantastic Hockey utilising space, linking passes and creating many scoring opportunities. Well done Olivia VM on her hat-trick and MVP!

The two 4th teams faced strong Cheltenham opposition but have gained a lot of experience and will come out stronger next time. The Colts B and C enjoyed staying on home soil. The Colts B had a tough game but a special mention has to go to Georgia B-P who was outstanding in goal and Maggie D for scoring their goal. The Colts D had a close game with Cheltenham scoring a frustrating goal to take the win. This is a fantastic achievement for the girls, as it was the majority of the team’s first ever Hockey match.

Cheltenham Hockey Festival

On Sunday the girl’s Colts A Hockey team has a great day of Hockey at the Cheltenham College Festival. There was much excitement and anticipation for a full day of Hockey. The girls worked their pink and blue socks off the whole day and were a real credit to themselves and the school. One of the highlights of the day was during the Cheltenham match. We were 0-2 down to Cheltenham Prep, and the girls had yet to score a goal during the tournament. With very little time to go, a fire of confidence and some real determination ignited in all of the girls and with two quick goals from Camila and Olive in the penultimate minute, we drew 2-2. A really exciting game! The day provided some losses to learn from, a few draws, and successes to celebrate; a brilliant day and great way to start the Colts’ season.

St Hugh's v The Downs 0-0 draw St Hugh's v Hereford Cathedral School 0-0 draw St Hugh's v The Els 0-1 Loss ( last second of play against us) St Hugh's v Cheltenham 2-2 draw St Hugh's v Beaudesert 4-1 loss (awesome strike from top D from Clara!)

St Hugh's v Moor Park 2-0 Win St Hugh’s v Richard Pate 0-2 Loss St Hugh's v Pinewood 1-0 Win

Boys’ Sport


What a great start to the season!

On Wednesday, we had a very successful first set of Rugby fixtures of the season, with some impressive results against a strong opposition in Cheltenham Prep. The 1st team started the season with an impressive 35 – 10 victory, playing some exciting Rugby with Rocco S, Tom R, Gus M, Jonty F all on the score sheet. The U11A showed great character to come from 15-0 behind to win 30 – 25 in a pulsating match where Morgan D, Eddie F, Llywi G and Oliver O were all on the score sheet. The U11B didn’t get a positive result but with several players playing their first ever Rugby match it was a valuable learning experience with Arthur Y, Theo T and Ollie H all being outstanding on their sporting debut for the school. Both the U10 A and B recorded impressive victories, the A team raced to a 15 – 0 lead and then had to battle and show real determination to hold on to a 15-10 victory when Cheltenham came roaring back in the second half. Despite being the physically smaller team, the U10B put a magnificent performance to win 65-20 with Max T and Oscar E impressing throughout the match. The U12A&B teams played in a festival at Cheltenham Prep against some big schools. The A team were involved in 4 very tight matches involving some high class Rugby and fantastic defence. They got the victory they deserved in their final fixture against Dean Close and special mention to Louis HB, who on his debut for the school showed some brilliant footwork before running the length of the pitch to score a try. The B team won 2 of their 4 matches and looked effective in attack, with JJ and Alistair G linking up well for several tries.

Charity News

One year on from Sam and Rosie’s heart surgery we have been reflecting on the kind support that we have received from the St. Hugh’s community and the fantastic care at Southampton Hospital. We have chosen to fundraise for two charities who support paediatric intensive care and ‘Ocean Ward’ (the children cardiac ward). Southampton Hospital treats all cardiac children in the Wessex and Thames Valley area who require surgery and therefore many more families will benefit from any support that you kindly donate. Thank you! The Clarke family x

If you would like to donate, please click here or here.

Charity News

A special mention this week has to go to Olivia E. She has had many successful races this year and has just been selected to race with the Shetland Grand National team for charity at Flintham Show on Thursday 26th September. Olivia and Smokey’s next race is at Blenheim Horse trials on Sunday 22nd September at Blenheim Palace. They are racing for Bob Champion Cancer charity. If you are at Blenheim palace on that day, please do say hello and give your support to Olivia!

Music News

Music Exam Results

Huge congratulations to Fraser who passed his Grade 2 Drums exam, with a merit!


For more information about auditioning for a new HBO Series, please use the link below:

Cast It Talent


DIAMOND NETBALL still have spaces in all age groups.

Our ethos is to ensure our sessions are fun, inclusive and help develop Netball skills for all. Our sessions are well planned and engaging, and we love to see the children finish each session with a smile on their face! We also nominate those to trial for Matrix Netball if we think they are ready.

The details are as follows:

Dates: Week 1) 7th September Week 6) 19th October Week 2) 14th September Week 7) 9th November Week 3) 21st September Week 8) 16th November Week 4) 28th September Week 9) 23rd November Week 5) 12th October Week 10) 30th November

Times: Years 1&2: 9.00am-9.45am Years 3&4: 9.45am-10.30am Years 5,6&7: 10.30am-11.15am

Venue: Larkmead School, Sports centre, Abingdon, OX14 1RF

Please use our BOOKING FORM to confirm a space. We are also on Facebook if you would like to see some of our sessions!

St Hugh’s Supports...

Mark Viner International Concert Pianist presents a beautiful autumn recital of

Beethoven, Chopin, Alkan and Liszt Sunday 29thSeptember 6.00pm At and in aid of

Littleworth Church ///swept.cosmetic.defensive or SN7 8ED

Tickets: £15 early bird/£20 from 16th September to include a glass of wine and light refreshments

EITHER Pay direct by BACS:

Littleworth Church,


30-99-50, 24813660

confirm by email to alice@manorfarmchase.com OR scan QR code (on which booking fee applies )

This concert is made possible through the very generous support of The Bishopsdown Trust

and other kind sponsors as shown

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