13th September 2024


Middle School have had a fantastic first full week together. We have thoroughly enjoyed observing your children in their new classrooms and experiencing the wide and rich curriculum that Middle School offers. The children have begun some targeted Maths and English work in smaller groups, and this will continue moving forward. If you have any questions about your child’s group or their teacher for these core subjects, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with a member of the Middle School team.

Year 3 – we are incredibly proud of how well the children are managing their new routines and belongings. With support, the children are moving from lesson to lesson with increasing confidence and have been thrilled to enjoy new areas of the school, including the beautiful Music Room and The Barn. In Maths, the children have been representing and partitioning 3- digit numbers and look forward to exploring 4-digit numbers next week. In English, the children have described a woodland setting, considering adjectives, verbs and the use of our five senses. In addition, the children have started work on Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar and are looking forward to beginning our first text of the year ‘Leon and the Place Between’ by Angela McAllister. Year 4 – The children have had a fun-filled week of Forest School, where they had the opportunity to harvest potatoes and cook them over the fire. In addition, the children also enjoyed picking and cooking apples from our Forest School Garden. The children also created their own crafts & toys using natural, woodland materials and even had time to make dens and a zip wire! Next week, Year 4 will have their enriching Lumos trip to Winchester College, where they will explore the Treasury and Fellowes Library.

In Maths, they will continue to explore 4-digit place value. This week, we have started our English text, 'FArTHER', focusing on asking questions about the story and making predictions. Next week, the children will be writing setting descriptions using noun phrases.

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