13th September 2024

Year 8 Geography and Science

River Cole Trip

On Thursday Year 8 all went to spend the day by the side of, and in, the River Cole. A Science and Geography combined trip, the day was split into two halves. The morning began in beautiful sunshine with half of the group completing a biological survey of the river, assessing the water quality and catching a multitude of aquatic life including some impressive crayfish. The other half of the group grabbed some waders and got stuck into some proper Geography fieldwork where they collected data so they can determine whether there is a difference between the width, depth and speed in a straight section compared to in a meander. A small hailstorm on the way up to lunch followed by a few showers on our return to the river, led to a rather damp afternoon. Spirits remained high as the groups switched over and it was fantastic to see lots of brilliant teamwork on display as we raced the ominous black clouds fast approaching our site to finish our data collection.

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