13th September 2024

Girls’ Sport


The Hockey term is finally back!

It has been fantastic watching the enthusiasm the girls have had in both their games sessions and Pre Season training. Cheltenham is always a tough fixture to start the season with but the girls put in some impressive performances across the board, winning our first piece of silverware. The Colts A have had an intense start to their season with two tournaments under their belt already. Wednesday saw them face some strong team at the St Edward’s tournament. After a slow start the girls recorded an impressive victory against Farleigh meaning we qualified for the Blanchard Cup. The girls then found their confidence to win against Pinewood and Dragon and secure a draw against Elstree resulting in us taking the trophy home!

The senior girls headed to Cheltenham for their fixtures. The 1st had a game of two halves where fitness proved crucial. An evenly matched first half saw a 2-2 score at half time with excellent goals from the Hockey captain Mariella M-S and debutant Nina V. The second half proved more one sided with Cheltenham running away with the lead. The 2nd VII had a great first game of the season scoring a 2-0 victory. Alexa H worked her socks off upfront, being rewarded with a great goal. The 3rd VII made their coach Mrs Ricks very happy. They gelled as a team, and played some fantastic Hockey utilising space, linking passes and creating many scoring opportunities. Well done Olivia VM on her hat-trick and MVP!

The two 4th teams faced strong Cheltenham opposition but have gained a lot of experience and will come out stronger next time. The Colts B and C enjoyed staying on home soil. The Colts B had a tough game but a special mention has to go to Georgia B-P who was outstanding in goal and Maggie D for scoring their goal. The Colts D had a close game with Cheltenham scoring a frustrating goal to take the win. This is a fantastic achievement for the girls, as it was the majority of the team’s first ever Hockey match.

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