13th September 2024

THIS WEEK IN... RECEPTION Reception We have had a brilliant second week in Reception. The children are continuing to settle extremely well into their new routines and we have been having lots of fun in the classroom. We introduced our first Topic, Let's Celebrate. This week, we have celebrated being us! We talked about what makes us the same and different and recognized that we are all special and it is OK to be different. We call this being 'unique’.

In Phonics, we have been playing listening games and we have learnt the tricky word ‘the’.

In Maths, we have been practising careful counting. When counting objects, we make sure we line them up and say one number as we tap each object. The number we stop on tells us how many objects are in the set. We call this the 'stopping number'. We are linking the skill of counting concrete objects to the pictorial representations and the abstract numerals.

WOW words:

jovial, unnoticed, astonished, slink, identical

Book of the Week: ‘Elmer’ by David McKee

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