When the Arrow Flies



THE whole thing had begun one night when Harry Bollback had taken his old place as pianist on the platform of a large auditorium in New York Times Square. He had recently returned from foreign service with the Marines in Okinawa, Pelalu, and China. It was a great youth rally. The man at the microphone had also just returned from foreign service, a different kind. As Harry listened to the older missionary describing the front lines of battle with the hosts of spiritual darkness, his pulse began to throb, and his heart pounded. He determined that Jesus Christ should henceforth have all of his life, too, and everything he had. The missionary’s words rang through the vast hall: “He who said, ‘Come unto Me’ is saying, ‘Who will go for Me?’” The musical background supplied by the piano ceased. Jack Wyrtzen, leader of the meeting, lifted his eyes from the missionary to the piano bench. It was vacant. Then he saw Harry standing at the altar at the front of the vast auditorium, head bowed. The “call” had come to him, and he had answered.


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