When the Arrow Flies

“Lord, take them safely on their way and bring them safely home again. We do not know what lies before.” It was time to hug those little pajama-clad darlings with their tousled hair and solemn eyes. It was time to kiss good-bye and climb up on the trucks. It was time to be brave and wave good-bye as the trucks moved away. It was time to reassure the children. It was time to face that first lonely day, knowing there would be many such days after that. The tears weren’t supposed to overflow when Millie watched Harry climb onto the truck. But they did. The children weren’t supposed to see those drops on Mommy’s cheeks, but they did. The loaded truck moved off and left only smoke and dust behind. Millie tripped over the dog lying in the doorway as she went into the house. She put water on the stove to heat for the boric acid solution. There were lots of sore eyes to treat. It was the time of one of the frequent epidemics of acute conjunctivitis among the Bacuris. Then she put one child on each side of her with a cup of warm milk and opened the Bible. “From that time onward Jesus began to explain to His disciples that He would have to go to Jerusalem and endure much suffering and finally be killed and raised to life again.”


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