TZL 1340



Get on the phone now!

O .K. The virus is in full bloom and the economy as well as our way of life is completely screwed up. We can all agree on that, I’m sure. But in spite of these facts, you have to keep your business going. Lamenting the past won’t do you any good. “Getting on the phone and staying on the phone for a few days every week for the next couple months will be good for you.”

Mark Zweig

I read an article the other day on Twitter from a fellow who billed himself as a “soldier/ entrepreneur/TEDx speaker” who advised business owners to not act on ideas they had in the night, and instead involve all employees in a plan to be implemented in 90-120 days. I have to say I am disgusted by such drivel. Most small businesses will be gone in 90-120 days if they don’t act quickly! And while many A/E firms are a little better able to withstand the hit they are taking in terms of revenue declines, there’s no time like the present for some quick action. So the question at hand is what are you really doing to get more work and get new clients right now? NOW is the time to get out both of your six- guns and start shooting! Here are my thoughts: 1)Call your clients. Get on the phone and stay on

it. Talk to every client and potential client you can. The best part about calling now is you will be able to reach a lot more people than you ever could pre-virus. Find out what their real needs are. And I’m not talking about their needs for what YOU do necessarily. I’m just talking about their NEEDS . What are their problems? How are they responding to the situation? Is there anything you can do to help? Ask, ask, ask, and ask more questions. I have to believe if you and your other top people would commit to staying on the phone eight to 10 hours a day for a couple days a week and then caucus about it, you will find new work and you will come up with new ideas for services that you can provide to clients. 2)Share information with the people you speak with. Tell them what you are hearing and what you

See MARK ZWEIG, page 4

THE ZWEIG LETTER April 13, 2020, ISSUE 1340

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