HVR100 Manual




609.6 mm (24 inches) diagonal monitor, backlit LED, 1920x1080 pixels

Operator Display

Monitor Display Area

279.4mm x 241.3 mm (11 x 9.5 inches)

Monitor Pixel Size

0.36 x 0.36 mm (0.014”)

Sentech monochromic, 5 megapixels (2448 x 2058) on 2/3- inch array

Camera Type

Camera Interface

USB 3.0 cable

Optics Mount


Working Distance

255 mm

Telecentric Lens Magnification


Telecentric Lens Field of View

92.7 mm x 76.2 mm (3.65 x 3.0 inches)

Screen magnification


Visual Resolution on Monitor

1920 x 1080 pixels

Optical Distortion


Telecentric Depth of Field (split 1/3 front, 2/3 back)

25 mm

Telecentric Lens FWD

255 mm

Optical accuracy **

.010 mm (.0004-inches) or better

Note: ** Measurements were made using a 25mm fiducial on glass circle, .750-inch gauge block, and a .621-gauge pin with appropriate shape correction.

Operator Controls



Computer Interface

24-inch color monitor, wireless keyboard and wireless mouse

Lens movement

Wire-controlled pendant that controls the speed and direction of telecentric lens moving on the Z-axis.


On/Off switch that powers the HVR system on and off.


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