The following terms might have additional meanings. The definitions that follow are in the context of the HVR metrology systems.
The maximum error that the system will produce when measuring a true standard.
A direction which allows movement and along which dimensions can be measured. In the HVR systems, the X-axis is horizontal from left to right, and the Y-axis is from front to back, and the Z- axis is from bottom to top. A condition where the parts of the video image are distorted by oversaturated bright regions, making illuminated regions appear larger than they really are. The alignment of the camera relative to the motion of the metrology stage. If the camera is misaligned (out of square), the image will drift diagonally as the stage position is moved along one axis. (Only applies to systems with X and Y stages.) Charge Coupled Device. The solid-state image sensing element of the video camera. Optical image distortion at the CCD sensor across the maximum field of view. Expressed in percent for the dimensional error along one axis divided by the true dimension. A computer aided design (CAD) data file format developed by Autodesk, Inc. and now also used by other companies for the export and import of CAD data. The condition which provides the sharpest image. Achieved by optimizing the distance between the object and imaging optics. The region of the metrology stage being viewed by the camera and displayed on the video monitor. A video measurement performed in a single field of view without moving the stage or camera. Lighting applied to the object from the same side as the camera so that surface features can be viewed on the video monitor. Lighting applied from the back of the object so as to create a silhouette when the object is viewed by the camera.
Camera Alignment
Field of View (FOV) FOV Measurement Illumination, Front Illumination, Back
Abbreviation for magnification.
Magnification, Lens Magnification, Image
In a metrology system, the image size in the CCD plane divided by the corresponding object size. Magnification on monitor. Image size on the video monitor divided by the corresponding object size. Same as lens magnification in a properly adjusted optical comparator.
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