AVR200 and AVR300 User Guide
2. Select Start or touch the Start button on the screen. If you have a CNC machine, the X, Y and Z-axis automatically references the machine. If you have a manual machine, you will need to move the hand cranks until the screen tells you that that axis is homed.
3. Once the machine is homed, the screen indicates the machine is homed and there is a green checkmark in the upper right corner of the screen. Touch or click on the screen.
For accurate measurement, this checkmark must be green before proceeding.
6.4 Fixturing Parts
Parts must be fixtured securely to prevent part movement during measurement. Also, proper alignment of the part to the stage can aid in measurement. If the part is off -axis from the stage, X-Y-Z measurements will not correlate as well with the part dimensions. Aligning the part with the X, Y and Z axes of the system will improve dimensional measurements. Orientation errors, or skew errors, can also be removed by creating a reference frame based on the part before taking measurements. Refer to the MetLogix M3 Video and FOV Inspection Software User’s Guide for details.
The following figure provides the location of the tooling holes on the system. Use these locations to customize the system to your operating requirements.
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