KMR Manual

4.4 KineMic M3 Zoom, 200 mm Encoder Stage, P/N KMR-200-M3

4.4.1 System Description This powerful yet affordable vision metrology system provides 6.5:1 magnifying zoom optics with six detents, a manual 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) X-Y stage with digital encoders, a 24” touch-screen monitor, and a Shuttle PC with MetLogix M3 vision metrology software. Metrology features include video edge detection, computer controlled LED lighting, field-of-view (FOV) measurements, 2D geometric functions, tolerancing, image archiving, and data import/export under Windows ® 10. FOV measurements are seamlessly integrated with stage motion to measure parts up to 200 mm (8”). These capabilities are normally only found in larger, more expensive vision metrology systems. 4.4.2 Metrology Unit Dimensions

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