4.4.3 Getting Started
KineMic KMR-200-M3 systems are shipped in a single wooden crate. Use a power screwdriver to remove 8 Phillips screws from the lid and 6 Phillips screws from the front side. The 14 screw locations are marked in red. Remove the lid and front side of the crate, then carefully remove the contents of the crate from the open side. For photos, please see the Unpacking & Installation section of this manual. Place the metrology unit and 24” touch-screen video monitor on the intended desktop or benchtop. Attach the Shuttle PC to the back of the 24” touch-screen monitor using supplied hand-screws. Note that you will be using the Shuttle PC’s USB connectors facing down. Remove any shipping tabs that may have been installed to protect the X-Y stage for shipment. Connect the Shuttle PC to the 24” touch-screen monitor using a supplied USB cable and USB 3.0 ports (blue connectors). Connect the Shuttle PC to the camera of the microscop unit to the Shuttle PC using a supplied USB cable and USB 3.0 ports (blue connectors). Connect the Shuttle PC to the MetLogix controller using a supplied USB cable. Verify that one of the USB ports of the Shuttle PC contains the transceiver for the wireless mouse and keyboard. Plug the metrology unit and Shuttle PC in an AC power outlet, and turn on both units. Launch MetLogix M3 software by clicking on the “Run M3” shortcut on the computer desktop, and a highly magnified image of an object placed on the base will appear on the monitor screen. Please refer to the supplied M3 software manual on the use and extensive capabilities of M3 software. Move the stage in the X and Y directions by using handwheels. Use the smaller handwheels for fast motion, the larger handwheels for fine control. Set focus by raising and lowering the optical head. The object to be viewed will be in best focus at a specific height. Use the two large inner knobs on the side of the Z-column for coarse height adjustment, then use the two smaller outer knobs for fine height adjustment. Focusing is most sensitive at the highest magnification. Set magnification by turning the knurled adjustment in front of the zoom optics to one of its six detent positions. With parfocal zoom optics as used by KineMic, the image will stay in focus regardless of magnification. You may wish to set focus at highest magnification, then reduce magnification and increase the field of view. Note that the system is calibrated for all six zoom detent positions, which can be selected via a pull-down menu. Please refer to the M3 software manual. With M3 software, top and bottom illumination are adjusted via sliders on the computer screen. Illumination settings can also be saved and be recalled under program control for more repeatable video edge detection.
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