KMR Manual

Unpacking & Installation


7.1 Shipped Components

KineMic XGA Zoom, Basic KMR-XGA

KineMic XGA Zoom, 2x2 Stage KMR-50- XGA

KineMic D1 Zoom, 2x2 Stage KMR-50-D1

KineMic M3 Zoom, 4x8 Stage KMR-200-M3

KineMic D1 Zoom, FOV KMR-ZFOV- D1

KineMic M3 Zoom, FOV KMR-ZFOV- M3

KineMic M3 Telecentric, FOV KMR-TFOV- M3

KineMic M3 0.14X Tele- centric FOV KMR-TFOV- 0.14X

Product Feature

Metrology unit with basic stage Metrology unit with X-Y stage

19” VGA monitor

VGA cable for camera signal

24” touch-screen monitor AC power cable to monitor

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Shuttle PC

USB cable for camera USB cable for MetLogix unit

USB cable for 24” video monitor Brick power sup- ply for met. unit Brick power sup- ply for Shuttle PC

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