KMR Manual

7.6 On-Site Functional Test, Calibration and Training All SKE vision metrology systems and optical comparators are calibrated at the factory prior to shipment; however, it is possible that components may have moved during shipment. A complete functional test and calibration are recommended following physical installation. Professional system installation is available for all KineMic systems and is quoted as a sepa- rate line item. It is highly recommended for all systems with M3 software and is purchased by most users. As part of its setup services, SKE oversees the equipment’s in-plant transportation to its permanent location and uncrating. SKE then performs the physical setup and electrical connection, followed by a completed functional checkout. This typically takes 1/2 day for a KineMic system. The system is then allowed to temperature stabilize overnight. On-site calibration normally takes place on the day following setup. Calibration uses NIST- traceable glass grids and gage blocks. Calibration typically takes 1/2 to 1 day for a KineMic system. On-site basic operator training is provided following calibration. This typically takes 1/2 day for a KineMic system. Many customers choose to augment basic training with additional hands-on training, where new operators program parts of the type on which they will be working. Training is with the new equipment and is limited to 1 to 3 people, so that these can all get hands-on time. SKE’s objective is to create “power users,” who can then train other users when needed. Installation services in North America (USA, Canada and Mexico) are provided by professional service technicians operating out of the Laguna Hills, CA, headquarters of Starrett Kinemetric and its regional sales offices. Outside of North America, installation services are provided by Starrett subsidiaries in Brazil (for South America), Scotland (for Europe and Africa), China (for Mainland China), and Singapore (for Southeast Asia), and Australia.

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