KMR Manual

2.4 KineMic with 50 mm Micrometer Stage & D1 Software, P/N KMR-50-D1 In this affordable yet versatile video inspection system, X and Y micrometers move a 50 x 50 mm (2” x 2”) stage in the X and Y directions and also display the stage position digitally with a resolution of 0.001 mm or 0.00005”. Additional capabilities are provided by a 24” touch-screen monitor and a Shuttle PC with MetLogix D1 software. This software allows

image markup and archiving on disk, as well as printout and emailing. It also provides basic measu- rement capabilities within the field of view for points, lines, circles, angles and distances. To make measu- rements, crosshairs are positioned manually on the screen by using a mouse or pressing the computer touch-screen directly.

2.5 KineMic Zoom with 200 mm Encoder Stage & M3 Software, P/N KMR-200-M3 This powerful yet affordable vision metrology system features 6.5:1 magnifying zoom optics with six detents, a manual 100 x 200 mm (4” x 8”) X-Y stage with digital encoders, a 24” touch-screen monitor, and a Shuttle PC with MetLogix M3 vision metrology software.

System features include video edge detection, computer controlled LED lighting, field-of-view (FOV) measurements, 2D geometric functions, tolerancing, image archiving, and data import/ export under Windows® 10. FOV measure- ments are seamlessly integrated with stage motion to measure parts up to 200 mm (8”). These capabilities are normally only found in larger, more expensive vision metrology systems.

2.6 KineMic Zoom FOV with M3 Software, P/N KMR-ZFOV-M3 This vision metrology system features 6.5:1 magni- fying zoom optics with six detents, a 24” touch- screen monitor, and a Shuttle PC with MetLogix M3 vision metrology software. It is ideal for high-speed electronic measurements of small part parts that fit within the field of view (FOV) of the camera, which can range from 1.4 to 9 mm in the X direction

depending on the zoom setting. Optical non-linearity errors are mapped at the factory and are corrected in software for each zoom detent position. The M3 software is also great for image archiving and anno- tation. The result is an accurate and versatile FOV zoom metrology microscope for different magnifica- tions and fields of view.

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