HE400 Operators Manual
Mains Voltage
Mains voltage is present inside the screen housing and a 110V supply inside the profile light cover. Access must be restricted to authorized and qualified personnel. Switch off and disconnect the mains supply before gaining access to the internal equipment.
Before switching on the projector for the first time, check the mains voltage setting as detailed in Section 3 - Installation .
1 Introduction
This manual applies to the Starrett HE400 Digital Optical Projector.
The HE400 is supplied with the following equipment:
HE400 :
Mx200 & M1 & M2 (Metlogix Mx200 & M1 & M2 software). This manual deals with installation of the Mx200 & M1 & M2. For operating them, refer to the Mx200 or M1 or M2 manual (www.metlogix.com).
QC DRO (Quadra Chek Digital Readout). This manual deals with installation of the DRO. For operating the DRO, refer to the QC manual supplied.
Edge detector (optional) . For use with the Mx200 or M1 or M2 or DRO; this manual deals with installation of a projector fitted with an edge detector. For operating the edge detector, refer to the Mx200 or M1 or M2 or DRO manual supplied.
Digital protractor .
Operating instructions for the digital protractor are given in this manual.
1000 0193 Rev C
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