King's Business - 1947-06

J U N E , 1947


Jesus loves me! Me who died Heaven’s gate to open wide; He will wash away my sin, Let His little child come in.

AN INVISIBLE GUEST AT YOUR TABLE W h ile we en joy the Lord’s goodness to us in our homes and at our table, somewhere in ruined Eu­ rope, a Hebrew Christian brother, a little Jewish child , are hungry and homeless. Wouldn’t you be glad to have one of these little ones at your table to share the Lord’s goodness to you with them? To show them His love? You can do so by sending a contribution to us which will be used for supp ly ing the material, phy s ica l, and sp iritua l needs of distressed Israel. “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have ddne it unto me.” Your g i f t s , small or large, urgently n e e d e d . Please write to THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISIONARY ANDRELIEF SOCIETY, INC. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Joseph M. Steel Treasurer Dr. Joseph T. Britan General Secretary Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Hev. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D. Principal. Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada


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Our quarterly bullet)«, ISRAEL MY GLORY, seet to all coetrlbutors aad else ea request.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

Official Publication of The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Incorporated


Louis T. Talbot, D.D.

Betty Bruechert Managing Editor

William W. Orr, D.D. Associate Editor

Editor in Chief

Copyright, 19i7, The King’s Business No part of this magazine may be reproduced without permission. All Rights Reserved.

Child Evangelism and Youth Education Number

Vol. 38

June, 1947

No. 6

Bu ilders builder builded a temple He wrought with care and skill. Pillars and groins and arches Were fashioned to meet his will; And men said when they saw its beauty: "It shall never know decay. Great is thy skill, O builder, Thy fame shall endure for aye.” \ teacher builded a temple; She wrought with skill and care, Forming each, pillar with patience, Laying each stone with prayer. None saw the unceasing effort; None knew the marvelous plan; For the temple the teacher builded Was unseen by the eyes of man. /"''ONE is the builder's temple; Crumbled into the dust, Pillar and groin and arches Food for consuming rust; But the temple the teacher builded Shall endure while the ages roll; For that beautiful, unseen temple Was a child’s immortal soul.

CONTENTS Cover: “ Jesus Loves Me,” Eva Luoma photo. Picture Credits: George R. King, p. 6 ; Adelbert Bartlett, p. 11; Eva Luoma, pp. 12, 15; Press Association, p. 21. Editorially Speaking.....................................- .................................................. 4 Balaam, The Two-Faced, Vance Havner ............. - ................................... 6 How Does Your Conversation Rate? Betty Bruechert ........... - ............... 7 Child Evangelism and Education Among the Jivaro Head-Hunters, Mrs. George Moffatt .............................................. 8 The Emanuel School Adventure, Paul C. R. Peterson ........................... 9 Yesterday, Pentecost— Today, What? William H . Heppe ................... 11 The Colored Child Evangelism Fellowship, Erwin R. Wedel ................ 13 The Barefoot Boy, John Greenleaf Whittier ............. ......... ..................... 15 The Christian’s Warfare, David W . Ewart .............................................. 16 The Heavenly Guest, Annie Johnson Flint .......................................... . 17 Biola Family Circle .................................................................................. — 20 Earth’s Treasure Heaps, Paul R. Bauman ................................................ 22 Junior King’s Business, Martha S. Hooker. ................. ............................. 23 Dr. Talbot’s Question Box................................................................ ........... 25 When a Minister Played God, F. John Carter:. ...................................... 26 Rivers of Living Water, Philip B. Marquart.... ............................... 27 The Bible in the News................. ................................................................ 28 Young People’s Topics, Walter L. Wilson ................................................ 30 It’s An Idea, Carlton C. Buck ................. ................................................. 31 Miscellanea ..................................................................... 34 Sunday School Lessons....................................................................... 36 Object Lessons, Elmer L. Wilder.....:. ...................................................... 42 S U B S C R IP T IO N IN F O R M A T IO N — "The Kins’« Business” Is published monthly; 12 . 00 , one yr.; SI.00. six months; 20 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. Write for details. Canadian and foreign subscriptions 25 cents extra. It require« one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. R E M IT T A N C E S —Payable in advance, should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King’s Business.” Date of expiration will show plainly on outside wrapper or cover of magasine. A D V E R T IS IN G — For Information, address the Advertising Manager, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 13. California. M A N U S C R IP T S — "The King’s Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts sent In for consideration. Entered as second-class matter November T, 1938, at the Post Office at Los AnKelex, California» under the Act of March 3. 1879. Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postage provided for in the Act of February 28, 1925, embodied in paragraph 4, section 538, P. U and R., authorised October 1, 1918, and November 13, 1938. ADDRESS: The King’s Business. 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 13, Calif.

—Author Unknown.

ever seen. While no doubt there is behind these announcements a sincere de­ sire to attract the unsaved to the rheetings, we question both the ad­ visability and the truth of these statements. Certainly it seems to smack strongly of Hollywood’s “stu­ pendous,” “sensational,” and “colos­ sal,” which are certainly not at all in keeping with the descriptive ad­ jectives which are employed by the Word of God. For instance, Abraham, that mighty man of the Scriptures, is simply termed “the friend of God,” while Moses, the great lawgiver, is designated as “very meek, above all men.” You may search the writings of the New Testament in vain to find superlatives to describe him who was without doubt one of the great­ est men of all times, Paul the apostle. On the other hand, . the Spirit of God does employ such de­ scriptive words as of one “approved in Christ,” or “my brother, and com­ panion in labour, and fellowsoldier,” or, “a servant of Jesus Christ.” Re­ membering that we are dealing in things spiritual, is it not of heavenly wisdom to employ the terms that the Holy Spirit uses and to thus clothe our thought in terms of true humil­ ity? In this way, there will be no hindrance to the release of spiritual power. ★ Slavery A CCUSTOMED as we are to star- tling items in the news, we were still somewhat astounded at the case of a Southern California couple’s being charged with holding a Negro maid in slavery for thirty years. It was alleged that the woman’s igno­ rance was taken advantage of, and she was deprived of her liberty and right to personal happiness. The story which the newspapers carried seemed bizarre in the extreme. All of this leads us to state that there is another kind of slavery in existence. It is the slavery of the natural man to the bondage of sin. The Scriptures teach us in no uncer­ tain terms that everyone is either the bond slave of Jesus Christ, or a slave of Satan and his principalities and powers. While men boast loudly of their freedom and of their ability to choose for themselves, hidden be­ neath the surface are strong chains of sinful heritage and habit. Men sin because they are sinners from birth and the ways of transgression

become manifest unbelievably early in the life of a child. The grip of this slavery holds on through the entire life unless it is broken by the direct interference of the power of Almighty God. But, praise His Name, there is freedom, real and glorious, to be found in the liberty which Christ gives! This freedom has with­ in it the essence of genuine liberty, not to do our own will, but to work the will of the God of the universe. How wonderful it is to be able to proclaim that this freedom from sin and self is a gift from a loving and tender God on the basis of surrender to the Lord Jesus Christ! Surely there is need to shout to the high heavens that the Emancipation Proc­ lamation for all men has been signed, and only awaits one’s accept­ ance of it for full enjoyment. ★ Peace? FPHE second anniversary of the end of actual hostilities of World War II is drawing near. We are settling down now to the ways of peace, or to that which is called peace. The organizations, committees and struc­ tures for the maintenance of peace are functioning, and the orators of the world are again proclaiming the progress toward the time of pros­ perity and millennial happiness which is supposedly being made. But what are actual conditions in the world today? First, in the Holy Land there is an undeclared war to the finish between the Zionists, Arabs and British. In Greece, hostil­ ities have never ceased. In China, actual peace seems farther away than it ever was. In South America, there have been several full scale revolutions within the past year. In India, the conflicting elements threaten momentarily to fly at each others’ throats. All over the world there hangs the larger threat of the possibility of eventual outbreak be­ tween communists and capitalists. What, according to the Word of God, lies ahead for this unhappy sphere? Let me outline it briefly. Unto the end of this age, wars and rumors of wars are determined. Each peace will be but an armistice. Wars will grow in intensity and in de­ structive ability unto the end. Men’s hearts will fail them for fear, but even this will not bring about the desired peace. Knowledge will in­ crease but even intelligence will not postpone conflict. World conditions will grow worse and worse until T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

God’ s Handiwork

rpHE to poet, writing of his ability compose poetry, admits: “But only God can make a tree.” It is truly a mystery how thinking men and women can view the marvels of God’s universe, and not bow low in grateful acknowledgment before their Creator. How would you like to live in a world without trees? Have you ever considered how much more desirable life is because of them? Think, for instance, of the shade which their leafy boughs pro­ vide, and of the protection against the elements they afford. Consider the beauty wherewith they enhance the landscape at this season of the year. Have you ever seen a cherry tree in blossom? What a wonderful provision by an Almighty God to arrange for the appearance of fruit to be preceded by a display of color and perfume from the blossom! We would not fail to tell, too, of the utilitarian value of trees with round golden oranges, big red apples, and a multitude of other fruits. A recent news item gives the ac­ count of the felling of a large red­ wood tree whose giant trunk was large enough to provide lumber for thirty-one houses. Have you ever thought that it is God’s provision for wood to be thus easily obtained and to be easily handled, that God has given us both soft pine and ebony, and that this supply is an ever in­ creasing one? So, as you sit before the fireplace in your home, toasting your feet, while the logs crackle merrily, remember that it is God who has graciously provided this means of comfort. Is it possible for intelligent men and women to view a tree, and not pour out their hearts in thanksgiving and wonder to the Giver of all good gifts? ★ “ Internationally Known” VOU can examine the newspapers for yourself, particularly the Sat­ urday issue, where notices are given concerning the church services for the Lord’s Day. There you will find listed that this speaker is “interna­ tionally known,” and the next one is “famous from coast to coast,” and still another is “the greatest on the American platform.” You might be led to think that gathered in your city or village for the next Sunday, would be the greatest assemblage of extraordinary men the world has Page Four

God Himself calls a halt to the whole matter. During this time, the preaching of the gospel will continue in spite of the barriers and in spite of hardships. Men and women will be born again and will know -the peace of God’s protecting hand in the midst of a world of unrest. Then, at God’s own time, the earth will once more know the tread of the feet of the One whose Name is the Prince of Peace. Then, and not until then, will peace actually come to this earth. Can we hasten that day? Can the church of Jesus Christ so serve as to shorten the time? Yes, by follow­ ing implicitly the command of Christ, which is not to endeavor to bring about peace by worldly means and carnal weapons, but to continue faithfully to proclaim the God-given and God-empowered message of sal­ vation for lost humanity through the death of the Lord Jesus Christ. May God give us heavenly wisdom to be faithful to our world-wide vision and task, and do the will of our Heavenly Father for this present day. ★ Juvenile Delinquency TT is evident that at last our coun- ■*- try has become exercised over the problem of juvenile delinquency. Various solutions are being offered, many of them with real merit. Wom­ en’s clubs and men’s organizations have taken up the problem, and it is gratifying to see that to some extent there has been a recession in the numbers of young people in trouble. We want to go on record as approv­ ing anything which will afford op­ portunity for constructive living and right thinking among our young people. However, it has always seemed to us that juvenile delinquency was an effect, and not a cause in itself. It is a symptom rather than a disease. It is the result of a very grave spirit­ ual disorder. That disorder is the wrong kind of home environment. One msty talk as he likes about the repressive influence of the stern and rigorous Puritan home, but there is no argument against the fact that such homes produced children of principle and backbone, which formed the virile strata of our na­ tional life. If we could have in America today the influence of the early American home, there is no doubt that the problem of juvenile delinquency would almost disappear. Now what constitutes the right kind of a home?. Let us remember first that the home is God’s own in­ stitution, and that God understands our frame, and remembers that we possess a sinful nature. Therefore, in His wisdom, He has seen fit to JUNE, 1947

establish the home on the clear principle of certain punishment for broken laws. It is part of His plan that obedience should be exacted from children, and - that the best method to bring about such obedi­ ence is by a liberal use of the rod. Furthermore, God has planned that no child should grow up without clearly understanding the place of the Creator in the universe and in the lives of men and women. The means of bringing about these re­ sults in the home are the reading of the Word of God and the observ­ ance of prayer. What is the conclusion of the whole matter? It is simply this: Good homes produce good citizens, and good homes are only possible on the basis laid down in the Scrip­ tures. When men and women seri­ ously attempt to rear their children in the fear of God, and follow His precepts, they will find coming to their aid both supernatural strength and wisdom which God has promised to supply. ★ Profitable Summer TN these days of liberal theology and lax thinking among multi­ tudes of Christian people, there has risen a splendid movement in the Summer Bible Conference. All over our land are delightful vacation spots dedicated to the purpose of providing a vacation refreshing both to spirit and body. This coming summer, the Bible In­ stitute of Los Angeles is sponsoring a Bible Conference at beautiful Mount Hermon, deep in the heart of the redwood country of Central California. Mount Hermon, for the past forty years, has been a favorite vacation spot for thousands of God’s children. An excellent program has been arranged with outstanding Bible teachers including Dr. Louis T. Tal­ bot, Dr. William Evans, Dr. Vernon McGee and Dr. Harry Rimmer. Music will be in charge of Dr. Herbert To- vey. Dates of the Conference are from August 24 to September 1, in­ clusive. Inquiries regarding accommoda­ tions should be directed to the Busi­ ness Manager, Mount Hermon Con­ ference Association, Mount Hermon, California. All other inquiries should be sent to the Conference Director, Dr. William Orr, 558 South Hope street, Los Angeles 13, California. ★ Startling Figures HTHE unchurched masses of the world are increasing at the rate of six million more per year than all the additions to all the churches. This is to say that from 1890 to 1935,

the heathen population of the world made a gain of 270 million over all the increases in the combined churches for that period. Surely here is cause for a heart searching of Christendom to find the answer to this desperate problem. For far too long, the Christians have been content to “hire” a pastor, not only to fulfill Certain spiritual obligations, but to do their Christian work for them as well. The result has been the slowing down to a snail’s pace the all-important task of winning one’s fellow man to Christ by personal contact on the part of the average layman. We need to pray that God will give us a lay-revival that again the rank and file of the church will take up the Saviour’s commission to win men one by one to Him. Certainly there will be no appreciable impres­ sion made upon the heathen world in its darkness by the select group of the “clergy.” ★ The Divorce Evil rpODAY’S statistics indicate the like- lihood that one out of every three marriages will end in divorce; that one out of five will not last one year; that more than half will not survive the first five years. These figures are furnished by Judge Edwin A. Robson, of the Superior Court of Cook County, Illinois, who has made a careful survey of the divorce cases which have come be­ fore him. Judge Robson states further: “I have discussed the religious features with my litigants who have appeared before me, and I have found that only a very small percentage of per­ sons who seek divorce attend church with any degree of regularity.” There is no doubt but that this great evil, which is the fountainhead of a score of other wrongs, is due basically to a lack of the fear of God. The only cure for it is a religious revival—a return to the moral stand­ ards based upon the gospel—which existed in our country a century ago. If we put back in the churches the old-fashioned mourners’ bench, if we place the Word of God in our homes, if we give the Lord Jesus Christ His rightful place in our own personal lives, there will be no divorce prob­ lem in our country. Since divorce is the failure of mar­ riage, and the failure of marriage is but the result of spiritual breakdown in the lives of married people, the only cure for the divorce evil is for each one involved to get right with God. There is far too much indiffer­ ence on the part of Christians to this great problem which is ruining the home life of our country. Page Five

Palm Canyon, Palm Springs, California

it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good?” “I shall see him, but not now: I shall behold him, but not nigh: there shall come a Star out of Jacob, and a Sceptre shall rise out of Israel, and . . . Out of Jacob shall come he that shall have dominion.” Who can doubt Calvin’s statement that Balaam was endued with the gift of prophecy? And yet, with all of his inspiration and eloquence, Balaam was a gamester. He was possessed of the notion that somehow he could be true to God and at the same time collect a financial rake-off on the side. "Maybe I can collect this reward from Balak and still do my duty.” You will perceive that this line of reasoning has not yet disappeared from the earth. Abraham would not let the King of Sodom reward him, lest he should say, “I have made Abram rich.” But Balaam had no such scruples nor do many who claim to be consistent Chris­ tians today. Dangle enough money before a man or an institution, and the strategy of Balaam will be pressed into service now as then. How to maintain the appear­ ance of absolute fidelity to God and yet not miss the reward of this world was Balaam’s problem. There is no way to do both, but countless souls have tried it. There are still those Gehazis who run after Naaman and who would follow a work of God by collecting a fee. If Balaam had really meant business with God, he would have sent Balak’s delegation home in short order, but he kept toying with his temptation until it ruined him. There are all sorts of clever devices today by which men maintain a pose of loyalty to God and yet clean up a nice profit from this present age. Balaam had his price and many a prophet today has his, and Satan is perfect­ ly willing for him to make fine speeches from Pisgah, if in his heart he nurtures that love of money which is the root of all evil.

O STRANGER character appears in all the Scrip­ tures than Balaam. This Jekyll-Hyde rose to heights and descended to depths on such a scale that Spurgeon sizes him up with the lines of

Ralph Erskine:

To good and evil equal bent, And both a devil and a saint.

He also likened him to old King Rufus who painted God on one side of a shield and the devil on the other, inscribing underneath the motto: “Ready for both; catch who can." Joseph Parker calls Balaam the Simon Magus of his day and says he was the greatest mystery with which Balak had to deal. Alexander Whyte, writing of Balaam, states: “Some eloquent preachers put all their religion into their eloquence.” Another expositor makes Balaam’s fault to be that he tampered with his inspiration. Maclaren asserts that Balaam “tried to make ‘the best of both worlds,’ so he. ran with the hare and hunted with the hounds.” At any rate, we never get away from Balaam in the Bible. His story is second to none in its fearful warnings. At the very end of the New Testament, we are still being reminded of Balaam—his way, his error and his doctrine. There is absolutely no doubt as to the inspiration of this strange prophet. We are not disposed to enter into the mystery of it here, but Balaam was mightily and mysteriously gifted. Not only was he blessed with in­ spiration, but also with eloquence. I dare you to find any higher heights of oratory in all the Word of God than such passages as these: “Let me die the death of the righteous, and let my last end be like his!” "God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do

T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

P«gc Six

Here also is one of those vain prayer meetings in which a man who already knows God’s will plays the fool with his guidance. When Balak’s emissaries came, Balaam advised them to stay around until he talked to God some more. There are men today who know what God wants them to do, but they put up a pious pretense of waiting still further on God, in the secret hope that perhaps God will change His mind. There are times to pray, but there are times when Moses is not to cry unto God, but to “ speak unto the children of Israel, that they go forward.” It does no good for Joshua to lie upon his face after the defeat of Ai: let him get up and find the Achan in the camp! It is of no avail for Balaam to have another prayer meeting when he will not be true to the light he has already received. He has God’S directive will, but he will not be content until in God’s permissive will he sets out to do what he really wanted to do all the time. “Let me die the death of the righteous,” prayed Balaam. But the Word continues the story: “Balaam also the son of Beor they slew with the sword.” Eloquent flights of rapturous oratory do not entitle one to the glorious exit of the righteous. Poetic prayers have often honored God with the lips while the heart was far from Him. We are seriously infected today with a brand of religiosity that matches Balaam’s eloquence in public, but all the while manages to stand In with Balak and collect the financial reward. We fear the Lord and serve our own gods. “Neverthless they did flatter him with their mouth, and they lied unto him with their tongues. For their heart was not right with him, neither were they stedfast in his covenant.” There is a very popular brand of Christianity now in vogue in our great and prosperous church bodies, that praises God in pious perorations on Pisgah, but manages to strike a deal with Balak on the side. One would think that the New Testament had nothing to say about being a friend of the world and an enemy of God. Concord of Christ and Belial, communion of light with darkness, fellowship of the temple of God with idols: this is the strange spectacle one beholds as men and churches and religious bodies let the world make them rich. If you wonder how men can praise the light and peddle dark­ ness, if you cannot understand how men can ascend to Pisgah and stoop to perdition at the same time, you really need not be surprised. It is Balaam brought up to date. Try to fathom the perversion of that prophet's heart and you will not wonder that the Book calls the human heart deceitful and desperately wicked. Let it strike holy terror to your own soul, and arouse you to watch and pray lest, having preached to others, you should be a castaway. I am persuaded that not a few today walk In the course of Balaam unwittingly, not having really examined their course in the light of the Spirit and the Word. It is time for a hearty fresh singing of "My soul, be on thy guard!” Balaam, the two-faced! Spurgeon tells us that the verse, “No man can serve two masters,” is often mis­ understood. He can serve three or four. The way to read it is this: “No man can serve two MASTERS.” They can­ not both be masters. He can serve two, but they can­ not both be his master . . . he cannot live for more than one master purpose—there can only be one master purpose in his Soul. “This one thing I do”—ah, that is it! Imagine Paul striking a deal with the Balaks of his day! None of those things moved him. Do not be deceived by eloquence on Pisgah. Remem­ ber that the same Balaam who uttered those rare literary gems gave advice of a sort most foul and de­ grading. The trouble with this spirit that courts the favor of Balak is that it is capable of things worse than that: it proclaims an unchanged heart full of corruption. It is merely a symptom of a worse disease. God grant us a heart that is perfect toward Him! JUNE, 1947

How Does Your Conversation Rate? A Quiz For Christians By Betty Bruechert 1. Is my grammar good, and do I try to improve my vocabulary? □ 2. Am I more interested in discussing principles than persons? □ 3. Is my speech free from slang and other objection­ able expressions? □ 4. Am I careful not to be garrulous? □ 5. When with a group, do I give others a chance to express their opinions, or do I dominate the entire conversation myself? □ 6. Do I avoid talking much about myself, either boast- ingly or disparagingly? □ 7. Can I relate an incident in an interesting manner, without exaggeration? □ 8. Do I keep my difficulties to myself, refusing to be a complainer? □ 9. Am I completely chaste in every word I utter? □ 10. Do I shun silly, unprofitable, worldly conversa­ tion? □ 11. Do I speak kindly and respectfully to elderly peo­ ple, and do I have merry, winning words for little children? □ 12. Would I rather talk about ideas than clothes, about books than money? □ 13. Do I keep up with world affairs so that I can dis­ cuss them intelligently? □ 14. Do I defend my absent friends when they are being criticized in a general conversation? □ 15. Do I accompany my words with a smile? Q 16. Am I able to speak comfortingly to those in trouble? □ 17. Do I make an effort not to raise my voice when I become excited? □ 18. Can I enjoy an evening of conversation with other Christians about the things of God? □ 19. Am I careful not to employ Scriptural expressions in a light way? □ 20. Do I speak candidly and earnestly, without trying to make an impression upon anyone? □ 21. Do I speak as kindly to my own family as I do to others? □ 22. Am I aware that my daily conversation may hurt or help others spiritually? □ 23. Do I really try to control my tongue, not saying much when I am angry or upset? □ 24. Can I draw out others in conversation about their personal interests and ideas? □ 25. Do I pray for God to “set a watch before my lips” that I may always speak for His glory? □ 7ou may allow yourself k for each question to which you can honestly answer, “ Yes." When you have totaled your score, consider it prayerfully. Next month’s questions will deal with the way in which the Christian spends his time. fi| t Seven

small amount for it each Friday. Classes begin again at 1 p.m. con­ tinuing until 2:30, when the boys get their machetes (long bread knife used for cutting weeds) and work on the plantations until 5 o’clock, at which time they return, wash and eat supper. Evening is always the time for play. It is cool then, and all the boys gather for games on the wide lawn which extends on four sides of the Mission Home. One has only to listen to their yells and shrieks of laughter to know that they are happy children. Boys from the various sections of the jungle know that they are welcome in our school. At present there are Indian boys from different tribes living here. Their fathers are enemies and have no friendly dealings with each other, but their boys play and study to­ gether. In this way, we are trusting God to break down these feuds which have existed for generations in these jungles. A few of our boys seem to be really born again, and they read the Word of God for themselves. Lately one boy bought a hymnal, saying that he wished to know better the words of the hymns and choruses which we sing in school, so he could sing them in his own home. God has promised to bless His Word; we trust that you will pray with us that it may be blessed here to the saving' of many of the Jivaros. Our Sunday morning and evening services continue to be well at­ tended. Good interest is expressed on the part of all who come. Mr. Moffatt talks to the men and boys in one room, while I give a flannel- graph lesson to the women and girls in another. At present, in my group, we are studying the Gospel of Luke. How we pray that these women may come to believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and be saved! Their minds are so dull and dark that it is very hard for them to take in very much at a time. We must be very, very simple, giving them just one Bible truth at a time, so that they will not become confused. Women who have been reared in Christian lands should never cease to thank God for their blessings. When one sees the condition of the poor jungle women, for whom no such thing as respect is ever exhibited, it is then that we know that our freedom is really a product of the gospel of Christ. The head-hunters do not believe that women have souls. But we know that they are among those whom “God so loved . . . that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.” Please put the Jivaro head-hunters, the men and women, and especially the boys and girls, on your prayer lists. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

ChildEvangelismandEducation AmongtheflivaroHead-Hunters

By Mrs. George Moffatt

M issionary work was first started at our'station in the southern jungles of Ecua­ felled and the land cleared prior to building the p r e s e n t Mission Home. Plantations were established where the foodstuffs native to these parts were grown; other food sup­ plies and mail are, to the present day, brought in by mules from Cuenca, the nearest mission station, five days away by muleback. When we are fortunate, we receive our mail twice a month, but otherwise just once a month. Five years ago, our Mission began a Primary school in this jungle. Our first enrollment was eleven boys. This does not mean that all eleven remained to the end of the school year—not by any means. Often we would retire, after seeing the boys safely inside and asleep, only to find, upon arising in the morning, that two or three had run off during the night. School life was not to their liking. The idea of sitting quietly in a classroom for even a half hour at a time was quite foreign to them. The best way to describe them is to say that they were like little wild animals in captivity for the first time. Never had they done anything in their whole lives but roam the woods, hunting and fishing. Our first task was to introduce our pupils to soap and water. Each lad was given a new piece of cloth and then escorted to the river and ini­ tiated into the delights of bathing, while each one washed his old loin­ cloth. At first they thought it was a kind of game, but they soon fell into the routine. Their capacity to forget as quickly as they learned was beyond all comprehension and was most taxing on one’s patience. They were much more interested in what was going on outside than in their lessons. Whenever a bird was spotted through the window, the class was instantly disrupted by their jumping up to see what kind Page Eight

of bird it was, and whether or not it was edible. Now, after five years, we have six­ te n boys and one girl enrolled. The girl is the daughter of our Indian cook. She is a widow who has no family ties and can therefore live here on the mission compound. She is very satisfactory, and very happy with us. At first it seemed impos­ sible to impress her daughter with the idea of entering the school. Every time it was mentioned, she firmly declared herself against it. So we said nothing for a few days while she became accustomed to the com­ pound. Then one morning she was told that she was to go into the class with the boys, and she has been there ever since. The conception of a girl’s being able to learn anything is entirely foreign to the Jivaros, so she is giving some of the boys quite a shock as she learns little by little to read, to spell and to figure. The school opens at 7:45 a.m. each day with the singing of gospel choruses and a short Bible story, and classes begin at 8 o’clock. The chil­ dren are taught arithmetic, spelling, reading, writing, geography, gram­ mar, catechism, hygiene and singing. Now they are quite used to sitting still in class for three-quarters of an hour. At 9:30, they are given a half-hour recess. Classes then con­ tinue on until 11:45, when they are free for the dinner hour. Often many of the boys take their cakes of soap, which we supply, and go down to the river for a bath before dinner. Our Indian cook prepares the noon meal, consisting of yucca, plantains with pelma soup, or a pot of beans or lentils. There also is one native vegetable, and with a large serving of this the Indian is satisfied. Night and morning the boys prepare their own breakfast and supper which con­ sist of a hot drink and some plan­ tains (vegetable banana) to go with the drink. Two boys are chosen each week for this task and are paid a

dor in 1929, when the trees were

The Emanuel School Adventure

By C. R. Peterson


school system, stated one hundred years ago that if the common people were educated, nine-tenths of crime would disappear. Instead of that high hope’s being fulfilled, crime has in­ crease ■ 500% since that statement was made, and there is no promise or hope that the juvenile delinquency rate and crime wave will subside. It has certainly been proven that the mere teaching of ethics is not suffi­ cient. There is a difference between knowing the Sermon on the Mount and the Saviour of the Mount. Only as a child’s heart is changed by the indwelling Christ will he have an adequate motivating force within to produce the desired moral effect without. Secondly, the public schools have failed to live up to their promise of strict neutrality in regard to reli­ gious matters. The church leaders in the last century were promised that if they would commit their children to the public school, and co-operate in the establishment of the public school system, the children would not in any way be influenced away from any particular sectarian be­ liefs, and that the school would refuse to take sides in any contro­ versial religious matters. However,' the trend in the public school education has been toward irreligion and even atheism. It is common knowledge that the schools teach evolution. The state textbooks in California have included this theory, and it is given sympathetic study. This is a brazen attack on the religious belief of a great group of Christian people today, who hold to the evangelical faith, and believe in the creation story as it is told in Genesis. By the schools’ presenta­ tion of evolution they are discredit­ ing the work of the church leaders who are insisting that the creation of man was a separate act of God, apart from the rest of creation, that man did not descend from the monkey, or any other animal, but was fashioned by the hand of the Almighty God, and was created in the image of God. Recently I was participating in a public debate with the principal of a junior high school. I made the state­ ment that the public schools were handicapped because they could not teach religion; because of that, they were of necessity having to give way to those who believed in absolutely nothing, and that the inevitable trend of public education would be

toward atheism. The principal re­ plied by stating, “Don’t you believe it. I have taught the history of re­ ligion in my classes, and many phases of the Christian religion are presented in our classrooms.” After pinning him down to a closer state­ ment of facts, he admitted that his presentation of the history of re­ ligion had in mind to “ free” the child from historic Christianity. The faith of Luther was repulsive to him; the beliefs of the fundamental Christian theologians were definitely outmod­ ed. He felt that it was his calling as an educator to lead the child into an experience where he would be a free moral agent, without the com­ pulsion of an arbitrary personal God. The public school educators, in other words, have definitely not been neu­ tral in the matter of religion, and the vast majority of them that pre­ sent religion in the classroom present a skeptical, Bible-denylng point of view, while others present one form or another of atheism. Thirdly, the public school system is failing in these present days to truly educate our children in the basic educational subjects. Various forms of progressive education have diluted the curriculum of our schools. Everyone knows that many high school graduates cannot read in­ telligently or write legibly. Electives are presented to children in the low­ er grades with the aim of the edu­ cators being to “expose” the child to education, and if one part of the curriculum does not “ take,” then something else is presented such as music, drama, or mechanics. A recent case came to my attention where the child was not willing to keep up with the academic studies in a Christian school, and so trans­ ferred to a public school where he did not have to spend his. time mas­ tering the basic subjects of reading, writing and arithmetic, and could give himself to shop work. It is ex­ pected that the child will continue through junior high and high school, graduating without ever being able to read or write properly and hav­ ing no mental discipline, because the public schools are letting him slip through without the proper disci­ pline. The failure of the public school in the three phases that I have men­ tioned stems from the educational philosophy underlying the public school system. Almost the entire pub- Page Nine

Mr. Peterson O N FEBRUARY 3 a lion-sectar­ ian evange l i c a l Christian Day School movement was by the Board of Directors of Eman­ uel Schools, Inc. The directors con­ sisted of a group of ministers and business men who were determined to provide a Christian education for their own children, as well as for the children of other Christian par­ ents. The Board purposed to provide educational training for young peo­ ple where the teaching would be free from atheism, evolution, fas­ cism, and communism, and where there would be scholarship in a true Christian atmosphere. The immediate goal of the Emanuel School Board is to establish fifty grammar schools, and fifty Emanuel Junior and Senior High Schools within the next three years. Sincerely some have asked the question, “Why the need of more schools?" A frank answer to this question will of itself demonstrate the urgency and need of this non­ sectarian Christian School system. No one will hesitate to admit that the public school has served a use­ ful purpose, and that many fine advances have been made as a re­ sult of the education of all children. There will always he the need of a strong public school system. In an­ swering the question, we would not minimize the need of the public edu­ cation of the masses of children. However, the public school system has failed to live up to some of the high hopes entertained by the church, as it relinquished its educational min­ istry in thf middle of the nineteenth century. The public school system has failed to produce an adequate moral basis for its instruction. Horace Mann, the principal promoter of the public JUNE, 1947

inaugurated in Northern California

deplore professionalism in the pas­ toral ministry, so by the authority of God’s Word, we should deplore it in the teaching ministry. In Luke 9:57-62, Jesus gave the qualifications of those who would enter into His ministry. First, there must be a willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the gospel and the ex­ tension of His kingdom. There must be a willingness upon the part of teachers called to this ministry to deny self and to take up the cross daily and to follow the Master, who left heaven’s glory to live among men as the Saviour, and who gave His life as a ransom for many. There must be a willingness to live by faith. A follower wanted to go and bury his father, and Jesus point­ ed out to him that a disciple could not insist upon “social security” and old-age pension. A disciple must be willing to trust God, and be willing to enter a ministry whether or not a pension is offered. Lastly, Jesus called for faithful workers. “No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.” The Emanuel School Board, and those who become associated with it, must persist through opposition and heartache and disappointment, look­ ing up toward the Lord from whence cometh salvation.

movement. As we have looked to the hills, we have seen the approach of the coming of the Lord. We know that He is in this educational min­ istry which is seeking to direct the little ones to God. Calls have come in from various cities in Northern California for the extension of the Emanuel School movement. A rally was recently held in Modesto in the Brethren Church, and a committee was formed to pre­ pare for the opening of an Emanuel Grammar School, and possibly a Junior High School by September. An Emanuel School rally was held in the First Baptist Church of Peta­ luma; a committee was formed to investigate the possibilities of open­ ing a Grammar School and Junior High in the fall. Other calls and con­ tacts have been made for further openings in Oakland, Berkeley, the Peninsula cities, Santa Rosa and San Francisco. We are looking to the Scriptures to discover the best approach to this educational adventure. Too long now teaching has been considered a pro­ fession, whereas God, through His Word, presented it as a calling and a ministry. Jesus commanded His disciples to go out and to teach all nations. The Apostle Paul placed teaching high in the scale of min­ istries in the church. Just as we

11c school system of America Is based on the evolutionary theory. The hu­ man race is part of an evolutionary process that has been going on blind­ ly or atheistically directed, but never­ theless the progress is inevitably up­ ward. Some of the top philosophers of the country have been disillu­ sioned by two world wars, but never­ theless the educational system has not adjusted to any new philosophy. Having this underlying basic phi­ losophy, the teacher looks upon the child as naturally, innately good, so all that 'the teacher needs to do is to co-operate with the evolutionary process at work in the body and mind of the youngster. Freedom of expression, with certain limitations, is quite acceptable, though progres­ sive education, as it has been expe­ rimented with in California, is ex­ ceptional. Yet the average class­ room is dominated with this philos­ ophy of the innate goodness and in­ evitable progress of the child. The Christian philosophy of educa­ tion is based on the teachings of the Word of God. There is the recogni­ tion of the depravity of the human race apart from God. A child is not looked upon as innately and inevit­ ably good, but rather potentially good, if a proper surrender to God is made. The recognition of the au­ thority of God is considered the chief motivating power in true Christian education. “The respect for God is the chief part of knowledge.” In the Christian classroom there is not the desire for self expression, but for the expression of God through the lives of the youngsters. There must be a denial of self, a taking up of the cross, with its mean­ ing of surrender, devotion, or sac­ rifice. This is the basis of the Eman­ uel School system, and it is by this recognition of God in each classroom, and through the total program, that Emanuel School proposes to remedy the failures of the public school system. The first Emanuel School opened on February 3 in East Oakland in the Trinity Baptist Church. It was started in the middle of the year, but even with that handicap a large number of students responded. A great many lessons are being learned by the Board of Directors, as well as by the teachers, in regard to this educational ministry. There is no one associated with the Emanuel School movement who pretends to know all the answers. There is the recognition of utter dependence upon Almighty God. Great comfort is taken from Psalm 121:1, 2: “ I will lift up mine eyes unto the hills, from whence cometh my help. My help cometh from the Lord, which made heaven and earth." The vision is before us. It is our deep conviction that God is in this P«ge Ten

Yesterday, Pentecost-Today, What?

W E ARE witnessing an age of remarkably ex­ panding horizons. The everywhere of the uni­ verse is bringing its frontiers into view. Pro­ stratospheres. We are not yet acclimated to our expand­ ed world. We do not feel at home. Americans in particu­ lar are full of fear. The new responsibilities are tremen­ dous. The problems are intricate and far-reaching. The future is uncertain. “Men's hearts [are] failing them for fear," as Jesus foresaw. Dr. Virgil Jordon, President of the National Industrial Conference, said recently, “America has become afraid. The fears are many and deep. They lurk in the recesses of men’s minds and influence individual and collective actions in various ways. In America, as in the rest of the world, statism has become the modern religion, and government is god.” These are the words of a present-day seer. A false prophet? Not in the light of today’s events. It is illuminating to see men outside of the realm of religious organizations turn on such searchlights. The searching rays did not spare the great Einstein who, Dr. Jordon states, “sits like a pope at Princeton and issues bulls on the subject of political economics. Recently I heard him deliver a paper on economics which was pathetically sophomoric for a man of his intellect.” Even the super-great are groping in darkness in search of the master key to unlock today’s secrets. What has all this to do with, Yesterday, Pentecost— Today, What? Everything! Have we eyes and see not, ears and hear not, minds and think not? Yesterday Pentecost ushered in “the age on ages telling” with "tongues of fire”—tongues aflame with coals off the altar of God—tongues with a unified divine message for a divided world, a Christless life, and a globe in need of the Kingdom of God. Pentecost was the initial JUNE, 1947

Temple of the Olympian Zeus, Athens, Greece

William H. Heppe, D.D. demonstration of the Spirit of truth, life and power to all ages and peoples, in relation to all human needs and possibilities. And today, What? Cultural tongues, ethical tongues, scientific, commercial, sociological, political, diplomatic, interracial tongues; broadcaster vying with broadcaster to play up the highlights and becloud the issues: word sprees, offering human remedies for the world’s ills. It is a veritable age of loquacity. We seem to have forgotton that the real values lie behind the words, and are bom in the secret recesses of the soul. Words may be mere empty sounds. They may be worth their weight in gold. They may throb with the power of an atomic bomb. Moltke, it was said, could be silent in seven languages. It were better for the world if some men today were silent in all tongues. One who heard our Daniel Webster, said, “He didn’t say much, but every word weighed a pound,” and his biographer stated that when Webster spoke, sparks were emitted. Another and Greater, spoke with authority, and men declared, “Never man spake like this man.” His words vibrated with life, flashed like diamonds, raised the dead, unlocked eternal secrets, motivated world move­ ments, and will yet rule the world. John discovered the over-all reason: “I saw the Spirit descending from heaven like a dove, and it abode upon him." Yes, yesterday, “tongues of fire.” And today? Oh, for flaming tongues to utter burning, prophetic words, Spirit-born, Spirit-empowered, Spirit-convicting, Spirit- redeeming words, tongues with a unified message to make a unified world. It does not matter about the possible repetition of the outward phenomena: the creative Spirit is not limited to one outlet. The message, the power, are all-important. P« 3 < Eleven

vincialism is archaic. We live and move in unmeasured

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