King's Business - 1947-06

AN INVISIBLE GUEST AT YOUR TABLE W h ile we en joy the Lord’s goodness to us in our homes and at our table, somewhere in ruined Eu­ rope, a Hebrew Christian brother, a little Jewish child , are hungry and homeless. Wouldn’t you be glad to have one of these little ones at your table to share the Lord’s goodness to you with them? To show them His love? You can do so by sending a contribution to us which will be used for supp ly ing the material, phy s ica l, and sp iritua l needs of distressed Israel. “ Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have ddne it unto me.” Your g i f t s , small or large, urgently n e e d e d . Please write to THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL MISIONARY ANDRELIEF SOCIETY, INC. 728-K Witherspoon Building Philadelphia 7, Pa. President Joseph M. Steel Treasurer Dr. Joseph T. Britan General Secretary Rev. Victor Buksbazen Treasurer for Canada: Hev. P. S. Dobson, M.A., D.D. Principal. Alma College St. Thomas, Ontario, Canada


What a Little


Will Do I

Maybe it merely supple­ ments irregular earnings. . . . Maybe it’s all there is to protect old age.

There are many situations which can be taken care of successfully by an American Bible Society Annuity Agree­ ment. It can be planned to provide for you, your husband or wife, a relative or friend. And when once it is arranged there is no further bother. No coupons

regardless of business conditions. Then too, there is great personal sat­ isfaction in helping extend the world­ wide ministry of the Bible. Let us send you a booklet entitled “A Gift That Lives” It tells you about the plan and how it works out.

to clip... . Just accept the check which arrives at regular intervals. Such checks have been bringing comfort and peace of mind to thou­ sands. And for over 100 years, those checks have never failed. MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY WITHOUT FAILI

American Bible Society4oO Park Ave., New York 22, N. Please send me, without obligation, your booklet KB 81 entitled "A Gift That Lives!'

N om e...„.............. Denomination... U V Addreu ________ City ......- ...................


"GREAT IS THY FAITHFULNESS" By Kathryn Rader Hawthorne Marvellous Experience* of a Missionary Pioneer to Sumatra, Netherland East Indlos.

Beautifully cloth bound, 190 pages, Price $2.00 per copy In graphic language Mrs. Hawthorne realtes her experiences in three main divisions: 1. The Early Years; 2. The Sumatra Years, 3. Internment Years. She climaxes her book with the story of God’s wonderful deliverance from Internment Camp. Kathryn Rader Hawthorne comes from a long line of ministers and missionaries. Her father Daniel L. Rader was a Methodist minister, as was his father and grandfather. Her brother, Paul Rader, was known throughout America and in foreign countries as a man with a real message. Proceeds from sale of this book above actual costs to go toward missionary work in Sumatra. Send at once your order and remittance to LIGHT AND HOPE PUBLICATIONS, Berne, Indiana TRI-STATE BIBLE CONFERENCE A Christ-Centered Vacation Conducted by the Old-Fashioned Gospel Hour S p .a k .rs hav. Included: Arm strong, Bateman, Buswell, Conant, Frltach, Qremmelt, Keeney, McNeely, Masses, Neighbour, Pettinglll, Philpott, Shepherd, Turnbull, Zeoli and many others. Advantages of Mountains, Seashore and Country. Restful, Beautiful. Wonderful Meals, Reasonable Rates. A great program will shortly be announced for this season. Send for free Illustrated folder. THE GOSPEL HOUR Irvington 11 New Jersey

Our quarterly bullet)«, ISRAEL MY GLORY, seet to all coetrlbutors aad else ea request.

T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

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