King's Business - 1947-06

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Crossword Puzzle By Alice G. Crowell

By Olive Mary Stewart “Rejoice in the Lord” (Phil. 3:1). “What a lovely, lovely day!” cried little Laura as she pulled up her bedroom blind and looked out at a fresh spring morning. She raced downstairs two steps at a time and landed with a little bounce at the foot. “You sound happy this morning, Laura,” said Mother with a laugh as she smiled at her young daugh­ ter over the breakfast table. “ I am,” cried Laura. “I’m glad God gives us such a lovely day. I feel like singing!" “Well, you can sing all the way down to the store for me,” said Mother. “I’ve a list of .things for you to get.” Laura finished her breakfast, picked up the big shopping basket and skipped down the road. She hummed, sang and whistled in turn. All the birds in the bush along the way heard her and joined with her until Laura had quite a little choir. Old Mr. Grayson from up the mountain came hobbling along with his sack of weekly provisions and his much-worn cane. Laura almost walked into him, so busy was she watching her choir. She stepped aside from his path and called out with a smile, “Good morning, Mr. Grayson. Isn’t it a wonderful day?” Mr. Grayson looked down his long, bushy beard and grunted something that sounded faintly like, “Mornin’.” Laura skipped on down the road. She passed the florist's shop on the corner and called gaily to Mr. and Mrs. Wright, outside potting plants, but they were much too busy to do more than nod their heads at her. In the grocery store, Len, the young clerk, took Laura’s order with a frown. “Isn’t it a lovely day?" said Laura as she petted the store cat and wait­ ed for Len. “Haven’t had time to look at it,” said Len. “Been too busy.” Laura hummed to herself as she started out of the store. The store cat gave her a bored look which was strangely like many other looks that had been cast Laura’s way that morning. "Anyway, I’m glad the birds are happy,” thought Laura to herself as she climbed the hill home. “Isn’t it funny—I bet they don’t even know that God gave them this lovely day and yet they sing for joy. People are so funny—they don’t even look at the day.” And Laura went on humming and the birds sang with her. T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

V e rtical 1. What was to be plucked out if it offended? 2. Pharaoh would not . . . the Israelites go. 3. God . . . (Hebrews 11:6). 4. Behold. 5. The tree in which Absalom’s head was caught. 6. The prefix meaning three. 11. Christ said, “I am the true . . .” 12. He came that we might have . . . abundantly. 13. “Pray for them which despite- fully . . . you” 14. What the disciples had to do to propel their boats. 17. This is the ark-builder, but he has dropped the h at the end of his name. 18. What the fishermen used to haul in their fish. Bible Arithmetic (1). Divide the number of books in the Bible by the number of fishes which a lad gave to the Lord Jesus. (2.) Subtract from this answer the number of books in the New Testa­ ment. (3.) Multiply this by the num­ ber of disciples. (4.) Divide the an­ swer by the number of the chapter in John’s Gospel which is called the Light Chapter. (5.) Add the number of books in the Old Testament. (6.) Divide by the number of the tribes of Israel. (7.) Add to this the number of chapters in II and III John. (8.) Your answer will be the number of chapters in Ephesians. Pige Twenty-tour

Horizontal 1. The priest who had charge of the child Samuel. 4. The nephew of Abraham. 7. What you should answer to God’s call. 8. The thing used to propel the boat in which Jesus went. 9. The Latin word for and. 10. The abbreviation for the Book of Kings. 13. The sor of Hur (Exodus 31:2). 16. Where there was no room for Jesus. 19. Whom God sent that we might have everlasting life. 20. Enemy. 21. A young lamb. 22. Adam might . . . of every tree except one. 11. Five (Roman numeral). 12. Fifty (Roman numeral). New K.Y.B.C. Members BRISBIN , P A .: Jeanette Kummerer (Mrs. C. J. Kummerer, parent). DALLAS, T E X .: R obert B ennett; Joe B ryant; Annie Carpenter; Juanita Day; Gaylon Freem an; Ann and Judith Garrison; Grace L am inack; Virgil McM ichael; R ob­ ert Massingale; Coralinda M iller; Lary N ance; E rm a Jean N ewland; Kenndth Patton; B etty Allen S cott; Clyde Talbot; Shirley Trlggrs; Burton and Charlotte W ee- man (W . E. Hawkins, leader). L A K E CHARLES, L A .; Lillie Joe A n ­ drus; Ram ona B rown; Buddy Burleson; D orothy Carm ie; Daryl and Law ana F air- child; Clara Mae and Harlan Hurlbut; Dorothy Meaux* Dorothy, Edward and Ma­ rie N ewm an; Doris P rice; B etty, Gennie and Sylvia R acca; Carl Sanderl; W anda Sanders; Jackie Flo Schanz (Edward B. Branch, leader). SA LT L A K E CITY. U TAH : W ayne N. R ider (Mrs. R ichard M. C. Rider, parent).

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