King's Business - 1947-06

July 20, 1947 P A G A N A R E A S IN AM E R IC A M att . 5:19-22, 38-48

THE INDIA M ISSION 412 W e st 8th Street, Elyria, Ohio A SmiMMnitiiiK, Bible-'IVuehinj? Faith Mission Proving God's Faithfulness In Hyderabad State and Central Provinces Itible Schools training native e\angelists A fruitfnl field of the Lord’s provision Write for fuller information. FREE to any Evangelical C hristian M inister, Su n d ay School or M issio n a ry Superintendent, one copy of “ P R O V E M E N O W H E R E W IT H " for each fam ily in his congregation, providing he will agree to give a talk on T ith in g before distribution. W rite stating denom ­ ination and num ber of leaflets desired to: TITHER, 807-K So. Flower St. Los Angeles I4, California LANTERN SLIDES Cilass slides, 2"x2" and 3,4 ” x4" from your films and snapshots. The exeftislve service for missionaries and Christian workers world-wide, from whom many appreciative letters have been received. Colored slides. Hither sir.e. Keasonably priced. No lists. IMione Cleveland C. WHITFIELD SIM S 6176 M yosotis St. Los Angeles 42, Calif. A PENNY A DA Y ! (Not such a large sum to invest for eternity) Will Give Spiritual sight to the Blind HOW? For information incite to THE C H R I S T I A N ASSOC IAT ION FOR THE BLIND, INC. 430 Hast 141st Street, New York 54, N. Y. C. E. Gremtnels. Pres. J. E. Bennet, Treas C A I E The material to produce •***"*■ my fascinating 48-page temperance booklet for boys and girls: 13 full-page illustrations. Going on 90. can't carry on. Samples free to , real interested buyers. Frank Steams, *Jo School St., Burlington, Ver­ mont. A frank and detailed discussion of the Scriptural answers to scores of pertinent questions including dancing, petting and divorce. May issue o f C hristian V icto ry Magazine. 10c a copy. $1 a year. 22nd year as a fear­ less. fundamental publication featuring Biblical comments on current events. Thousands of Christian workers wouldn’ t he without it. Fred .J. Meldau, Editor, 2909 Umatilla. Denver 11, Colo. “ HERE’S HOW” The fascinating and com pletely different tract booklet which is turning scores of souls to Christ. Considered by many Christians to he the greatest and most effective salvation tract in print. 25 for $1.10. 100 for $3.1)0. The Life M essengers, Box 515, Seattle. Wash. DONT MISS THIS Authentic Article: “ What the Bible Tenches About Sex and Marriage”

stroy the street cars on which they ride, tear down the statuary in the parks, smash street lights, and make havoc in general. God’s law as re­ vealed in His precious Word leads to righteousness, godliness, honesty, clean speech, and proper recognition of the rights of others. It certainly should be the duty of every believer to urge the authorities to permit our children to hear what God has to say on the subject of keeping the laws of the land. T here I s L awlessness in R eligion 2 T im . 3:5 Fortunately the Protestant faith in some measure still dominates the government of the United States. In the countries where Rome rules, paganism is the name for Romanism. There is an utter flouting of the laws of the nation and of the laws that govern family relationships and of the laws that concern God’s Word, God’s church, and God’s program. In our own country there are many re­ ligious areas (churches) where the Word of God is not wanted, the gos­ pel of God is rejected, and the Son of God is dishonored. Of course, all of this leads to the promotion of every fevil thing that is in the hu­ man heart. Hardness, bitterness, enmity, and self-seeking predom­ inate in these places. They, too, need the same gospel and should turn back to a simple faith in God’s pre­ cious Word. T h ere Is L a w l e s s n e s s i n L a w 1 T i m . 1:9 Even the courts of our country are not free from the lawlessness which prevails everywhere. Capitalists seek ways and means of crushing their competitors, of gaining advantages in directors’ meetings, and of paying as little as possible to those who work under them. The labor unions too in many instances have exhibited an utter disregard for Federal and state laws and of laws governing human relationships. They would stop the mail, set fire to the prop­ erty of employers, brutally beat those who oppose their demands and be willing for people in their own coun­ try to starve until their demands are granted. Law enforcement officers sometimes accept bribes and so ut­ terly fail to enforce the laws that are on the books. All of these groups need the saving gospel of Christ Jesus the Lord. Nothing else will remedy the situation. T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

God recognizes only two groups of people in the world—the children of God and the children of the devil, the saved and the lost. Some are dead in trespasses and sins while others are alive in Christ. Some be­ long to God’s church and the rest are outside the fold. Some are on the way to glory and the remainder are on the broad road that leads to de­ struction. It is not the work of the church to clean up the lives of the unsaved. It is the work of Christians to carry God’s warning and God’s gospel to the lost. The unsaved should never be invited to join the church, but only to attend the serv­ ices. God does not want a mixture of His friends and enemies operating under the name of His bride. The pagan area consists of all those who are unsaved, no matter what their condition or position. T h ere A re L aw le ss L ocalities . 1 J o h n 5:19 In every city there are sections where sin flagrantly and openly operates. There are taverns, dance halls, and gambling joints on both sides of the street—every kind of sin is there. To drive the tavern out would be desirable, but the most ef­ fective procedure is to carry the gos­ pel to the owner, the bartender, and those who frequent these places and seek to turn them to the Lord Jesus. The church has a great ministry to perform for these people will not come to church, so the church must carry the gospel to them by tracts, Testaments, and personal witnessing. These sinners have no respect for either God’s or man’s laws. They should be warned of the fatal con­ sequences of their appearing at the judgment throne of God where no bribery, no partiality, and no change of venue will be permitted. T h ere A re L aw le ss A sso c ia tio n s R o m . 8:7; T it . 2:12 At the present time the law of God is being utterly disregarded by our educational system. School authori­ ties everywhere are placing barriers against any teaching of good morals, right living, and the preaching of the gospel of God’s salvation. Al­ most any other kind of teaching is permitted and promoted. “Free ex­ pression” is encouraged, which simply means that our young people be permitted to think as they please, do as they please, and say what they please. The result is that they de­


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