King's Business - 1947-06

July 27, 1947 THE CH R IST IAN ’S ROLE IN N A T IO N A L LIFE R o m . 13:1-14

" T h r i / Shall Hun And Not He W ea r y " Through the School’s all-inclusive Isports program, Stony Brook boys j are helped build strong, healthy Ibodies. Through small classes, offering superior college preparation, Storly IBrook boys are helped build keen, Ialert minds. Through four-year classes in Bible and the daily example of Christian Imasters, Stony Brook boys are helped j build noble, Christian character. Such boys are enabled to go out Iinto life well prepared physically, mentally, spiritually, to “run and not be weary.” For a catalogue of Stony Brook School, now compjet- ing its first quarter century, address the Headmaster. tonyßrookJchool K R A N K K. f J A K H K L K lX . L iit.D ., H ia d m a ste r Stony Brook, l^ini; Island, X . Y. P ieu se m en tion K in g ’ s Itisi n k s s GRADEDandUNIFORM 6 y S W t > M Z > Get complete facts NOW on Closely Graded and Uniform Lessons so suc­ cessfully used by thousands of schools. For October quarter, new Beginner and Primary Graded. Free Prospectus on Graded. Samples of Uniform. Give name of school and department. The Standard Publishing Co. 20 East Central Parkway Cincinnati 10, Ohio The true expression of Christianity is not a sight, but a song. — 77it* L igh th ou se

It is not generally understood that all believers are reckoned by God to be His priests. The policy of some churches is to select men to be rulers and priests over the people. There is no such thing as “bosses” in the church of God. There are only guides and leaders who teach and direct the faith and practice, but in the Scrip­ tures they are never presented as having been given dominion over the faith of God’s people. In a democracy like ours the peo­ ple must elect a ruler. Too often the election is left to the ungodly. Chris­ tians should pray for our national leadership and do all in their power to elect and select those who will serve injustice and righteousness. G od P laces the R ulers as I t P leases H im D an . 4:17 Even in a democracy there is no doubt but that God directs the votes and the thinking of the people. We never know what is best for us. We think we do but tipre frequently proves that we were wrong. In this passage of Scripture, we read that God sometimes sets over men the basest of men. He selected Nebu­ chadnezzar to be his battle-axe to whip idolatrous nations, but Nebu­ chadnezzar himself was an idolator of the worst kind. Still God gave him his power, and on one occasion granted him the land of Egypt for his pay in carrying out His plan in punishing the nations. God’s church is an autocracy, but Christ is the Head of it, and the Holy Spirit is the Executor of it whose leadership every believer is to follow closely. G od E xpects U s T o O bey H is L eaders M att . 22:21 Certain things belong to the king­ doms of this world. If we are to benefit from the protection of the fire department and the police de­ partment, we must help to pay the bill. If we are to enjoy paved streets, we must furnish part of the expense. If we are to keep our neighborhood free from liquor, we must participate in the effort to keep it out. Unfor­ tunately, we often have “wet” offi­ cers seeking to enforce a dry law. This, of course, is ineffective. We ire living in a world which is largely inti-Christian and in which there ire comparatively very few who love 'ighteousness and love the Saviour. Whether the leaders be good or bad, lod’s Word clearly states that we are o follow their leadership except, of course, where it directly is in conflict vith the plain teachings of the

G od D oes N ot P lan W orld B etterment 2 T im . 3:13

Since the beginning, every age has ended in failure and catastrophe. The world has never been friendly to Christian living or to godly plan­ ning. The Lord never asks His chil­ dren to polish the railings of a sink­ ing ship or to pave a pigpen with beautiful tile and furnish it with hot and cold running water. The busi­ ness of the church is to carry the gospel to those who live in sin and not try to clean up lost sinners. At the present time, many in our nation publicly and privately are opposed to the Word of God, the gospel of God, and the principles of the life of Christ. The Bible is shut out of many of our schools and open teach­ ing of atheism holds sway in the majority of our schools of advanced educational standing. Let every be­ liever be a priest of God to carry the message of God’s love to the lost on every hand. G od P lans F or H is S on To R ule A cts . 3:21 God does plan an autocracy on this earth in which the Lord Jesus will sit on the throne at Jerusalem and will rule the nations with a rod of iron. That day is coming. There will be no more saloons, no more theaters, no card games, no jails, no police­ men, no labor unions, no grasping capitalists, or anything else that breaks the heart and hinders people from living in harmony. The un­ godly will have to bow the knee and acknowledge that Jesus Christ is Lord. It will be a glorious day when sin is put away. Then we shall all praise the Lord under our own vine and under our own fig tree. Let us pray that the Lord will hasten that wonderful day. S T AMM E R I N G Corrected B y a Program of Physical and Mental Hygiene. New Home Stu d y Plan N ow Available. Phone or W r**e: C. H. Schroy Home Course 1816 W. 5th S i, Los Angeles 5, Calif. PRospect 2687. Enroll Now. (18th Yr.) RSTUDYINPROPHECY A 12-page Scriptural study Christian Witness to Israel Rm. 205, 67 Fifth Art., N. Y. 3, N. Y. Send for FREE copy of

A CHRISTIAN prepar­ atory school offering accredited four-year training for College entrance. Strong courses. Orthodox Christun teachers. Wholesome social, athletic and extra-curricular activities. Now located in its ow n m odern plant and ro o m y ca m p u s, w i t h college supervision and atm osphere A d d r e s s the Dean Box B-047

Scripture. UNE, 1747

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