King's Business - 1947-06

JULY 27, 1947 W ISDOM IS THE PR IN C IPA L TH ING P rov . 1:1-5; 3:13-18; 9:9, 10; J as . 1:5

CHRISTIAN SUPPLIES Visit or write us for Bibles, books, Scripture cards, mottoes and pictures. A good line of many items for .the Christian home and for the Church and Sunday School. THE BAPTIST BOOK STORE 352 S. Spring St. Lot Angeles 13, Calif.

Points and Problems “The proverbs of Solomon” (1:1). The Hebrew word from which the word proverb is derived means “to rule.” Hence, a proverb is a short saying given for the purpose of gov­ erning life and conduct; it is “a mas­ ter sentence,” in which a great truth is enunciated in concentrated form so as to attract attention and remain fixed in the memory. In the book of Proverbs, we have a great host of such “master sentences,” setting forth the wisdom of God with re­ spect to the correct manner of living in all the details of human life. “To know wisdom and instruction . . . understanding . . . justice . . . judgment . . . equity . . . subtilty . . . knowledge and discretion” (1:2-5). The purpose of the book is pointed out in this section, namely, to in­ struct the believer in the things of God. Nine different words are used in these few verses which occur many times in the book and which, taken together, describe a well- rounded character. In brief, the meaning of these words is as fol­ lows: “wisdom” means skillfulness or the ability to use knowledge aright; “instruction” means teach­ ing by discipline; “understanding” means discernment; “justice” equals right behavior; “judgment” equals ability to make proper discrimina­ tions or to try the things that differ; “equity” equals moral integrity; “subtilty” equals craftiness; “knowl­ edge” means information of a sound character; and “discretion” means thoughtfulness. Put all these things together and we obtain some idea of God’s ideal for man. “The fear of the Lord is the be­ ginning of wisdom: pnd the knowl­ edge of the holy [One] is understand­ ing” (9:10). The fundamental idea of the book is found in these words. Proverbs is a book of wisdom. The finest manifestation of wisdom is to apprehend and fear God. Two kinds of fear are possible in relation to God. As Dr. G. Campbell Morgan ex­ presses it, “There is a fear lest He should hurt me. There is the fear lest I should hurt Him. The first is selfish, and produces no fruit of righteousness. The latter is the fear of love, which produces holiness of character and righteousness of con­ duct.”

Outline and Exposition T he B ook of W isdom (P rov . 1:1-5)

’ Solomon did not write all of these proverbs; some are by and some are for himself. What is good for a prince or ruler might not be good for ordinary people, and such dis­ tinctions should be noted when read­ ing this book. The word wisdom or its equivalent, occurs over one hundred times in the book. It does not mean a mere in­ tellectual knowledge, but it is a philosophy that contains moral and ethical elements, producing piety and morality. It is God’s wisdom, beginning with His fear and ending in His ways. Its purpose is to know, discern, and receive instruction, in justice, righteousness, and equity; also to give “prudence” to all classes; the young need their minds opened, and older ones need con­ stant increase of knowledge, en­ abling them to instruct others in the way. Wisdom is better than silver or gold, more precious than rubies, and nothing that can be desired is equal to it. Hence the man that gets wis­ dom is the “happy” man on the earth. Pleasant are its paths and peaceful its ways. It becomes a tree of life to those who lay hold upon it; and retaining it produces hap­ piness (3:13-18). Wisdom in this book is an adum­ bration of Christ. Hence, however wise one may be, there is always room for increase. There is no limit to what may be learned from wis­ dom, which begins with the fear of the Lord and issues in the under­ standing of the Holy One (9:9,10). Here “wisdom” means using one’s opportunity for holy living; doing the will, and walking in the way, of God (Psa. 25:14; 111:10). This wis­ dom is needed to evaluate trials, to give patience a chance to do its work, to know God’s will, and to ap­ ply the truth He gives. While God alone is its source, He gives it upon request; He holds nothing back from one who fears Him. With God’s wis­ dom, freely given, one will do bet­ ter than he knows he is doing in all affairs of life; his daily living will please God and profit himself. T he V alue of W isdom (P rov . 3:13-18; 9:9, 10) T he P romise of W isdom (J as . 1:5)

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AGAIN AVAILABLE Beautiful "DIETZ" PULPIT LAMPS No. 3120. Fluorescent A lovely brass lamp, finished in statuary bronze. Shade is brown bakelite, adjustable, 18 inches long. Maximum h e i g h t , 11% inches. Electric cord and plug-in $18.50‘ (bulb 8pc extra). No. 3880 A moderately - priced, well - con­ structed lamp of similar finish to above. Adjustable as t'o height and angle. Base 2% inches square; shade, 2 by 8 inches. Arm extends 7 to 18 inches. Com­ plete with push-button socket, bulb, and 7-foot cord. $12.50. Ask for Free Catalog of Church and Sunday School Supplies WILLIAM H. DIETZ, Inc. 10 So. Wabash, Dept. 103 Chicago 3, III.

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T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S

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