King's Business - 1947-06

For the Children A K ing W ho P rayed for W isdom (1 K ings 3:5-14; P roverbs 4:5-7; 16:20) M e m o r y V e r se : “He that giveth heed unto the word shall find good; And whoso trusteth in Jehovah, happy is he” (Prov. 16:20 R.V.). Have you ever pretended that someone told you that you could have anything for which you would ask? What would your wish be? Some would ask for long life, some for lovely clothing, some for splendid cars and houses, some for great wealth. For what would you ask? One night, God appeared in a dream to King Solomon, David’s son, and said, “Ask what I shall give thee.” Perhaps you will be surprised to know that Solomon did not ask for any of those things which we have said we might desire. Solomon asked for wisdom to rule God’s people correctly. He felt like a child and did not know how best to lead the Jews. He asked that he might be able to choose wisely between good and evil. Solomon’s request pleased God. As a reward, God gave to the king those things for which he might have asked—long life, riches, etc. God also made Solomon the wisest man in the world. God’s Word, in a proverb written by King Solomon, says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom” (Prov. 4:7). How may we have wisdom? “The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom” (Prov. 9:10). He who made our minds and our hearts can best teach them. Our parents, our friends, and our teachers all have their part in helping us to get wisdom, but only those who know the Son of God as their Saviour have true wisdom. God’s Word tells Christians how to live joyful, help­ ful, Christ-like lives. God’s Word answers many of their questions and solves many of their problems. Through prayer, God gives wisdom and leadership to those who trust in Him. The Holy Spirit is the Teacher who helps us to understand the hard things in the Bible. He gives us wis­ dom in talking to others about our Lord and in knowing God’s will for our lives. Solomon said, “He that giveth heed unto the word shall find good; and whoso trusteth in Jehovah, happy is he.” Four deft in 190 7 Bolivian Indian Mision Pacific C oast Council 927 So. W estm oreland Ave. L o s A n ge 'e s 6, Calif. FORTY YEARS o f pioneer m issionary witness to the Indians of Bolivia.

THE ACME DIME COLLECTORS P New York 7, N. Y. SPAIN Why do you not ask for the new pamphlet, “Spain is a Mission Field” ? Then you will pray more for the 27,000,000 people who in Spain are perishing without the Gospel. Prayerfully support this work. S P A N I S H C H R I S T I A N M I S S I O N North American Headquarters Rev. Z aca rias P. Carles, B.A., L.Th., S.C.T. Founder and Director 3 H illsboro Avenue, Toronto 5, C anada MOST NEGLECTED LAND IN EUROPE . . . . . . is little Lithuania. Serving as a battleground twice in four years, desolation. Spiritually, the need is heart-rendingi Of the five million tered over the world less than one per cent have professed Christ as Saviour. have yet to hear the message of salvation! it is a land of Lithuanians scat- Thousands © oU ecto r -- For Encouraging Even Your Most Important Projects Help may be secured In multiplied small amounts by using Our Dime Booklets. Attractive, Strong, Inexpensive __they offer you a popular and successful method. CHURCH BUILDER—Collects 50 Dimes 1,000 Filled Means 55,000 DIME GLEANER—Collects 50 Dimes HELPING HAND— " SO “ DIME HELPER— “ 20 “ DOLLAR IN DIMES—“ 10 Descriptive circular and samples on request GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM CO. 150 Nassau Street Since 1928 the L.M .A. preaching the Gospel to by w ord of mouth and has been Lith u a n ian s printed page. Write for Bible Witness - Free. L ITHUAN IAN M ISS IO N A RY ASSOC IAT ION , INC. Chicago 90, Illinois F. W . Sheriff, C h airm an H. C. Fulton, D.D., V ice C hairm an U. S. Deahl, Jr., Treasurer Rev. A. J. Gillies, Director THE BEST IN VISUAL AIDS NOW IN Beautiful Rich Colors at Reduced Prices Consecrated w orkers ca rry this m es­ sage to three continents! T h is is a w ork of faith— not underw ritten by any organization or person. If you are saved, you have a responsibility to the Lithuanians. M a y God move your heart to advance this w ork, is our prayer. Send inquiries and contributions to P. O. Bex 488-K Lith u a n ian s are not Slavs and m ust hear the Gospel in their own lan- guage. No other m issio n ary agency is reaching them. < S V o fla r a / u n e s >

You will want this new movable, realistic, picture method of telling Bible stories or preaching illustrated sermons. Holds your class spellbound. Discipline prob­ lems solved. Give it a try in your class. You’ll be sur­ prised at results. Children want to learn and they clamor for this new way of presenting Bible truths. You will double your attendance. Write for free folder telling all about this new method of teaching, to— THE WISE LITTLE BIRD ^ Teaches children to know and choose the right. “ Wise Little Bird” is a gripping story of a bird protecting its mate and nest, presenting the Gospel in a very unique manner. Suitable for Grade or Pre-school children. Beauti- fully colored kodachrome slides— 10 of them in glass binders with illustrated color booklet, $6.00. TABMNACLC SlIDiS Through the 1AK Dept. K. P. O. Box 145, Pasadena, Calif.

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JUNE, 1947

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