King's Business - 1947-06

inches long. Print down from “GOD’S WORD” the word, “DELIVER.” Turn the roll around and on the back print the word, “DELIGHT.” Push the paper back into the roll, and pull it out in the opposite direction. On the front side print the word, “DESTROY,” and on the back, “DES­ PAIR.” ) Lesson: Would you like to hear a telescope talk? First, I want to tell you about this roll of paper on which is printed, “GOD’S WORD.” In the thirty-sixth chapter of Jeremiah, we are told about two men who treated the Word of God differently. The name of one was Jeremiah; the other was Jehoiakim the king. This king did not like the things which were writt. in God’s Word about sin, and think ,g that if he destroyed the paper on which it was written, he could destroy God’s message to his soul, he took the roll on which the message was written, cut it in pieces and burned it. We will pull the roll down which represents the Word of God. Letters are appearing on the telescope. We now see the word, “DESTROY." The king tried to destroy God’s message. If we turn the telescope around, we see the word, “DESPAIR” on the back. This is the end of all those who try to destroy the Word of God. We shall return the telescope to its original position, and pull it out in the opposite direction. This time “GOD’S WORD” is lifted, instead of being put down. It reminds us of the efforts of Jeremiah the prophet. As we lift the Word of God, we see the word,' “DELIVER” appearing on the telescope. Jeremiah was faithful in delivering the Word of God. If we turn the telescope around we shall find what happens to those who lift and deliver the Word of God. We read, “DELIGHT.” There are those who are trying to destroy the Bible today, as cer­ tainly as in the days of Jeremiah, but God is looking for those who will deliver His message to a lost world, and when this is done, the result is a “DELIGHT.” Object: A piece of paper 834x11 inches. (Fold the paper four times, making the following sizes: 8%x534, 534x434, 434x2%, 2%x2% inches. With the single fold to the left and the double fold at the top, print a small “L” with a crayon. Swing the top double fold around to the left and unfold toward you. With the single fold to the left and the double one at the top, print another “L” larger than the first. Turn and unfold, as before, and print an “L” twice more, when JUNE, 1947 June 22. -1947 S howing B y G rowing


Thr S ociety o f Christian App roach to the Jews, Inc. is an in te rd en om in ation al M ission w ith an Evangelistic Testim ony to the v2 m illion peoples of the H oly Land. The w o rk e rs of this M ission represent 8 denom inations. It is the o n ly M issio n dedicated sole ly to preaching C hrist to the peoples of Palestine. Our O fficia l Or/ean The Palestine Pictorial New s W ill yew JO IN us —HELP us In our Mission work? Send 10c for sample co p y—$1.00 for 12 issues. 3 issues w ill come to you from Jerusalem with Pictures and articles of Palestine—our Mission Field and W orkers. REV. RALPH E. BANIY, Editor, Box 55 W Kansas City, Mi

At left, crossing a Bolivian river. Insetst Miss Bor* ter, one of our

“ She üfftclù is ®ijc Hlorlh” C h a r t e r e d in 1934 for the specific purpose of establishing and conducting “ truly Biblical Missions among all nations," The Independent Board for Presbyterian Foreign Missions now provides for Bible- believing Missionaries a background free from the blight of rationalism. As was to be expected, "the good hand of our God has been upon us." And in response to prevailing prayer, He has seen fit constantly to widen the scope of our ministry. In all, as of December, 1946, sixty-one consecrated, well-equipped missionaries were under appointment from this board. Twelve of these had gone out the preceding year; and our missions had increased from

Matt. 13:38.

five to nine in number— one each in China, India, Arabia, Palestine, Kenya Colony Africa, Peru, Bolivia, Chile and Mexico. This year, God willing, we ex­ pect to send forth thirty new mis­ sionaries, our largest number thus far. We have long known that God would have us re-enter Korea; and believe He also calls us to enter Japan. We shall have workers for these new stations — shall we have the funds? Two earnest missionaries write from India: "W e cannot go back into a work so overwhelmingly edu­ cational that the Gospel has no place. Could we serve under your Board?”

Such rapidly opening doors mean rapidly expanding needs. Will you pray for us? For information regarding support of the Board, address The Treasurer, Dept. K6 7


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