King's Business - 1915-11

By Mrs. Kenneth Allen Missionary Graduate of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles

Note.—H av in g c o n trib u te d so liberally to th e m issio n ary population of th e A fri­ can In lan d M ission a t K ija b e r B ritish B a st A frica, in te re st is ever keen w ith in th e p recin cts of th e Bible In s titu te of L os A ngeles, an d w e feel su re th a t th e sam e d e­ g ree of in te re st in o u r stu d e n t m issio n aries is fe lt by th e g en eral body of re a d e rs of T H E K ING ’S BU SINE SS. T h is in tim a te an d e n te rta in in g sto ry of th e ir lives, d ated Ju n e 9, h a s been received from M rs. Allen, w ife of Dr. K en n eth Allen, both re p re se n t­ a tiv e s of th e In stitu te ,,' w ho a re now in th e ir six th m o n th in th a t field. M rs. A llen is w ell know n as M iss R u th Schneider, d a u g h te r of W illiam S chneider of L os Angeles, and, ex cerp ts from h e r in te re stin g le tte rs ap p eared in a preced in g n um b er of th is m agazine. T h is com prehensive sto ry w ill be ap p reciated by ev ery frien d of th e m ission.— rEditor. . . s

T A7E HAVE word that there is one more * * boat due, after which there is to be no mail received or sent for some months. So I hasten to write this and am very, anx­ ious to get it off now, hoping with all my heart that you will receive it promptly, and if other letters fail to follow for some time, please do not worry, for it will be on ac­ count of this rule made Jnecessary by the war. We get the big bits of news promptly here, but do so long for fuller and more satisfactory accounts. There are so very many things I want to tell you and talk about, but now I -am in a fever to get this letter off for fear it misses a chance to get through,; and I can’t remem­ ber the hundred and one things I was plan­ ning to say. I have planned to keep a diary for ever so long but just haven’t so far. I have not been well for quite a long time, but the last two days have been feeling very well again—am hungry again and my food is digesting properly. Keh is a little afraid

of appendicitis but I feel now that I am going to be all right. I just wanted to tell you these things so you will know just how we are. We each one love and trust the One Who knows and loves and cates and does the very best for those who leave the choice with Him, and we are kept in perfect peace when our minds are stayed on Him. Just more and more, day by day, the desire to see Jesus only, to have mind and heart set upon Him and taken away from circum­ stances and surroundings, grows stronger. I do long to live such a life of victory over the world and over the prince of the world and over my own self that truly and appar­ ently it shall be “no longer I,"tout Christ that liveth in me.” I know this is the great de­ sire of Ken’s .life, too, and when you pray for us, please ask that above all else we may see Him only and live every day in such victory that we shall bring Him joy. Oh, there are so main' things I have been saving to tell you about the different na-

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