King's Business - 1915-11

By D. L. Moody A Sermon Delivered in Boston in 1877

N ote:—;We expect to give from tim e to tim e, serm o n s p reach ed by D. I j . Moody in d ifferen t cities in th is co u n try an d E ngland. Mr. Moody’s serm ons have been o ften p rin ted , b u t a re v ery seldom p rin te d a s he delivered them . T hose w ho h av e p rin te d th em h av e trie d to im prove on Mr. Moody’s diction a n d g ram m ar, b u t th e ir im pro v em en ts h av e g en erally h ad a ten d en cy to w eaken r a th e r th a n to stren g th en . Mr. Moody w as n o t alw ay s g ram m atical, b u t h e w as a m a s te r of a terse, p u re A nglo-Saxon diction. T h is serm o n is rep o rted , w e th in k , alm o st ex actly a s delivered in B oston in 1877. H e o ften p reach ed on th is su b ject, b u t n ev er tw ice ex actly like.

easy thing; we can deceive one another and we can be deceived, but we cannot deceive God. Our own hearts often deceive us— they are deceitful above all things and des­ perately wicked. But let us keep this in mind, that although it is easy to deceive one another and to be deceived by others, there is one thing we cannot do, we cannot de­ ceive God. FALSE AT HEART A man may disgrace his profession, he may do as Judas did, he may make a great profession and be an officer in the church, and yet be false at heart; yes, it may be- that he will get into the pulpit to preach the Gospel, and yet be false at heart. Now, God knows us all; there is nothing that we have ever said or done but it is all in the mind of God. We may have covered it up; we may have forgotten; but it will all come to light some day, because we can­ not deceive God. Now I want to divide this

EXT.—“Be not deceived; God is not, mocked; for whatso- ever a man soweth that shall he also reap/’—Galatians 6 :7. There are a good many


men quarreling with the Word of God now­ adays, but I think all will admit that this text is true. I don’t believe there is an infidel but who, if he will only be honest, will admit that whatsoever a man sows, that he must reap. The text says “Be not deceived.” Most of us know what it is to be deceived. We have ¡been deceived by a great many who professed to be our friends, just as David had a bosom companion by whom he was deceived. I heard of a man who came to these meet­ ings and went out and made his boast that he got some money out of the people here to get whiskey. He asked for it to get bread, and he made his boast that he had used this deception. Well, that is a very

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