King's Business - 1915-11



had been cured of five incurable diseases. As they place no confidence in doctors, I wonder how they knew they were incurable. But I noticed that when they related a cure, they were careful to say that “the doctors had given them up.” It is my testi­ mony, that in all the years I was in Chris­ tian Science, I never knew of a cure of any organic disease, or any other diseasef-except Orie, .which, was not-’a tqst, case.- -Their cures are very^mueh exaggerated, ànd con­ fined principally to hysteria. They have learned, that two-thirds of the people who think they./are'sick, are not sick at all, and when they! think thgre is something being done for them, they get well. My brother is a physician, and said to mé that he had told more than one to go home and not take any more medicine, that there was nothing the matter with them, and they obeyed, with a, light heart, and got well. Mrs. Eddy frankly confesses that she cured a patient, sinking in the last stages of ty­ phoid fever, by administering salt water at­ tenuated until there was not a single saline property left (page 153, S. and H. Ì907.— Ed.). She relates how Sir Humphry Davy once apparently cured a case of paralysis simply by introducing a thermometer into the patient’s mouth. This he did. merely to ascertain the temperature of the patient’s body, but the sick man supposed the cere­ mony was intended to heal him and he re­ covered accordingly (page 152, S. and H.). I remember one man who used to testify to his wonderful healing in Christian Sci­ ence. He had a deathly pallor and I knew he was sick. One day he disappeared and no one mentioned the fact, but I discovered that he had died. While I was visiting at my brother’s home I one day mentioned thè fact that a doctor had told me that I had heart disease, but said I did not believe it, as there was no evidence of it. My sister-in-law wanted me to testify at the prayer meeting to the fact that I had been healed of that dread dis­ ease by Christian Science. I refused, she insisted, but I could not testify to an un­ truth, so that wonderful testimony of de-

was the bait, as jt is in nearly all cases. If the Christian church lived up to her privi­ leges, Christian Science "would not be known today. I received treatment several weeks from a practitioner, with no benefit, though my pocketbook was -perceptibly lighter from week to week. I never could understand how they could say “there is no disease or sickness” and then take your money' for pretending to cure what you cquldjJot pbs- sibly have. I finally moved to the city where my brother lived, and joined the Sec­ ond Cburch (Scientist)-, und, took; special instruction in the next, pHss .formed; my. brother paying the bill. At first the price was $300. It was reduced to $100 and then to $50. That was ten years ago. TESTIMONIES TO "HEALING” When I was examined for church mem­ bership, there was not a word said about belief in God, but my belief in Mrs. Eddy was very thoroughly questioned. They ask­ ed me if I thought she was divine, and I readily expressed my firm belief that she was) As I answered that question satis­ factorily and many others on the same or­ der, I was duly accepted into full member­ ship, and faithfully—attended the Sunday .services, also the Wednesday evening prayer meeting (?). Why they call them prayer meetings I cannot tell, as there is no prayer offered, either there or in the church serv­ ices, except Mrs. Eddy’s idea of the Lord’s prayer, which is very different from the true meaning as given in God’s Word. Then sometimes we would have a few moments of silent prayer, which was simply denying sin, sickness and death and affirming that all is good, perfect, sinless, etc. So while pretending to worship God, they were really making Him a liar, for He says there is siti, sickness and death. All the'Wednesday evening meetings consisted of, was the re­ lating of some wonderful cures somebody else had heard of. Their stories were mar­ velous indeed, and so related as to impress even a heart of stone. Mrs. Eddy always received the glory. One remarkable testi­ mony I remember, was about a woman who

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