King's Business - 1915-11




What greatly hinders God’s blessing? Mai. T:8-10. What is the duty of all men? Matt. 22:21. What does the Lord say concerning la­ borers? Luke 10:7. What will the Lord do for His laborers? 1 Cor. 3 :8. PRACTICAL POINTS (1) There is a chest for money in the church of Christ. Put your money into it. (2) The man who shirks the obligation to give, shuts an open door to blessing. (3) When a church member fails to help, foot the bill, he needs a foot with a boot on it. (4) God measures your portion of His •blessing by the way you cast in. (5) The people lacked confidence in the priests who were probably confidence men. 'A, . . . (6) The measure of our gifts is shown by the manner of bur giving. (7) What the church needs: Repentance for sin; reformation of life; repair of the breaches. (8) “Do it now” should be written large over every church and church home.

(3) Finding a Way, vs. 9-16. The king ordered a chest, with a hole in the lid, placed beside the altar, v. 9 (2' Chron. 24:8). All the money was placed in it, v. 9. The money was then placed in sacks, v. 10 . They paid the mechanics’ wages with it, vs". 11, 12. The vessels of the sanctuary were re­ newed, vs. 13, 14. The priests retained their own portion, vs. IS, 16. Questions: Was this the beginning of mite boxes? Mark 12:41. What altar was it? 2 Chron. 24:8; Ex. 35:16. Who stood at the door to guard the chest ? ch. 22:4; 23:4. Who took the money and counted it? ch. 22-3, 4. Who overlooks gifts given for God’s work? Luke 21:1, 2. Do any believers keep back part of God’s money? Acts S:1, 2. How does God view such conduct? Josh. 7:11, 12.

------------ 0---------- - Daniel in the King’s Court NOVEMBER 14, 1915. LESSON VII. Daniel 1:8-16, 19, 20. (Commit v. 15.) G olden T ext : “Watch ye, stand fast in the faith, quit you like men, be strong.”—1 Cor. 16:13. --------' i

DAILY BIBLE READINGS Mon., Nov. 8—Dan. 1 :1-14. Tues., Nov. 9—Dan. 1:15-21. Wed., Nov. 10—Dan. 2:19-30. Thurs., Nov. 11—Dan. 5 :17-24. Fri., Nov. 12—Dan. 5 :25-31. Sat., Nov. 13—Nahum 1 :1-10. Sun., Nov. 14—Luke 21:29-38.


defile himself." In these words we have the key to Daniel’s life and the secret of his y power and success. Daniel had a sound heart and so his whole life was sound (Prov. 4:23). What a man really purposes

v. 8. “But Daniel purposed in his heart that he would not defile himself with the portion of the king’s meat, nor with the wine which he'drank: therefore he requested of the prince of the eunuchs that he might not

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