King's Business - 1915-11



standing in all visions and dreams." True wisdom is always God’s gift (ch. 2:20-23; 1 Kings 3:12, 28; 4:29-31; Z.Chron. 1:10-12; Job 32 :8 ; Prov. 2:6). This is true of wis­ dom in all its forms, but it is pre-eminently true of the wisdom that is of perennial worth, the wisdom that counts for time and eternity. The conditions upon which God bestows wisdom are, first, as illustrated here, unwavering obedience tb His will (cf. Jbhn 7 :17 ; 14 :15, 16, 26 R. V.) ; second, prayer (Jas. 1:5-7; Col. 1:9); third, the study of'the Word of God (Ps. 119:98-100, 130). It is through God’s Spirit that wis­ dom is given- (Luke 21:1S; Acts 6 :10). Dan­ iel had wisdom given tb him in a special di­ rection : “In all visions and dreams!” This was because Daniel'had-a "special work tb perform in thé purposes of God and special place to fill in the plan of God. It illus­ trates the principle which holds good in the church today, that while there is one Spirit, there are diversities of gifts, ministrations, workings and manifestations, and that the one and the self-sâme Spirit divideth to each one severally even as He, the Spirit, will (see 1 Gor. 12:4-11 R. V.). There is Wisdom through the Spirit of God for every true child of God, but whethër there shall be “understanding in all visions and dreams” depends entirely upon the sovereign will of thé Holy Spirit and the work to which God in His wisdom; and grace calls (1) The Purpose of Daniel, vs. 8-10. Daniel purposed to keep himself from heathen feasts, v. 8 God had given him favor with the chief of the eunuchs, v. 9. He feared he would endanger his head, v. 10 . Questions: Why did Daniel refuse to eat and drink the king’s portion ? Lev. 19:26. | Was a portion of the meat at heathen feasts, offered to idols? Acts IS :28, 29.

v. 19. “And the king communed with them: and among them alhwas found none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Aza- riah: therefore stood they before the king." Their loyalty to God had paid. “They stood before the king,” but where did the Israel­ ites who had compromised and eaten the king’s defiled meat and drank his defiled wine stand? It seemed three years back as if Daniel and his friends had Sacrificed everything by their stern conscientiousness, but in reality'they had gained everything. It always comes out that wày in thè long run, but those who are loyal to God today will some day stand before a far greater king than Nebuchadnezzar. v. 20. "And in all matters of wisdom'and understanding, that the king inquired of them, he found them ten times better than all the magicians and astrologers that were in all his realm." Earth-born wisdom will never bear comparison with God-given wis­ dom. Would that we might never forget that ! For the time being, early wisdom sometimes seems to win out, but in the long run the wisdom that comes from above is the wisdom that stands. There is one more thing to be noted about Daniel, though it is not in the verses, viz. : “Daniel continued” (v. 21). He had good staying qualities. What was the secret of it? It is found in the opening words of the lesson : “He pur­ posed in his heart that he would not defile himself.” • Were the Jews, punctilious about what they ate ? Acts 10:14-16. Does eating or not eating meat commend us to God? Rom. 14:1-10. What is the great law with reference to eating? 1 Cor. 10:31. What is the law of charity concerning the eating of meat? Rom. 14:21; 1 Cor. 8:13. What could Daniel say to the Lord? Ps. 17:3. What should characterize every true be­ liever ? Col. 2 :5, 7, 8.

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