King's Business - 1915-11

Books for Christmas Giving The follow ing list con tains such books as you r Sunday School m igh t w an t to select from for your Superin tenden t— Ju s t such books as you r class ough t to select from for your Teacher— A club or family or group of people could find no more choice selections from which to

choose a book for some honored member. THE LIFE OF JESUS OF NAZARETH PORTRAYED IN COLORS 80 p ictu res by W illiam H o le ., A 30-page p reface by W illiam S inclair covers th e life of our L ord in a brief, b u t com prehensive m anner. T he p ictu res a re fu ll page, a rtistic a lly colored ' illu stratio n s. F acin g each illu stratio n , th e S crip tu ral descrip ­ tion is given. Sixe 8x10 inches. B ound in black cloth, w ith g ilt o rn am en tatio n an d le tte rin g .......... ,.— ......................... .— $4.00 SYNOPSIS OF THE BOOKS OF THE BIBLE B y J. N. D arby. "J. N. D .” is an o th er w ell-know n an d w ell-loved B ible exposi­ tor. F iv e volum es bound in black cloth. N early 600 pag es in each volum e. Vol. I. G enesis—2 Chronicles. Vol. II. E zra— M alachi. Vol. III. M atthew—John. Vol. IV. A cts—P hilem on. Vol. V. C olossians— R evelation. E ach , 85c. S et---------------$4.00 HOLY BIBLE IN EIGHT VOLUMES Size of each volum e 3 7-8x6 inches. Bound in green cloth, w ith g ilt letterin g an d g ilt o rn am en tatio n . T h in paper. S et.......$3.00 HOLY BIBLE IN EIGHT VOLUMES Size of each volum e 3 7-8x6 inches. B ound in re d leath er. In d ia paper. S et....... $6.00 THE NEW BIBLICAL GUIDE By Jo h n U rq u h art. R ecen t discoveries an d th e Bible. E ig h t volum es, cloth bound. A bout 450 pages in each voulm e. Vol. I. T he C ritics an d th e Bible. Vol. II. A ncient H isto ry to Jo sep h an d H is B re th ­ ren . Vol. III. Sons of Jaco b in E g y p t to Rephidim . Vol. IV. Sinai to th e C anaan of Jo sh u a. Vol. V. Jo sh u a to E lisha. Vol. VI. A hab to Isaiah . Vol. VII. Isaiah to Jo h n ’s Gospel. V o l/V III. H ow to read th e Bible; w ith Special R eference to “H ig h er C riticism .” S et ..„A......;,.:.*.:—.$7.00 DEVOTIONAL HOURS WITH THE BIBLE J. R. M iller. A com prehensive y e t concise sp iritu al in te rp re ta tio n of th e Bible record from G enesis to R evelation. S p iritu al an d p ractical lessons of th e g re a t p assag es of th e Bible b earin g upon th e comm on life of th e people of today. O ver 300 pag es in each volum e. B ound in red cloth. Vol. I.—F rom th e C reation to th e C rossing of th e Red Sea. Vol 11.—F rom th e C rossing of th e Red S ea to th e Close of th e L ife of D avid. Vol. III.—The, Gospel by M atthew . Vol. IV .—Solomon to M alachi. Vol. V.—R eadings in th e S ynoptic Gos­ pels on th e L ife of C hrist. Vol. V I.—R eadings from th e Psalm s. Vol. V II.—T he Gospel of St. John. Each- volum e, $1.25. Set.................. ........$8.00

THE BIBLE HISTORY B y A lfred E dersheim . A sta n d a rd h is­ to ry w hich n o t only leads to a fu ller know ledge, b u t to a sp iritu al u n d erstan d ­ in g of H is W ord. Bound in black cloth. O ver 200 pag es in each volum e. 7 vol­ umes,, 12 mo. 1. T h e W orld before th e Flood an d H is­ to ry of th e P atriarch s. 2. T he E xodus an d W anderings. 3. Israel u n d er Jo sh u a an d th e Judges. 4. Israel u n d er Sam uel, Saul an d D avid. 5. Israel an d Ju d a h from th e b irth of Solomon to th e R eign of A hab. 6 . Israel an d Ju d a h from A hab to th e decline of th e tw o K ingdom s. 7. Israel an d Ju d a h from th e decline to th e A ssy rian an d B abylonian C ap­ tivity. E ach 75c. . S et .....i.................... $3.60 NOTES ON THE PENTATEUCH B y C. H. M ackintosh. “C. H . M .” is th e old, reliable expositor, from w hom m any o th er Bible stu d e n ts have d raw n th e ir foundation m aterial. B ound in black cloth. Six volum es: G enesis,E xodus, L eviticus, N um bers an d tw o volum es of D euteronom y. E ach, 50c. S et_____ $2.50 EXPOSITORY THOUGHTS ON THE GOSPELS B y J. C. Ryle. T he sacred te x t is divided into sections or passages, av erag in g ab o u t tw elve v erses in each. T hese a re followed by a series of sh o rt, plain expositions of each of th ese passages. T he leading th o u g h ts of th e p assag es a re clearly b ro u g h t out. Size of each volum e, 5x7% inches. B ound in red cloth. 7 volum es. Set ......... ,...„..........S---------- 1 ________„......$4.50 HOURS WITH THE BIBLE By C unningham Geikie. A sta n d ard com m entary. Size of each volum e, 5 3-8x7 7-8 inches. E ach volum e c o n ta in s ab o u t 540 pages. B ound in black cloth. N ew T estam en t H ours, 4 volumes. S ett ...........................;.......— I B M — $5.00 Old T estam en t H ours, 6 volum es. S et ..............................................,^...........$7.50 HISTORY OF THE REFORMATION By J. H. M erle D ’A ubigne. F iv e volum es. A reliable h isto ry w hich re a d s like a rom ance. T he a u th o r show s th a t all facts lead up to th e one g re a t fact—th e R eform ation is Je su s C hrist. Bound in cloth. S et .....................!...... ...... 8 .... ...........$3.00 THE NUMERICAL BIBLE B y F: W . G rant. A rev ised tra n sla tio n of th e H oly S criptures, w ith expository notes, arran g ed , divided an d briefly c h a r­ acterized according to th e principles of th e n um erical stru ctu re. 6 volum es

Bound in cloth, se t $15.00; T he sam e w ith le a th e r back an d tip s ......_____ _____ $21 00 Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California.

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