King's Business - 1915-11

Books for Christmas Giving The buy ing of satisfacto ry gift books For Boys is usually any th ing b u t an easy unde rtak ing , fo r the reason th a t all book stocks are no t as carefully selected as ours. No books in this list a re h a rm fu l— in fact, all the books listed below a re worthy . BIBLE MODELS BOYS OF THE BIBLE

B y R ichard N ew ton. A n invaluable col­ lection of tru e sto ries from real life, show ­ in g how success is won, hap p in ess a t ­ tain ed , aim s an d am b itio n s fulfilled, by a system of c h a ra c te r m odeling upon th e Book of Books. T he a u th o r recognizes th e • fa c t th a t th e c h a ra c te r desired can be a t ­ tain ed only th ro u g h th e pow er of th e H oly S pirit. Cloth _.¿.'....$ 1.50 THE BOILING CALDRON B y L ettice Bell. N ever-old ta le s based on th e prophetic books of th e Bible. T he sto ries o f'th e prophecy are told in such a w ay as to give th e child a consciousness of th e h isto ric background, sym p ath y w ith th e prophet, an d a clear idea of th e g en ­ eral purpose of h is w ork. Cloth, illum ­ in ated coyer ______.....................................$1.25 THE LOST GARDEN -B y L ettice Bell. T his includes all th e early Bible sto ries beginning w ith th e sto ry of A dam an d E v e an d ending w ith th e sto ry of A b rah am an d Isaac. A com ­ panion volum e to “T he Boiling C al­ dron”. _____ :......U:.$1.25 BIBLE BOYS B y L ettice Bell. A n o th er book by th is popular '■writer fo r children. I t co n tain s ten biographies including “T he Boy W ho W as H ated ,” “T he B oy W ho K illed th e G ian t,” an d “W onderful: T he P erfec t Boy.” M iss' Bell’s m ethod of referen ces in sp ires th e little rea d e rs to search th e S crip tu res. G ray boards. Illu stra te d cover . . I . . . ....... 1 ....... ............... 50c THE LIFE OF DAVID One of R evell’s B ible S tories Series. B rig h t and a ttra c tiv e in lite ra ry style, fully illu strated , an d en tirely free from den om in atio n al bias. 12mo, decorated Cloth .... ,......... ........ JUDSON, THE HERO OF BURMA By Je sse Page. T he stirrin g life sto ry of th e first m issio n ary to th e B urm ese, told fo r boys an d girls. T en fu ll-p ag e il­ lu stratio n s. . Colored frontispiece. Illum ­ in ated cover ....1.............................. $1.00 THE BISHOP’S SHADOW B y I. T. T h u rsto n . T h is is th e sto ry of a little stre e t g am in of B oston who loved P hillips Brooks. I t show s how th e Bisnop becam e a controlling influence in T ode’s life. Illu stra te d cloth cover......... ..........$1.00 PRINCE AND UNCLE BILLY B y C harles L incoln W hite. In a pasture* n e a r th e sea, P rin ce, an In d ian pony, an d U ncle Billy, a fro n tie r horse, tell each o th er m ission stories. O th er an im als are also g re a t talk ers. M ission w ork in d is­ ta n t Ja n d s is p ictu red in a fascin atin g w ay. Illu stra te d cloth cover.......;............75c

B y N o rm a B rig h t C arson. T w enty-tw o stories, w ell told an d w ell illu strated . Bound in ta n cloth, w ith illu strated cover. 125 pag es ............. . ........................................75c THE WONDERFUL DOOR B y M rs. O. P. W alton. M rs. W alto n know s how to tell an in te re stin g sto ry an d a t th e sam e tim e teacli im p o rtan t Gospel tru th s . T his is one of h e r b est books. B ound in brow n cloth w ith illus­ tra te d cover ............................................ ........75c TWO BOOKS BY AMY LE FEUVRE “TEDDY’S BUTTON” and “A THOUGHTLESS SEVEN” T hese a re com panion volum es. T hey a re both sto ries of fascin atin g in te re st and w ith a m oral th a t is n o t f a r to seek. T he in carn atio n of religion in daily life is a d ­ m irab ly exemplified. Cloth, w ith illus- tra te d cover. E ach........ ...............;...,....ï~i...50c THREE TIMES THREE B y “Pg,nsy,” F ay e H u n tin g to n , and others. “A skillfully told sto ry of th ree hom es, of th re e children in each hom e, by ‘th re e tim es th re e ’ fam ous w riters of ch il­ d ren ’s sto ries.” D edicated to th e boys an d girls who h av e chosen a s th e ir w a tc h ­ w ord, “T rem ble, K in g Alcohol, w e shall grow u p .” N ine full page illu stratio n s. Cloth,,....500 THE BOY JESUS B y C ortland M yers. B eau tifu lly told and a rtistic a lly ilu u strated . B ound in stiff brow n b o ard s w ith p o rtra it of th e boy Je su s on th e fro n t cover..............................60c TWILIGHT TALES B y F o rb es Jack so n . T h ese a re tales chiefly of boys and girls in th e Bible. T hey are w ritte n in a w ay w hich will prove a ttra c tiv e to children. Illum inated o^ve** ar.ri colored frontispiece. Cloth $1.00 IN PRISON AND OUT B y H esb a S tre tto n . T he sto ry of a boy w ho w as u n ju stly detain ed a s a p riso n er for begging, b is m an y tria ls a fte r his r e ­ lease, h is dow nfall an d final reclam ation. Cloth ............................................,:.^.........50c The following foot* hooks are from: THE ALTEMUS’ BEAUTIFUL STORIES SERIES, by J. H. Willard. “WHEN IRON DID SWIM,” “WHAT IS SWEETER THAN HONEY.” “THE WISEST MAN.” “THE MAN WHO DID NOT DIE.”

✓ T hese volum es a re m o st adm irab ly a d a p t­ ed fo r holiday gifts. Illum in ated sides. - E ach .......... .......................................................„25c Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angèles, California.

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