King's Business - 1915-11

Books for Christmas Giving Girls like books such as these in this well selected list. They are good girls’ books — every one of them.

“PROBABLE SONS” By Am y L eF euvre. A v ery in terestin g sto ry of a* little g irl who led h er u n cle to C hrist. Illum in ated cover. Illustrated..35c THE BROWNIE’S BOX B y F lorence B one. A sto ry fo r little m is­ sio n ary w o rk ers a t hom e. Illum in ated cover. Illu stra te d . B lue cloth_____ .......50c THE CHRISTMAS CHILD B y Hesba; S tre tto n . - A sw eet an d p ath etic sto ry for th e C h ristm as season. O rn a­ m ented pages. F o u r fu ll-p ag e illu stra ­ tions. Bound in w h ite boards o rn am en ted w ith holfy ........50c THE STORY OF JESUS FOR LITTLE PEOPLE By E dw ard L eigh Pell. A v ery d irect a p ­ peal is m ade to t h e vchild soul. T he p u r­ pose is gently, w inningly to d raw th e child to w ard s th e D ivine lover of H is kind. Il­ lu m in ated cover ....................,—......—,......35c THE LORD’S PRAYER FOR CHILDREN B y M a rth a K. L aw son. T alk s an d hym ns b earin g upon th e different p a rts of th e L o rd ’s P ra y er. F in ely illu strated , c io th ..... ^........,,.«^:r,,l.....,.......:......50c THE SHEPHERD PSALM FOR CHILDREN Jo sephine L. B aldw in. B ible sto ries an d o th er sto ries illu stra tin g th e different th o u g h ts of th e psalm . Cloth.—.— ......35c WHY? AND WHAT? AT THE BRITISH MUSEUM : By L ettice Bell. T he w onderful an d in te r­ estin g th in g s w hich a re h ere illu strated an d described w ill help to m ak e th e Bible sto ries m ore real a n d m ore vivid. B lue cloth ,.;.i.—.r -.....:>...50c BULBS AND BLOSSOMS B y Am y L eF euvre.. T he sto ry of tw o little children w ho cam e from In d ia to live in Am erica, T he title of th e book re fe rs to th e bulbs w hich produced E a s te r lilies. Illum in ated covers. B oards ..................,...25c ALONE IN LONDON B y H esb a S tre tto n . A well w ritte n sto ry - of a boy an d a girl. Bound^in b o ard s w ith illu stra te d cover .................25c JESSICA’S FIRST PRAYER

THE CHRIST OF THE CHILDREN B y J. G. Stevenson. A life of Je su s for y oung people. T he w rite r h as n o t denied him self a rev eren t an d sp a rin g u se of th e im ag in atio n ; an d th e te x t is in tersp ersed by rep ro d u ctio n s of classic p ictu res. Bound in a com bination of red cloth an d m ottled lig h t g reen w ith g ilt letterin g .____ ___$1.00 DEAR OLD STORIES B y F a ith L atim er. C ontents: “ T he H oly C hild,” “T h e Tw o B ro th ers,” “Going In to th e A rk ,” “A b rah am an d L o t,” etc. ' P ro fu sely illu strated in brow n an d w hite. 164 pag es ........_—..............75c THE SHEPHERD OF US ALL ' B y M ary S tew art. S to ries of th e C hrist, m an y of th em told by children an d a fte r­ w ard s w ritte n by th e au th o r. Illum in ated cover. B ound in g ra y blue cloth. B e au ­ tifu lly illu strated ...........:........,.v.------ ......$1.25 “TELL ME A TRUE STORY” B y M ary S tew art. T ales of B ible heroes fo r th e children of today. “T he m an n er of tellin g th e se sto ries h a s been th e re ­ su lt of m uch p erso n al experience on th e p a rt of M iss S tew art, fo r she is a m ost successful teach er of th e little ones.” A com panion volum e to “T he S hepherd of u s all’’ ......... ........... ...........$1.25 THE DOOR IN THE BOOK B y C harles B a rn ard . T he sto ry of a girl w ho discovered a k ey w ith w hich sh e u n ­ locked a door in th e Bible. She passed th ro u g h an d w alked a n d talk ed w ith th e children of B ible times). In terestin g ly w ritte n an d finely illu strated . Illum in ­ a te d cover ...... .................................................50c FAIRY TALES FROM FAR JAPAN l B y S usan B allard. T ra n sla te d from th e Jap an ese. W ith six teen colored p lates and n um erous illu stratio n s in black an d w hite from Ja p an ese originals. G reen cloth..$1.00 ESTHER, THE QUEEN By M ildred Duff. Illu stra te d by Noel H ope. L ife in th e an c ie n t p alace of S hushan. S k etch es of o rig in al m on um en ts an d sto n e pictures. F o r g irls of fo u rteen y e a rs or older............— ..¡i.:.........50c POMEGRANATE B y Jen n ie B eckingsale. T h e sto ry of a C hinese schoolgirl, h e r fau lts, an d how she cam e to tr u s t Je su s a s h e r M as­ te r .....-...'.“.$1.00 A FARMER’S WIFE B y J. H . W illard. T h e sto ry of R uth. One of th e Altemus* B eau tifu l S tories series. Illum in ated cover .......... .—.....25c

By H esb a S tre tto n . T his sw eet sto ry is w ell know n an d is considered a classic in children’s lite ra tu re . B ound in boards w ith illu strated cover............................v......25c Order from the BIOLA BOOK ROOM, Los Angeles, California.

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