Screenshots from You Tube movies by Smajo Kapetanović in the neighborhood of Dobrinja.
from top: Students carrying a desk and running protected by the trashbins disposed along the way, students running to reach the punkt , Little light, big smile.
Students in a basement room, students crouching in a trench, students gathering under the porch in Emile Zola street.
Urban elements on the way to school also experienced a détournement . Some buildings were considered as shields because of their length and height and were nicknamed Pancirka (bulletproof jackets). Garbage bins became hideouts if sniper bullets were heard; damaged cars were filled with rubble and turned on their side making a buffer; in some neighbourhoods a trench was dug to ensure a safe route for children at some critical crossing point.
This reversal of the trip to school is a first détournement of the schooling structure. As well, spatial and curricular organisations were de-hierarchised: the central school building no longer existed, instead it dispersed to different punkts ; class levels were blurred with students of different ages cramped in often small rooms.
on site review 44 : play ©
Darine Choueiri
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