There are over 60 languages spoken in the Dulwich Community...
Diversity and Inclusion
This is indicative of not only the linguistic diversity that you will find at the College, but also reflective of the inclusive community that we have established here over many years. Here at Dulwich College we have a specific commitment to anti-racism and colour consciousness, and we are building a school of equality where every pupil feels they have a place and where their skills, talents and contributions are recognised. With a focus on Race and Ethnicity, Gender Allyship and LGBTQ+, we are undertaking a variety of actions as part of our commitment to equality in areas of Curriculum development and wider learning, counselling and mentoring. Our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) leaders host a pupil and staff Diversity and Inclusion Alliance that meets regularly to monitor and facilitate progress, ensuring opportunities are created and taken up across the College. The richness of diversity and inclusion benefits all and everyone is invited to join our conversation to be a positive agent of change.
You will join a community that understands social responsibility and seeks to place service to others at its heart... Our College-wide Service Engagement aims to raise awareness and promote involvement. Pupils get involved in two primary ways:
Community Action
Over 200 pupils volunteer for an hour a week during term time in more than 15 local placements offering 40+ separate opportunities including: • education (mentoring and supporting at local primary schools) • social (supporting the work of local care homes and food banks) • environmental (including park and garden projects) Volunteering plays an important role in personal development and holistic education and forges important links with our wider community. It can also contribute to the Duke of Edinburgh Award. In Year 9 pupils can volunteer at either DUCKS or Junior School. This prepares pupils for our external opportunities which start in Year 10.
Boys and girls learn together.. .
Co-educational Opportunities
We are proud of the genuine breadth and depth of opportunity for pupil involvement that is offered by our co-curricular provision, which allows all pupils – be they novices, amateurs or elite performers – to enjoy a range of sporting, cultural, charitable and adventurous activities. Our pupils enjoy the benefits of a single-sex education with the opportunity of learning in a co-educational environment through a range of shared initiatives with local schools. There is a rich programme of activities with James Allen’s Girls’ School, shaped by Prefects. Pupils collaborate regularly on academic matters at, for example, Free Learning days, where charity and service often provide the source of inspiration, and these events are complemented by joint co-curricular activities, such as the Combined Cadet Force in Year 9; a variety of music concerts; drama productions; and fundraising events. A diverse range of year-round events, across a number of disciplines, is also offered with our partner schools as part of the Southwark Schools’ Learning Partnerships, affording pupils further opportunities to meet others from across the borough and beyond. All our ventures are underpinned by a strong pastoral emphasis, where there is a focus on the positive interactions between the pupils, and the friendships which ensue.
We have charity committees in each School which determine the most appropriate and effective means of promoting our aims; pupils are encouraged to apply to be involved in the committee as well as learning about and supporting the charitable initiatives and differing means of prompting awareness. Thousands of pounds are raised annually for these good causes.
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