Over 700 individual music lessons are taught each week and there are over 43 different musical ensembles...
A comprehensive range of musical opportunities are available to all the pupils. Some 700 individual music lessons are given on a weekly basis and most pupils who take instrumental and/or singing lessons perform in at least one of the 43 different musical ensembles. These are very varied and include a Symphony Orchestra, Chapel Choir, Big Band, Percussion Ensemble, the Brass Consort, Symphonic Wind Band and numerous Chamber ensembles. A programme of concerts, masterclasses and competitions is organised on a two-year cycle with annual House Music Competitions, Instrumental and Singing Competitions, and a Composition Competition. About 80 pupils hold Music Awards and facilities for Music include a sound-proofed “Pod” for the Jazz and Rock bands as well as Percussion and Apple Mac suites.
“I loved singing in the part-song competition; the song we chose was beautiful.”
You can play over 19 different sports...
On entering the College, pupils will find they are at the heart of the Games and PE programmes. Our aim is to unlock every pupil’s potential through exposure to a range of experiences and opportunities, and increase their understanding of why physical activity plays such an important role in their development as people. From Year 9 pupils are able to choose from a number of options, such as rugby, hockey, rowing and cross country. These options increase as pupils progress through the College. The programme is supported by a wide range of fixtures, providing numerous opportunities for pupils of varying abilities to represent the College. In addition, pupils have a timetabled PE programme running through the Middle School. This helps give pupils an understanding of how their bodies work, setting physical goals to keep them motivated and improving their knowledge of training methods. There are also further opportunities for pupils to participate in a wide range of sporting activities as part of the co-curricular programme, such as badminton, track cycling, basketball and water polo. All pupils in Year 9 are encouraged to get involved. We recognise that sport has a positive impact on our pupils’ well-being, provides opportunities to develop socially, and can be a welcome change in focus from academic endeavours. Our goal is to provide a high-quality sporting experience leading to a lifetime involvement in some form of physical activity.
“I have enjoyed the skills of precision, teamwork and endurance that rowing has brought.”
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