2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan - Adopted 11-19-2024

4 Bicycle + Pedestrian Element

Recommended Bicycle and Pedestrian Network The recommendations in this chapter are extensive and would likely be infeasible if completed as stand-alone projects. For that reason, the 2040 CTP advocates an incremental approach to implementation as opportunities develop. Projects along roadways identified for improvement in Chapter 3 should be completed in concert with those improvements, bringing down cost and construction schedules. Other projects, such as greenways and some side path improvements, should be required for new construction that looks to develop along designated corridors. In that way, many improvements are funded privately, and the new facilities can help alleviate some of the traffic impact of the new developments. The map below depicts the future build out of Fuquay-Varina’s bicycle and pedestrian network along key corridors. The recommendations identified in the map will expand upon and connect to existing bicycle and pedestrian infrastructure. To emphasize the continuity of the proposed network, existing sidewalks and side paths are not displayed in the map below.

Facility Types Careful attention must be given to each type of facility, particularly the role it plays in the overall system and to which users it caters. Though a myriad of bicycle and pedestrian facilities are available, six (6) main facility types are recommended for use in the 2040 CTP to provide mobility options throughout the CTP Planning Area.

Sidewalk • Dedicated space within right-of-way for pedestrian • Should include a landscaped buffer from roadway

• Typical width: 5’ preferred • Target User: Pedestrians

The projects below are guided by the recommendations presented in the 2035 Community Transportation Plan & the Fuquay-Varina Pedestrian Plan.

• Separated from traffic and adjacent to road with more setback and width than sidewalks • High-quality pedestrian and bicycle experience along high-volume or high- speed roadways • Typical width: 10’ preferred; 8’ in constrained areas • Target user: Cyclists, Pedestrians Side path Greenway • Separated from traffic and located in open space or along rivers or streams • Typical width: 10’ preferred • Target user: Cyclists, Pedestrians Striped Bicycle Lanes • Exclusive-use area adjacent to outermost travel lane • Typical width: 5’ to 6’ • Target user: Advanced Cyclists Paved Shoulders • Specifically designed for vehicles to have safe places to pull off from the road, but as an auxiliary function provide space for cyclists. • Target user: Advanced Cyclists Shared Lane Markings (Sharrows) • Allow bikes to share roadways with motorists when street sections are not wide enough for bike lanes • Target user: Advanced Cyclists

Figure 25. Recommended Bicycle & Pedestrian Corridors Map


Town of Fuquay-Varina

2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan


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