2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan - Adopted 11-19-2024

6 Implementation

Funding Opportunities The construction of a comprehensive transportation network can occur through incremental adoption of local policies and initiatives supplemented by State and federal programs and assistance from the private sector. It will be important for the Town of Fuquay-Varina, in collaboration with Wake County and CAMPO, to continue pursuing funding resources to implement the recommendations of this plan. While some projects and programs may be funded locally, alternatives are available to provide a wider base of financial support for improving the local transportation network, as this goal will ultimately benefit the quality of life throughout its jurisdiction. Local and Regional Programs Local funds should be used for strategic projects identified by the community as being necessary to improve the local transportation network. Usually these projects are most successful when additional funding can be secured to help lessen the burden to the Town. Local funding sources tend to be limited and include general revenue expenditures, as well as proceeds from bond programs which still require general fund support of debt service. The Town of Fuquay-Varina currently allocates $1.2 Powell Bill funds are collected by the State in the form of a gasoline tax. The amount of these funds distributed to a municipality is based on the number of street miles to be maintained and the municipality’s population. These funds can then be used for maintenance, repairs, and improvements to the local transportation network, including existing roads, sidewalks, and greenways. In 2023, the Town of Fuquay-Varina had a total allocation of $1.23 million. Transportation Bonds Transportation bonds have been instrumental in the strategic implementation of local roadways, transit, and non-motorized travel throughout North Carolina. Voters in communities both large and small regularly approve the use of bonds to improve their transportation system. Many of the improvements identified in this plan could be financially supported using a transportation bond program. Where the improvement occurs on a State-owned street, approvals, permits, and partnership will be required from NCDOT. Transportation bonds position the Town to better leverage additional funding, by allowing the Town to provide necessary funding matches. The Town successfully passed a bond referendum in 2021 totaling $20-million, and has been successful in kick starting several projects since the referendum passed. Capital Area Metropolitan Planning Organization and NCDOT million per year to resurfacing and $300,000 to sidewalk repairs. State Street Aid (Powell Bill) Program As the Metropolitan Planning Organization, responsible for the Town of Fuquay-Varina, CAMPO plays an integral role in securing funding for recommended projects. Transportation recommendations formulated in the CTP will be passed along to CAMPO for consideration in the regional Metropolitan Transportation Plan (MTP). This plan will develop a set of financially constrained projects, implying that if a project is included within the planning horizon for the MTP, current and projected funding sources are anticipated to be available to fund the project. For a project to be eligible to compete for funding under the Strategic Transportation Investments (STI) law, it must be a part of a conforming MTP. As the regional agency, CAMPO receives certain types of funds from the State and federal government and assists with the disbursement of these funds. To coordinate this effort, CAMPO oversees the Locally Administered Projects Program (LAPP). This program is designed for prioritizing small and effective multimodal projects from across the region, maximizing the use of available funding sources. The LAPP program serves as the clearinghouse for disbursement of funds from the Surface Transportation Block Grant Program - Direct Allocation (STBG-DA) account, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality (CMAQ), Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP), or other funds that are passed through the MPO for distribution. These funding sources are detailed more below. In order to be eligible for LAPP funding, a jurisdiction or agency must submit an application for eligible projects and be evaluated through a regional scoring process. Fuquay-Varina has successfully navigated this process in the past and continues to aggressively pursue LAPP funds for eligible roadway, bicycle, and pedestrian projects.

The following table documents key policy and programmatic modifications that should be considered to fully realize the vision of the 2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan. Table 16. Recommended Policy or Program Modifications Element Recommended Policy or Program Modification

Update maps within the 2040 Land Use Plan to include the latest roadway alignments following the adoption of the CTP.


Update LDO language to reflect “Comprehensive” Transportation Plan, instead of “Community” Transportation Plan.


Update Section 9-1602, b., (3) to reflect the new modifications to the Street Types and concurrent work to update the Standard Specifications and Details.


Update Section 9-1602, h to encourage the incorporation of Green Streets per the 2040 Land Use Plan.


Adopt a formal Complete Streets Policy , or formally endorse that of the Capital Area MPO or NCDOT, and continue to emphasize complete street design standards. Create a formal traffic calming policy to improve safety and reduce travel speeds. Include a toolkit of strategies that are relevant for residential traffic calming, as well as strategies that may be appropriate on NCDOT streets. Advocate for Smart City Technologies in Future Capital Projects such as fiber, ITS devices, and other emerging technologies. Support efforts by partner agencies to promote ITS and TDM improvements. Amend the CTP maps as necessary to include new streets as they are identified during the development review process.





Update Section 9-1602, b., (4) to reflect newly updated pedestrian and bicycle accommodations and the associated dimensions.

Bicycle & Pedestrian

During road projects, provide safe and comfortable crossings that are ADA-compliant where they include any pedestrian facilities

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Install rapid flashing beacons on all unsignalized greenway trail crossings or directional crossings as appropriate at major thoroughfares

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Post informational signage to inform and educate the community about the purpose and rules of a side path, greenway, etc. Staff will continue to seek opportunities to guide the implementation of the plan’s recommendations including pursuit of grant opportunities, develop future recommendations, and evaluate current facilities. Support transit as a feasible alternative mode of transportation at the staff and administrative levels, and continue to explore potential transit service options and partnerships through the Wake County Transit Plan’s Community Funding Areas Program.

Bicycle & Pedestrian

Bicycle & Pedestrian



Town of Fuquay-Varina

2040 Comprehensive Transportation Plan


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