King's Business - 1959-12

DECEMBER, 1959 25c

QHjnaimaa atti» Ûlalaarg by Vance Havner

THE BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR by Charles L. Feinberg



a n d e v e r y d a y . . .

The ministry of angels was especially conspicuous at the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ to Bethlehem’s manger. An angel predicted to Zacharias the birth of John the Baptist who was to prepare the way for the coming Saviour: But the angel said unto him, Fear not, Zacharias: for thy prayer is heard; and thy wife Elisabeth shall bear thee a son, and thou shalt call his name John (Luke 1:13). An angel told Mary of Nazareth that she was to be the mother of the Messiah: And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favour with God. And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call him JESUS (Luke 1:30, 31). An angel announced to Joseph: . . . fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife: for that which is con­ ceived in her is of the Holy Ghost. And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from their sins (Matthew 1:20, 21). An angel gave the first Christmas greeting: And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people (Luke 2:10). A host of angels sang the first Hallelujah Chorus: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace, good will toward men (Luke 2:14). And angels are “ministering spirits, sent out in the service (of God for the assistance) of those who are to inherit salvation” (Hebrews 1:14, Ampli­ fied New Testament). On Christmas Day, and every day, angels are the unseen but very real helpers of God’s children.

The centuries since that first Christmas have vindicated the wisdom of those men and women who heeded instructions from God’s heavenly messengers to “Fear not. ’ Experience of the past century has also con­ firmed the wisdom of Wheaton’s distinctive educational program to help prepare young men and women for effective service “For Christ and His Kingdom.”

Therefore, heed the word they have said so often: Fear Not!

WHEA TO N C O L L "For Christ and His Kingdom " . . . Since 1860 W H E A T O N • I L L I N O I S


i T i c ^ K i n g s B u s i n e s s A publication of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc. Louis T. Talbot, Chancellor S. H. Sutherland, President • Ray A. Myers, Chairman of the Board DECEMBER, in the year of our Saviour Vol. 50, No. 12 Nineteen Hundred and Fifty-Nine Established 1910 Dedicated to the spiritual development of the Christian home W i l THE MEANING OF CHRISTMAS — Willard M. Aldrich ......... 11 CHRISTMAS AND CALVARY — Vance Havner ................ 12 THE CHRIST OF CHRISTMAS — Oswald J. Smith 14 CHRISTMAS IN ACAPULCO — Norman Rohrer ................. ............. 16 THE BIRTH OF THE SAVIOUR — Charles L. Feinberg 20 THE AMAZING STORY — Martha Snell Nicholson 22 SERMONS IN ICE — Virdie Conaway ................................. 24 WHAT DOES HERBERT ARMSTRONG PREACH? — Herbert V. Caneday ...... ..................... ............. ....... 26 RELEASE TIME PAYS OFF — Mabelle B. McGuire ......................... 27 JOY FOR CHRISTMAS — Rachel Borne .............................. ............... 42 PENNY AND THE CHRISTMAS STAR — Helen Frazee-Bower ...... 43 TWENTIETH CENTURY EVANGELISM — Story of Word Records .... 54 Wu/teu EDITORIAL — Samuel H. Sutherland ....... ...... - 8 DR. TALBOT'S QUESTION BOX — Louis T. Talbot _______ 28 BOOK REVIEWS — Arnold Ehlert ...... ................ ... 30 HYMNS YOU LOVE — Phil Kerr ........................................................ 33 SCIENCE AND THE BIBLE — Bolton Davidheiser ................ ............ 34 WORLD NEWSGRAMS — James O. Henry ........................................ 35 TALKING IT OVER — Clyde M. Narramore ..... 37 RADIO BROADCASTING — Al Sanders ......... ...................................... 38 PERSONAL EVANGELISM — Benjamin Weiss ..................... .......... 39 UNDER THE PARSONAGE ROOF — Althea Miller ......................... 40 THE CHRISTIAN HOME — Paul Boyles ............................................... 41 TALKS WITH TEENAGERS — Betty Bruechert ......... 47 ACCENT ON YOUTH — Ken Pourc ........................ 49 ALUMNI NEWS — Inez McGahey _________ _____________________ 53 Cmn This month's cover is taken from busy activities on the new Biola Campus in La Mirada as students look forward to the holiday activities. Biola house mother Mrs. Leona Iverson looks out her apartment window as students Joyce Ruby, Betty Clark and Carmen Cover decorate the dormitory tree in La Mirada. — All Rights Reserved —


J. RUSSELL ALLDER: Business Manager

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Irene Boyd, Bolton Davidheiser, Arnold D. Ehlert, Charles L. Feinberg, Edward Hayes, James O. Henry, Martha S. Hooker, Al Sanders, Oran H. Smith, Gerald B. Stanton

ADVERTISING — For information address the Advertising Manager, The King's Business, 558 South Hope Street, Los Angeles 17, California. MANUSCRIPTS — "The King's Business" cannot accept responsibility for loss or damage to manuscripts mailed to us for consideration. Second-class postage paid a t Los An­ geles, California. Printed in U.S.A. by Church Press, GlendaJe, California. ADDRESS: The King's Business, 558 S. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Californio.

SUBSCRIPTION INFORMATION — 'The King's Business" is published monthly. U.S., its possessions, and Canada, $3.00, one year; $ 1.*50, six months; 25 cents, single copy. Clubs of three or more at special rates. W rite for details. Foreign subscriptions 75 cents extra. It requires one month for a change of address to become effective. Please send both old and new addresses. REMITTANCES — Should be made by bank draft, express, or post office money order payable to "The King's Business."




The WffriHiityijD



de la Haye (right) and Woeef


Rev. Paul E. Freed, president of the Voice of Tangier, has announced con­ struction of a new 100,000 watt mis­ sionary radio transmitter for Monte Carlo, broadcasting in 28 languages. Trans World Radio will be an exten­ sion of the present ministry of the Morocco installation. Rev. Ray G. de la Haye, general man­ ager of the Sudan Interior Mission’s Radio Station ELWA, Monrovia, Li­ beria, has announced that the new 50.000 watt short wave transmitter of the facility is now in operation. Above, at the right, he points out po­ tential coverage to Rev. Richard Woeef, Hebrew Christian and French preach­ er with the “ Back to the Bible Broad­ cast.” Mrs. Dorothy C. Haskins, noted Chris­ tian writer, has joined the staff of World Vision, Inc. and will work as a missions researcher for the radio, ma­ gazine, and news services of the or­ ganization. Mrs. Haskins, former as­ sistant editor of the CHILD EVAN­ GELISM magazine, has had more than 4,000 articles printed since 1940, with a total of 45 books published. Dr. Merrill C. Tenney, dean of the graduate school of Wheaton College, has edited a new volume observing the centennial year of the historic college. Published by Oxford Uni­ versity Press, the book is titled: “ The Word of This Century.” Contributors include: Drs. Billy Graham, V. Raymond Edman, Carl F. H. Henry, T. Leonard Lewis, and John F. Walvoord. Mr. Samuel Wolgemuth, overseas di­ rector of Youth for Christ Inter­ national, has announced that the group’s 12th world congress for Chris­ tian youth will be held in Bristol, England, July 30 — August 7, 1960. Drs. Charles Smith and Edward Pan- osian, both faculty members of Bob Jones University, have received doc­ tor of philosophy degrees. More than 3.000 students are enrolled in the Southern school this year. Rev. Franklin Ellis, director of the In­ ternational Child Evangelism Fellow­ ship, has announced that, the organi­ zation, with representatives in 60

countries, will move its general offices to Grand Rapids, Michigan. Close proximity to the Muskegon training campus of ICEF was one of the prime reasons for the move. Dr. Walter Montano, Bolivian “Monk Who Lived Again,” and editor of Christian Heritage, has been elected to the presidency of LEAL (Evangelical Literature for Latin America). Mr. Norman Mydske, of radio station PJA-6, has been elected head of the Pan- american Christian Network. Dr. Clyde W. Taylor, secretary of the public affairs for the National Associ­ ation of Evangelicals, has reported that new violence against Protestants has erupted in Columbia. Dr. Taylor returned from a recent conference in that area and stated that a mob, un­ der the leadership of outstanding townspeople, destroyed evangelical church property. Dr. David H. Johnson, general director of The Evangelical Alliance Mission, has returned from a one hundred day tour of mission fields in Africa and Europe. Mr. Carl L. Cleaver, president of the New York Bible Society, has an­ nounced his group’s 150th anniver­ sary plans in a special program di­ rected at a “Read-the-Bible” campaign for the eight million residents of the largest American city. Rev. Gerald E. Boyce has been ap­ pointed Associate Secretary of the Ways and Means department of the American Bible Society. His assign­ ment will be in church relations. Mr. Glenn Wagner, director of the Pocket Testament League, has re­ ported that his team ran into violent opposition when they endeavored to distribute Scriptures at the communist directed Youth Festival in Vienna. More than 60,000 young people at­ tended the event, Wagner declared. Drs. Ted Engstrom, Billy Graham and Bob Pierce will be featured speak­ er’s for the Capital Teen Convention sponsored by Youth for Christ Inter­ national December 28-30. Dr. Roy B. McKeown is executive director for the Washington, D. C. conclave.





In TELEO you vv|l see the H oly Landi as it is today . You w ill f o l i o t he fo o ts te p s o f I C h r is t as y f l Bear D r. J a c k M acA rthu r'sBo jjce fu l and in­ spiring e van |||l|§ tic message. TELEO was H c p u c e d fo r the purpose o f b S q in g a message o f hope and jjtd jto a world on the verge o fH e ltru c tio n . Running TinB || 25 Minutes mm tC R e n « 12.50 _____________ WRITE FOR R .M C A T A L ^ B H FILM B»I-ASTMK THE BIBLE INSTITUtjt OF LOS ANGELES. IHC* P. O. BOX9




ReaderReaction REPORT FROM ISRAEL One day a friend sent the K ING ’S BUSINESS down to us here in a dry and parched land (literally true, but spirit­ ually even more so). From South Africa, the Lord guided us here to this border town, where we have not yet one who has a testimony of salvation. W ill you please pray for this town and the people in it? The Lord has set before us an open door. Pray that He will send forth laborers. Mrs. Anna Venter, Eilat, Israel TIME FOR RENEWAL W e are farmers and harvest time is the best time to renew subscriptions . . . here’s mine. W e are very pleased with the maga­ zine. It is an exceptional one in these days of compromise with liberality and the world. I find it very spiritual and fundamental. Helen A. MacLean, Jefferson, Oregon A CHILD SHALL LEAD THEM M y father is a minister with the I.F.C.A. I am 13. If the Lord should tarry until I’m old enough, I would like to be in His work. There are a lot of children and young people up here without the wonder­ ful Lord Jesus as their personal Saviour. W e plan to have a Bible club. Thank you for the King’s Business and the stories for boys and girls. Sandra Kaufman, Omo Ranch, California SHARES MAGAZINES WITH OTHERS Your magazine means much to me as I am not able to go out any more, am not well, and am in my 87th year. W hen I write to missionaries and shut-ins, I share with them the messages I read. W hen I finish with my copy of the K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS, I send it to the superintendent of the Sunshine Mission’s large men’s Bible class. The teacher reads them the Gospel messages. Hanna Ruvoldf, St. Louis, Missouri CHURCH RECREATION HELPFUL I have been enjoying the K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS so much and so often finding some­ thing I didn’t notice before. Example, the article on Church Recreation I just found, and as social chairman I felt as if I had discovered a gold mine. Lt. and Mrs. A. G. Lane, Sunnyvale, Cali. LETTERS OF APPRECIATION I like the new K ING ’S BUSINESS for­ mat very much. Please send a subscription to m y sister-in-law. Mrs. Esther Majeske, Flint, Michigan. Thank you for the lovely articles pub­ lished in the magazine the K ING ’S BUSI­ NESS. I enjoy them all so much. M. Raines, Kitchener, Ontario, Canada EDITOR'S NOTE: We are anxious to hear from readers who have subscribed to the King's Business for a number of years. Next month is our 50th year of publica­ tion. During the Golden Jubilee we would like to print letters from those who have been members of our magazine family through the years. How long have you been reading the King's Business?

Eve r y M o n t h of t he Ye a r by sponsoring a homeless Korean orphan

While thousands of orphans are homeless, cold, starving and dying, these happy, well- clothed, well-fed orphans enjoy Christian love and tender care in our Christ honoring, Bible believing orphanages in war ravaged Korea. Once they were ragged, dirty beggars on the streets. Now each child has an American “Mommie and Daddy” , an individual, S.S. Class, Ladies Society, Jr. Church, etc., who are THR ILLED to sponsor their “own orphan” . It costs only $8 a month — just 26 pennies a day to provide food, clothing, schooling, everything for a child. Think of the

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Typical ragged homeless orphan boy

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City .................................................................. Zone ................. State .................................................... Gifts of any amount are welcome. Sponsorings are income tax deductible THE EVERETT SWANSON EVANGELISTIC ASSOCIATION, INC. A Non-Profit Corporation Dept. K-12 4848 Nerth Leonard Drive Chicago 31, Illinois Telephone: GLadstone 6-6181




A MESSAGE from the editor



"For unto us a c h i l d is born, unto us a son is given . . . and his name shall be called Wonderful..." Isa­ iah u t t e r e d t h e s e words seven hundred years before the birth of Christ actually took place. In what way was our Lord Jesus Christ wonderful? We mean wonderful in the ab­ solute sense. He was wonderful in His birth. Who can explain the ineffable mystery of the in­ terweaving of deity and hu­ manity in the person of this little Babe lying in a man­ ger? Men of God have spent the language in an effort to explain the birth of Jesus Christ. Destructive critics have said that because it


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never happened before and because it has never happened since, therefore it never did happen. The late Dr. Howard A. Kelly of Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical College said, in effect, that if a virgin birth had occurred twice, it would have taken away the significance of the birth of Christ. He was wonderful also in His death. No man ever died as did He. He tasted death that, through faith in Him, we might never know death. He was buried, but all of the power of the Roman government could not hold Him captive. He came forth victorious over death and the grave, and because He lives, we too shall live. He was wonderful also in His life. He went about doing nothing but good. At the end of thirty-three and one half years of residence on this earth, no trace of fault could be found in Him by foe or friend. He presented to the world the only perfect life— a life so perfect that the interven­ ing centuries of time have only served to deepen its glow. He was wonderful also in His resurrection. No man ever rose from the dead in the manner such as did the Lord Jesus Christ. Human beings were brought back to life by God's power, but from all indications they died again. Christ's resurrection was unique in that He rose nevermore to die. He is wonderful, too, in His coming again. The Lord Jesus Christ will return. As surely as the sun rose this morning, so surely will the Lord Jesus Christ come again. He promised so to come, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:3). Wonderful, indeed, is this One whose birthday we cele­ brate each year on December 25. At this glad season of the year may the living presence of the Lord of glory fill the hearts and lives of all who name the name of Jesus Christ. In that way it will be far more than a "merry" Christmas to all.

The Door to 25,000,000 Chinese outside the Mainland The Colony that has the largest dis­ placed personnel with the greatest amount of suffering per square mile in the world The Bible Institute of Los Angeles in a great ministry Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Supt. EVANGELISM — Services in three dif­ ferent centers. MEDICAL — A doctor and nursing staff treating over 1,500 a month. BOOK ROOM — Downtown distribution point for Bibles and literature, Chinese and English. SCHOOLS — Christian education for 1,300 underprivileged children. NURSERY — Tiny tots of refugee par­ ents seeking love and home and work. Daily program caring for health, meals and instruction. Gospel antidote to communist propaganda. In operation early 1960. For complete information and gifts write: The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Hongkong Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California




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of Cijrtstmasi


To God the Father It Meant Giving His Son . . . “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3:16).


To God the Son It Meant Leaving Heaven’s Glory to Become a Servant Obedient Unto Death . . . “ Christ Jesus, who, existing in the form of God, counted not the being on an equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied Himself, taking the form of a servant, being made in the likeness of men; and, being found in fashion as a man, He humbled Himself, becoming obedient unto death, yea, the death of the cross” (Philippians 2:5-8, R.V.).

To the World It Means that God Has Provided a Saviour . . . “ I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is bom this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord” (Luke 2:10, 11). f * Christmas hails the birth of Him who was bom to die — to die in the sinner’s stead, to purchase the redemption of his soul. “ All we like sheep have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way, and the Lord hath laid upon Him the iniquity of us all” (Isaiah 53:6).

To You It Means that God Offers You Eternal Life as a Gift . . . “ The wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord” (Romans 6:23). * < “ To as many as received Him, to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name” (John 1 : 12 ).


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CHR ISTM AS he coming of Christinas brings along with it nowadays - as never before a flock of fellow-travelers to which most Bible believers may have become resigned but with which they by no means can be sympathetic. The scandal­ ous commercialization of our Lord’s birth gets under way by late summer. By Thanksgiving it has been stepped up for the deafening crescendo that increases by the day until frantic shoppers are completely buried under an avalanche of sales talk. Reminded by the hour how many shopping days they have left, they drive their exhausted frames to make the deadline with that exchangeable tie for somebody they had forgotten who remembered them last year. Come Christmas and a nation of nervous wrecks whose minds have been in stores for weeks are in poor condition to warm their hearts in church. Santa Claus starts coming to town earlier every year and whereunto this mania will grow we dare not prophesy. Smothered as it is in buying and selling, the true meaning of Christmas suffers not only from COMMER­ CIALISM but is almost hopelessly lost in PAGANISM. Any informed person knows that the early church did not celebrate Christmas. Our Lord never said anything about commemorating His birth. He asked us to remem­ ber His death and we do this in the Lord’s Supper. Christmas as a religious festival probably got started after the “ conversion” of Constantine, that calamity, from which we have never recovered. Multitudes of heathen professed to become Christians and joined the church. Along with them they brought the luggage of their old life including most of the paraphernalia with which we observe Christmas. Of course we all know that we have to go far afield from the New Testament to find Santa Claus, Christmas trees, Yule logs, lighted tapers and other pagan trappings. The secular world today brazenly cele­ brates Christmas without Christ and even the church loses Him often in a jungle of heathenism which it inherited from the ungodly. We paid dearly for what Constantine brought us and nothing cost us more than when we borrowed from the devil the stage setting in which to celebrate the birth of our Lord. Even when we get around to the star of Bethlehem, the shepherds, the Magi, and the manger, we sometimes miss the point in what amounts to mere SENTIMENTAL­ ISM. Witness the strange sermons about peace on earth, good will to men. Jesus who came to teach us brother­ hood, Jesus the Example, Jesus whose teachings in the Sermon on the Mount answers all our problems — thus far they get and no farther. But if that is all His birth brought to us, we are of all men most miserable. When-



by Vance Havner

Calvary. What goes for the Christmas spirit is all too often a happy holiday mood of human cheerfulness, a hollow and pitiful mockery of the joy of the Lord. Any old sinner can be worked up into a religious frame around the twenty-fifth of December and mistake the whole thing for spiritual reality. No matter where you start thinking about Jesus, if you follow through, you are coming to a cross and an open grave. You are headed for a crown of thorns and Geth- semane and a gory, bleeding sacrifice for sin. For that was the purpose of His coming. It is not popular these days. It never will be. When Simeon blessed the baby Jesus in the Temple he said, “This child is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be SPOKEN AGAINST” (Luke 2:34). When Paul arrived in Rome, his hearers said, “As concerning this sect, we know that everywhere it is SPOKEN AGAINST” (Acts 28:22). The Saviour and the saints are unpopular, you will observe. If the preaching of the Cross is to the world foolishness, quite naturally the people of the Cross will be to the world fools. But just the same we ought to make sure that at Christmas time we see to it that the Manger points to the Cross. That does not mean that Christmas for the Christian is a sad and solemn matter or that we saints are to sit around in a dour sanctimoniousness grumbling at the way Christmas is celebrated. There is no joy on earth like the joy that grows out of the true message of Christmas. Our Lord’s intent was that His joy might remain in us and that our joy might be full. The gospel is good news. The birth of our Lord was a joyous occasion. The song of the angels was a gladsome chorus. Men are still sing­ ing about it. “Ye blind, behold your Saviour come; And leap, ye lame, for joy!” If we get no farther than merely complaining about the commercialism, the paganism and the sentimentalism that have spoiled so much of Christmas, we shall do no good. We are bearers of Good Tidings of Great Joy which shall be to all people for there was bom one day in the city of David a SAVIOUR, which is Christ the Lord. But mind you, it says there was bom a SAVIOUR. We hear much of “putting Christ in Christmas” and surely He needs to be given His rightful place. But the Christ of Christmas is not only the Babe of the Manger but the Saviour of Calvary and the Victor of the Empty Tomb. Let us proclaim Him for all that He is, Lord, Saviour, Messiah. And let us declare to all men, “ Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved.”

ever Jesus was bom . . . and it may have been nowhere near Christmas . . . He came to do a vastly greater thing than to preach the Sermon on the Mount or live a perfect life. He came, not just to live, but to live and die and to live again. Of course Easter wears perhaps even more of the garments of paganism than Christmas; and bunny rabbits, colored eggs and spring bonnets have hidden the Resurrection even more effectively than Santa Claus has obscured the Incarnation. But the Incarnation is not the sole message of Christmas. Along with Emmanuel, God with us, God’s Son earned another name. “Thou shalt call his name Jesus: for he shall save his people from their sins.” That was His mission, to deal with sin once and forever. Christmas points not only to a manger but to a cross.. You do not hear much about that at Christmas time. It is foolishness to this world. You will hear a lot about peace on earth and good will but not about the real reason why God gave His Son. There is something subtle there that shows up more times than at Christmas. People are willing to have you talk about peace and joy, the Golden Rule and the Sermon on the Mount. They are willing to accept the benefits of the cross but they are not willing to accept the Cross. Christmas without Calvary! Tell them why He was bom and they say you are getting off into theology. Some poor souls even say, “ Give us the simple gospel” who never have discovered that the gospel is “ Christ died for our sins, was buried and rose again the third day according to the scriptures.” Just as at Easter we wander off into “ immortality of the soul” and “ survival of per­ sonality” and totally miss the resurrection of the body, so at Christmas we dodge the cross in a lot of lavender- and-rose-water sentimentalism about peace and brother­ hood. Of course it is the age-old ailment of the human heart. Men will talk about anything but their actual trouble. The ugly sin question comes up and who wants to hear about sin at Christmas time? But the Bethlehem Babe was given His name Jesus because He was to be the Saviour from sin. It does not read that “ He shall teach the people peace and good will and brotherhood,” “He shall be the Perfect Example.” That was not His main business. He came to save us from our sins because unless something is done about that, Christ the Teacher, the Preacher, the Example, will avail us nothing. We have too many dear souls now talking about peace and good will who are still in their sins. It is shameful to face church congregations on Christmas, many of whom will not return until Easter, and give them Christmas without



By Oswald J. Smith

EVERY diabolical plan that satanic ingenuity could de­ vise was used to destroy Him. Demons trembled. Satan became enraged. All hell was allied against Him. But God was watching and He lived because He was . . . The Christ of Christmas

TVT early two thousand years ago there was bom in Beth- -L n lehem of Judea a Babe whose life was destined to affect countless millions. That Babe was Jesus Christ. The time was ripe for His birth. Roman roads had been built throughout the civilized world in preparation for the feet of His future messengers. The Greek language had become almost universal in readiness for the procla­ mation of His Gospel. The people among whom He was born were poor and despised, having been conquered by the Roman power. In the heart of every man was a cry for deliverance. The world knew not of His birth. Work went on as usual. There was no tremendous upheaval announcing a new order. Kings and Potentates continued to rule as before. Nothing outwardly heralded His Advent into the world. Only Heaven appeared to be interested. In fact, God had to arrange a welcome for Himself, and so legions of angels circled the skies and heralded His birth. Wise men from the East, studying the stars, and observing an unusual phenomenon in the heavens, came with their gifts from afar. Rulers learned of His birth and became fearful and afraid. Anger filled their hearts. Murder was conceived and executed. Fearful of losing their power, they sought His death by every possible means. Every diabolical plan that satanic ingenuity could devise was used to destroy Him. Demons trembled. Satan became enraged. All hell was allied against Him. But God was watching and He lived in spite of it all.

He did not come to a palace with marble halls and carpeted stairs. No luxurious bed chamber was prepared for His birth. Neither nurses nor doctors were in attend­ ance. Cathedral bells failed to toll; bands were silent. No royal choruses burst forth in song. Only the heavenly orchestras were heard. He came to a stable, and was laid in a manger. He was destined, however, to be recognized by countless millions as the greatest of all prophets, the mightiest of all the mighty, the Saviour of the world, God incarnate. And now for nearly two thousand years His birth has been commemorated. More than nineteen hundred Christmas days have come and gone since that never-to- be-forgotten night, and boys and girls, as well as men and women the world over, have kept sacred the memory of His birth. God grant that throughout the land hearts may be turned to Christ as Saviour and receive through Him the gift of eternal life; not only to the Babe bom so long ago, but to the One who lives today and lives to save. For He it is who became flesh and dwelt amongst us. He, the resurrected, living Christ of God, was the Babe of Beth­ lehem’s manger. God commendeth His love toward us through the gift of His only begotten Son, the Lord Jesus Christ. Make this Gift yours this Christmas time and rejoice with the Lord, who said, “He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24).



By Valerie Seger


He thrust away the shimmering folds Of sheer green tissue, and he turned From all the lustrous lengths Of golden cord. The while he sighed. For lo, 'Twas wearisome he found the task, Too wearisome to wrap a gift, E'en all the gifts that waiting lay Around the fragrant fir, The verdant, fragrant fir. "Forsooth, my brother," he complained, 'Tis easier To give a gift unwrapped! Why fret ourselves with all those bows, These flaring loops and bows?" Surprised, His brother queried, ''How Const thou this loveliness deplore? Methinks a costly gift Deserves a robe of splendor. Even simple things, behold! How wondrously they are enhanced When sheathed in green and gold, In shining green and gold! " The idle one spoke sullenly. "They vex me all — The green and gold, The endless green and gold, The tissue, and the tinsel, And the little holly sprigs!" "Indeed!" cried out his brother then. "Thou dost forget To Whom These gifts around our fragrant fir, Our verdant, fragrant fir, Belong! A t Christmas tide, we speak, 'tis true In lowly terms of Him — The Babe, the Manger Child. But He's a King! How dost thou dare to give a King A g ift unwrapped?" Insisted still the fretful one, " It is the g ift that counts! The King W ill look upon the g ift itself, Nor care about lt$ wrappings." "Nay, say it not," his brother cried, "That our dear King

Ignores the tissue folds of green, The cords of gold, the loops of gold, Nor pays them any heed! Perhaps He deems a gift unwrapped As proffered grudgingly, A duty gift, A barren gift! Wouldst thou give that to Him, Our King?" A silence fell. The cheerless one stared thoughfully And long upon the fragrant fir, The verdant, fragrant fir. And lo! That tree receded from his gaze, And in its place Another tree appeared . . . A cruel tree . . . a rugged tree Upon a lonely hill, A lonely, windswept hill. 'Twas then the musing brother wept And whispered, "How Could I, ungrateful wretch, forget That God gave not His greatest Gift To me, Unwrapped?" "That Gift was swathed in glorious folds Of mercy, grace, compassion, And understanding love. These were His precious wrappings As joyously He gave, Gave all A t Bethlehem, at Calvary!" "But I, alas! Have proffered to my Saviour-King So many gifts Unwrapped . . . The errands on reluctant fe e t. . . His tasks performed Ungraciously . . . My service unadorned with love . . . All duty gifts, All barren gifts!" Full long he pondered thus. But at the last He dried his tears. He smiled, Yea, smiled upon his brother. Yea, With eager hands green tissue folds He seized And looped a cord of gold, A scintillating cord Of gold.



Christmas in Acapulco

“Mama” and “ Papa” Marsh have made a Christian home for 70 Mexican orphans at the Orfanatorio Latino Americano in Acapulco.

By Norman B. Rohrer and where girls learn the skillful arts of homemaking under the loving care of “Mama Alicia” and her two as­ sistants, Margaret Klassen, school teacher, and Bemiece Albers, secre­ tary. Most of the children have ac­ cepted the Lord as their Saviour and have become missionaries to the neighbors. “ The Happy Home” is more than a home. It is a school. Along the palm- lined Mexico City highway leading out of Acapulco which runs by the ranch is a 200-foot-long brick school building which is always filled to its 150-student capacity. Its teacher, Miss Klassen, was bom in Russia of Ger­ man parents who migrated to Mexico in 1926. She possesses a school marm’s meticulous care for details, ruling with the proverbial iron, yet kindly, hand over her pupils and teaching them the Word of God. The Christian school is a corporation registered with the state, and offers a bonafide cur­ riculum with which newcomers us­ ually cannot keep pace without mak­ ing up back work. Out of the orphan­ age’s nine seniors who went on to high school in Acapulco, five were on the honor roll last year. Three of the school’s graduates are now teaching at the orphans’ school. Each year when new registrants are accepted, many more students apply than can possibly be accepted. News of the school’s top-quality education passes quickly from village to village.

A capulco , that enchanted, hotel- studded land of sun, sea and tourists, has been described as Mex­ ico’s welcome mat to the world — an island of pleasure in a mountainous wilderness. But not everything in the balmy city exists for the comfort and excite­ ment of foreign tourists. Unseen by most visitors to the fashionable beach city is a 425-acre dairy-poultry ranch nestled in the surrounding mountains which has become home for some 70 Mexican orphans. It is Mexico’s larg­ est Protestant orphanage whose profits are not measured in pesos but in the changed lives of children — the little forgoten people of Mexico w h o .have been caught in the despair of poverty, the scourge of disease and the handi­ cap of having no education. Parents to this ever-growing family of youngsters are dedicated middle- aged “ Papa” and “Mama” Marsh, Arizona-born Chester a n d A l i c e Marsh 12 years ago gave up a comfortable home in California to minister to Mexico’s needy by becom­ ing mother and dad to those who had none. Officially, the Marshes’ ranch is the “ Orfanatorio Latino Americano,” but neighbors call it “ The Happy Home.” It is a place where children who have never known the joys of homelife now run and play — and work. Where boys leam to be gentlemen like the tall, balding American they call Papa,

Parents from as far away as 45 miles have brought their children to Miss Klassen’s school. “The Happy Home” is also a farm. Its fields, a land-grant from a Mexi­ can Army general, supply food for a dairy herd of 65 cattle, as well as com, beans, cucumbers, melons and squash for the family of children. There are also chickens for fresh eggs, cows for fresh milk, bees, fruit and plenty of tortillas for everyone. Nearly every day, the unwritten drama of young lives on the mend un­ folds before the dedicated workers of Orfanatorio Latino Americano. Children come to the orphanage in many ways. Usually they are brought by a sympathetic relative, or by a distraught parent who cannot care for a son or daughter alone. One evening at dusk, the Marshes

Everyone works. Here a couple of Mexican orphan hoys do the evening milking chores.



the intelligence their elders have. What a joy it would be to their par­ ents, could they know of their chil­ dren’s successes! And what a credit to the mothering and fathering, the care and direction of the Marshes and their co-workers! When Eusabio wandered into the orphanage one night, he said he wanted to work so he could eat. He was seven or eight years old, but did not know his last name, or where his parents lived. “ The only thing I remember about mama,” he said, “ is one time when I took something from the table to eat and she said, ‘Get away from there, you dog!’ ” Eusabio had been carrying wood and running errands for a woman liv­ ing at Iguala until suddenly one day she had told him to leave. She had no use for him any longer. He’s a bright, happy youngster now. The Marshes let him choose his last name. He thereupon called him­ self Eusabio Sanchez Morino. So far, no orphan has left “ The Happy Home” without expressing his deep appreciation to the Marshes. One boy, Gilberto, said on a return visit, “ I don’t know why I was so ornery when I was here. I realize now how bad I was and I get ashamed.” Papa Marsh has his own way of keeping his boys in tow. Instead of using work to punish his youngsters, he takes their chores away from them when they need correction. Finding themselves ostracized from the field and bam work, the boys become lone­ ly and pead for forgiveness so they can be restored into the fellowship of their buddies. A lad named Ezekiel was so incorrigible, however, that P a p a Marsh’s usual discipline was useless.

saw coming down the lane a woman with seven children trotting alongside. Their Christian parents had been brutally murdered over a land claim by hate-filled neighbors. To remain in the village meant death for the children, or the inciting of revenge on their parents’ killers. The woman was the sister of Gen­ eral Narcissus Medina Estrada of the Mexican Army. She had taken com­ passion on the kiddies and hurried them away from the gruesome death scene and now appealed to the Marshes to take them in. They looked at the children: pretty little Jobita, the eldest girl, who had marked intelligence; Manuel, a quiet, impassive teen-ager with big, black eyes; Federico, wounded in the hand by one of the fatal blasts from the gun as he tried to hold the door shut

He told the boy that if he wanted to stay, he would get a whipping, but that he could leave the home and escape the whipping. Ezekiel thought it over, then said, “Papa, Marsh, I want you to whip me.” After enduring the stinging punish­ ment, Ezekiel hugged Papa Marsh and thanked him. Mama Alicia usually conducts her punishing by withholding privileges or allowance pesos. Although these sometimes seem dif­ ficult, the orphans recognize their

Schoolteacher Margaret Klassen teaches 150. Mexican youth at a school on the ranch. necessity. One wrote after leaving, “You helped me form the best ideals. I’m not living up to them now, but maybe someday I can.” The evidence of changed lives among those who have believed, the evening hymn fests after mealtime, the prayers in the dorms, the little chapel services and Sunday school classes — all this and more sums up the reason why neighbors passing by nod their heads and murmur, “ The Happy Home.”

Miss Bernice Albers, R. N., patches up a little wound. She is orphanage secretary. against the intruders; Esther, Ar- temio;; and little Ruth. Robbed of their parents, the little fam­ ily had come seeking love and care from the Marshes. How could they refuse? Hastily, Papa Marsh cleaned out a woodhouse for sleeping quarters that night. In the days ahead, the Godinez family all became Christians and proved themselves worthy of the wel­ come. Jobita finished secondary school and married at the orphanage a fine young man who is now a minister. Manuel finished secondary school at the orphanage with honors and now teaches the third and fourth grades there. Federico followed up his schooling with two years at the State Agricultural School in Mexico City and plans to complete high school soon. He is in charge of mechanical operations of the farm and serves as counselor in charge of the boys’ dorm. The young Godinez children all ex­ hibit the seriousness, the purpose and

Sports on the Marshes’ 425-acre ranch burn up the surplus energy of these Mexican orphans boys after their ranch chores are finished for the day



5 U R ^ C H R I S T M A S E M EfgP o m ' s t

E m m a n u e l

T h e C h r i s t m a s P r o c l a m a t i o n

“ They shall call his name Emmanuel . . . God with us” (Matt. 1:23). “ God with us,” now and evermore; This life of weakness and of woe; His love, His power, and His strength, With us, wherever we may go, Since He hath come to earth to dwell, And he for aye Emmanuel. No weary days, no starless nights, No sorrow deep, no trial sore, But we can feel His presence near, “ God with us,” now and evermore; Since He hath come to earth to dwell, Whose name is still Emmanuel. — Annie Johnson Flint C h r i s t m a s No sheep in the folds, No star in the west, No Babe lulled to sleep On His young mother’s breast. But sheep of God’s flock Straying far from His love,

They tell me Jesus was not bom on Christmas Day. And Christmas trees were just a pagan rite they say, That decorations were idolatry, a work of art, Not symbols of the adoration of a heart That worships Christ as Son of God apart. It may be that the world is blind— Is worshipping mere trifles of this kind, And some folks blinded by the glare of ’cus- tomed gift W ill miss the star and see not in earth’s clouds a rift. But to the Christian this does symbols mean: In every Christmas tree he sees a gleam, For dates and signs are lost in Christmas story, “ His advent” and “ the hope of glory.” He came, He came, the fact and not the time, Proclaimed in carols, and the truth sublime Is sounded through the earth on Christmas Day, And the Light of all the world shines on the way. What though a fantasy on earth is reached If through the mist the Son of God is preached? Though still in sinful pleasure men are found, Yet once a year they pause to hear the sound. That Christ may still be known, let carols ring, And trees and lights their age old message bring Of God’s great love and all redeeming grace, His gift unspeakable to all the human race. — Annie E. Hitt o f C h r i s t m a s “ Christmas” begins with Christ, the virgin-born Christ-child, our Saviour. The Babe of Bethlehem was not merely a remarkable child but the Son of God who in His infinite grace was conceived by the Holy Spirit and bom into this world as a man, yet one who never ceased to be God. “ Every spirit that con- fesseth that Jesus Christ is come in the flesh is of God” (1 John 4 :2 ). Jesus Christ in His infinite love did not begin when He was bom in a stable and laid in a manger; He left heaven’s best to come to this world to be the Sav­ iour of mankind. He was offered as a free gift, for “ God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son” (John 3:16). T h e M e a n i n g

And a glorified Man Interceding above. Apart from the Christ— No joy at his birth, Though merry and gay And the feasting on earth; The candles bum out, And the feasting is done, But the Glory of Heaven Shines forth in God’s Son.

— Betty Scott Stam

(Mrs. Stam and her husband John were martyred by communists in China in 1934.)



God’s gift to the world was despised and rejected 2.000 years ago and in the life of every person who has rejected Him since that time there has proved to be a fatal defectiveness. Only by accepting the free gift of eternal life through Christ, can we know the true meaning of Christmas and the forgiveness of sin and life everlasting. Christ said, “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, 1 will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me” (Revelation 3:20), and “ Verily, verily, I say unto you, he that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life” (John 5:24). Begin this Christmas season with Christ, by accept­ ing the “ gift of God, [ which] is eternal life through Jesus Christ” (Romans 6:23). “ For by grace are ye sailed through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God” (Ephesians 2 :8 ). — Billy Graham T h e I n c o m p a r a b l e C h r i s t More than nineteen hundred years ago there was a Man born contrary to the laws of life. This Man lived in poverty and was reared in obscurity. He did not travel extensively. Only once did He cross the boundary of the country in which He lived; that was during His exile in childhood. He possessed neither wealth nor influence. His rela­ tives were inconspicuous, and had neither training nor formal education. In infancy He startled a king; in childhood He puzzled doctors; in manhood He ruled the course of nature, walked upon the billows as if pavements, and hushed the sea to sleep. He healed the multitudes without medicine and made no charge for His service. He never wrote a book, and yet all the libraries of the country could not hold the books that have been written about Him. He never wrote a song, and yet He has furnished the theme for more songs than all the songwriters com­ bined. He never founded a college, but all the schools put together cannot boast of having as many students. He never marshalled an army, nor drafted a soldier, nor fired a gun; and yet no leader ever had more volunteers who have, under His orders, made more rebels stack arms and surrender without a shot fired. He never practiced medicine, and yet He has healed more broken hearts than all the doctors far and near. On the Lord’s day the wheels of commerce cease their turning and multitudes wend their way to wor­ shipping assemblies to pay homage and respect to Him. The names of the past proud statesmen of Greece and Rome have come and gone. The names of the past scientists, philosophers, and theologians have come and gone; but the name of this Man abounds more and more. Though time has spread nineteen hundred years between the people of this generation and the scene of

His crucifixion yet He still lives. Herod could not destroy Him, and the grave could not hold Him. He stands forth upon the highest pinnacle of heavenly glory, proclaimed of God, acknowledged by angels, adored by saints, and feared by devils, as the living, personal Christ, our Lord and Saviour. D a d d y ’ s C h r i s t m a s P r e s e n t The other day a little girl told me she was going to give her father a pair of slippers at Christmas. “Where will you get the money from?” I asked. She opened her eyes like saucers, and said, “ Why, Daddy will give me the money.” And just for half a minute I was silent as I thought the dear man would buy his own Christmas present. The father loved his little girl for the gift, although he had to pay for it. She had not anything in the world that he had not given her. You have not anything of your own to give to God. You can only give Him back what belongs to Him. G o d ’ s G i f t “ For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should, not perish, but have everlasting life” (John 3.16). This world was poor and sinful, lost; Rut God was rich and full of grace And He looked down on Rethlehem town And said, “ Star, shine above this place; And angels, gird it round with song. Let heaven’s gate be left ajar, Till heaven’s glory lights the earth; Let wise men travel from afar “ With gold and frankincense and myrrh To see what gift I give this day To man . . . the very heart of Me Lies strangely cradled in the hay! “ For heaven is a lonely place Without the presence of M y Son; His empty ivory palaces Wait His return, M y Holy One. “ Rut if He be lifted up, Shall draw all men through Him, to Me; And He, when He has drained His cup, Shall bring salvation full and free “ To all who call upon His name.” Thanks be to God this Christmas Day, To God, who loved us so He gave His Son to take our sins away! “ Thanks be unto God for his unspeakable gift” (I I Corinthians 9 :15 ). — Martha Snell Nicholson



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