King's Business - 1959-12

PersonalEvangelism By Benjamin Weiss C o -D irector, N a tio na l Educators Fellowship


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A salesman carefully considered the clients^ on whom he would call before starting on his activities. He selected those who seemed ready to buy his product. Giving careful consideration to each one, he planned the time of the call and the manner in which he would present his goods. It was not a hit-or-miss procedure . . . he was aiming to secure a high per­ centage of sales. The clients were im­ portant people. He must influence them favorably to make sales. Witnessing and personal evangelism are much more important than mak­ ing sales to clients. Favorably pre­ senting Christ to an unsaved person is a spiritual achievement. To receive Jesus Christ as Saviour is much more important than buying a refrigerator or an automobile. It is concerned with the eternal destiny of a soul. No hit- or-miss or careless approach is accept­ able. This work merits a finesse more exacting than that used by even the most polished salesman. The Holy Spirit is the one who should direct in winning another per­ son to Christ. If we are sensitive to His guidance, we shall be effective in our words of witnessing and our influence on the one to whom we speak. His direction and guidance, not our abil­ ity, makes the difference between fumbling clumsily or succeeding in witnessing for Christ. We may know little or nothing about the person to whom we speak. His religious background, personal problems, state of mind and sinful condition may be completely un­ known to us. What should we say? How should we begin? Do we really want to win him, or do we just want to preach to him in order to satisfy our conscience. If this is the purpose, hand him a tract or pamphlet. It will do just as well. But if we really want to win him to Christ, we must know something about him. Then we can help him. A man called on a friend returning home from a serious illness in the hospital. He felt a strong urge to speak

to this man about receiving Christ as his Saviour, and he prayed for the Holy Spirit’s direction! From the Bible he simply and kindly presented the meaning of salvation and the way to receive Christ as Saviour., Without hesitation this man expressed readi­ ness, came to Christ, and found eternal life. Are you interested in winning un­ saved persons to Christ? Then pray each morning for the Holy Spirit to direct you to someone. A ll you need do is follow His guidance. There may be some for whom others are praying. They will come if invited by a Spirit led witness. It may have been an ex­ perience or the preaching of the Word that prepared them. Personal invita­ tion by a Holy Spirit guided soul win­ ner clinches it. If you make yourself available to the Holy Spirit, He will direct you to such a person. Every opportunity to present Christ or to witness for Him should be used. You are the agent of the Holy Spirit in this ministry. He not only directs you to the other person, but also guides you during your witnessing and presenting Christ. It is helpful to pray silently during a conversation. The Holy Spirit will give you the things you should say. It is amazing what will happen when you are directed by Him. Have you made witnessing and per­ sonal evangelism only a matter of convenience? You can make it a con­ tinual ministry of winning the un­ saved. Witnessing and inviting others to come to Christ at your whim or con­ venience is as ineffective as the hit- and-miss efforts of the careless sales­ man. The Holy Spirit directs us to the right person and gives us the words to speak if we ask for His guid­ ance. You will be suprisingly persua­ sive when you are directed by Him. It is not you who are the soul winner, nor is it you and the Holy Spirit, but it is the Holy Spirit and you: you are directed and guided by Him.

“We’d like to put our in the Lord’s work, but the income from it”

(—and if you are faced with the same problem, perhaps you'd be interested in hearing what 1 tell these Christian friends)

I know of a very satisfying solution that will enable you to give to the Lord’s work—and to receive a regular, secure income, too. I can recommend two plans which have been well received by many Christian men and women—both provide generous returns on your money, and without risk of any kind. Income for Life ••• The first is Moody Annuities, which assure you of a guaranteed income (up to 8%%, depending on your age) as long as you live. These annuities are backed by all the re­ sources of Moody Bible Institute. The In­ stitute has never been late, or missed a single payment in more than 50 years. Unlike stocks which vary with market fluctuations, annuity payments are always the same, regardless of economic conditions. Annuity checks come regularly, annually or semi-annually, as you prefer . .. no invest­ ment problems, no fees to pay, a truly worry- free income—and much of it is tax exempt. Deposit Agreement Plan ••• is my other recommendation for you. This plan enables you to place surplus funds in the Lord’s work— with the privilege of with­ drawal in case of emergency. Deposits (in multiples of $100) may be made at any time. Current rate of interest on this plan is 3%% per year. This plan is also backed by all the resources of the Institute. With either plan, you’ll have peace of mind, plus the joy of sharing in Moody’s many Christ-honoring ministries .. . know­ ing that your money is being used to help train missionaries, pastors and other church workers. . . and to proclaim the gospel through the printed word, gospel-science films, daily broadcasts and the other varied ministries of Moody Bible Institute. I heartily recommend both plans for your consideration and would suggest that you ; CLIP AND MAIL COUPON TODAY Write: Annuity Department Dept K-9-41-1 MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE 820 N. LaSalle Street * Chicago 10, Illinois Please send me, without obligation, information relating to: □ M oody Annuity Plan. □ De- I posit Agreements. □ W ill».

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