King's Business - 1959-12

T h e little miss had been in a peck of trouble over a period of several days. She had been saucy to her school teacher, unkind to smaller brother, impudent at home. Every time Ardyth was asked to help at all she complained. In short, the eight year old had been obnoxious. Mother was “ fed up” to her neck. “ Ardyth Lois, (the middle name always shows up when Mother is ‘fed up’ ) if I hear another thing from you I’m going to apply the strap. A ll my lesser punishments have apparently served to make you worse. But this strap will leave welts on your legs to

remind you that punishment can be severe. And don’t think I won’t do it, either.” “ I know you will, Mamma. I don’t want that kind of spanking. What makes me bad sometimes when I don’t want to be?” “You know!” “ Satan?”

“ O, wretched man that I am, who shall deliver me . . .?” ran through Mother’s mind. “ Do you want to be the sweet girl the Lord intends you to be?” “Yes. ‘Specially now for it’s getting near Christmas. Dorotheann told me if I don’t behave I’ll not get that bride

doll. But even if I don’t get it because I can’t be good, I’ll still have the Lord, won’t I?” The solemn demeanor and voice expression as she spoke were almost too much for Mother. “You little scala­ wag,” she thought, “ in one breath you talk about not being good as though you have little interest in doing so. Then, with forced ‘righteous­ ness’ you insist that you will still have the Lord even if we humans deny you.” “Darling,” Mother was articulate now, “ as one of God’s children by faith in Jesus Christ you will always have the Lord. He will never forsake His own. But your naughtiness grieves His heart.” “ W h y do we h a v e Christmas, Sweetie.” “To remind us that Jesus was bom in a manger.” “What do you get on your birth­ day?” “ Presents.” “Wouldn’t you like to give Him a gift for His birthday?” “ Sure. But what can I give Him? I can’t reach and put a package in His hand.” “ That’s not the kind of gift He is interested in. He wants that which only a loving heart can give.” “What is that?” By now Mother’s youngest daughter was quite sober. “ Obedience, kindness, cheerfulness.” “ Boy, how do I do all that? It’s hard.” “ I know, dear. But since it is God’s will, He will help you. The next time you are tempted to be saucy or dis­ obedient, stop for a moment and ask Jesus to give you victory. He will, I know, if He sees in your heart that you really want it.” Skipping away, Ardyth called back over her shoulder, ‘“Wheel It’ll be a merry Christmas after all.” Christian greetings to our reader friends from all UNDER THE PAR­ SONAGE ROOF at this glad Season. “ For unto you is bora . . . a Saviour who is Christ, the Lord.” (Luke 2:11).




■ The incredible true story of a Jewish family in Eastern Europe and their bitter struggle for survival. You see Jews ridden down by savage Cossacks. . . exodus from Poland .. . flight from war-torn Germany. . . a mother’s miraculous deliverance. . . a joyous family reunion at an enemy _ border. Forty minutes of breath-taking action in the " storm-tossed career of a Hebrew-Christian family caught in the rip-tide of war and race hatred. One of the most dramatic, heart-stirring Christian film experiences of your life. Adapted from the book, “They Looked for a City," by Lydia Buksbazen. Write today for rental bookings beginning Jan. 1,1960. 16 mm Natural color

THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL Missionary and Relief Society,Inc.

Rev. Victor Buksbazen, General Secretary 330 K Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia 7, Pa. I I I I B I THE FRIENDS OF ISRAEL ■ Missionary and Relief Society, Inc. They Looked for a

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