King's Business - 1959-12

The Christian Home By Rev. Paul Bayles Pastor, Centinela Bible Church Hawthorne, California


r fC t& i L ast month we considered certain principles that are basic to the idea of home and family worship. They are principles that my church congrega­ tion and I discovered together, as I met in their homes to seek a solution to their family altar problems. In the process of listening to their questions and problems facts became evident. Perhaps discussing them will be valuable. First of all, we needed help in defining in our own minds what the Family Altar really is. Some thought that it was to be an austere, formal church service in the home. When the children wiggled and became restless, the idealistic parents supposed that this was utter irreverence and that it would be better to give up the whole idea. Others felt that the family worship should be a modified Bible College course. Children were expected to listen to and to grasp the facts and interpre­ tations of three and four chapters every day. Questions were fired at the chil­ dren by conscientious parents, not to create group participation, but rather to determine if they could make a passing grade. Secondly, we needed to follow a plan so that our reading would not be hit and miss but organized and progressive. In the third place, we needed some helps and aids to "foster interest for the whole family. The plan we decided upon was very simple. We felt that it would be wise to begin in the New Testament. After reading through Matthew, we would skip over to Romans, First and Second Corinthians. We would return to Mark, then read three more Epistles. Return to Luke — and then more of the letters. Read John and three more of the doctrinal books. Return to the Acts and then finish the New Testament. The suggested helps and patterns for family participation were as follows: Families with pre-schoolers should sometimes use simple Bible stories with pictures. Ken Taylor’s book, “ The Bible in Pictures for Little Eyes,” published by Moody Press, is excellent. Each page includes a Bible reference, a simple story, a colorful picture, and questions that can be answered from the story and the picture. With small children, always hold hands in a family circle when you pray. This keeps busy hands still, reduces tension, and creates a family atmosphere. Sing some choruses and play a little game. Associate happy times with your home worship. Families with primaries (grades 1-3) have the advantage of being able to share ideas. Therefore, it is essential that children be allowed to contribute. The Good News New Testament, published by the American Bible Society, is really fine. There are over 500 photographs and 14 maps, each having to do with a Scripture paragraph, usually on the same page. Children seldom tire of reading a Bible paragraph and discussing the pictures. Families with juniors (grades 4-6) can have stimulating discussions. The Good News New Testament and the Berkeley Version of the Bible are excellent aids in keeping the lively minds of these children channeled. Just imagine reading the stories of the flood, of the tabernacle, and of Solomon’s stables and armies to juniors in a translation where real numbers, feet and inches are used! Round table reading and prayer are good at this age. Discussions are good, for juniors have so much to share. Memory work is easy for them. Families with teeners and college young people can have the best time of all. Thoughts, discussions, meditations, and prayers should be practical, brief, and related to life. Give opportunity to pray for real things and real people. The Berkeley Version, the Amplified New Testament, or the Phillip’s translation are good ways to make devotions real and vital to these thinking youth on the threshold of maturity. Families with adults only can accomplish so very much. Partnerships with missionaries in prayer and definite prayer projects are ways to enrich your lives into a fruitful ministry. Any of the above mentioned translations are good. Though-the-Bible-in-a-year plans are excellent for adults. There is no way to have a problem-free family altar. There will always be interruptions. Read last month’s article again and from these simple sug­ gestions chart a program with your family. You might be surprised to know that your children want to cooperate!

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