King's Business - 1959-12


TOWN AND CAMPUS NEWS (Items of interest about the Biola Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.)

The second annua l H O M E ­ COM ING o f Biola A lum n i w ill be on Janua ry 8, 1960. A g a in , th is w ill include a c tiv itie s fo r the whole day and end w ith the Homecom ing game w ith Azusa. In add itio n to v is itin g classes, sharing in fe llow ­ ship, ea ting in the new d in ing room a t La M ira d a , the re ' w ill be an o p p o rtu n ity to see w ha t the Lord hath w rough t in our ¡behalf a t the La M ira d a campus. A lso, the 6 :30 d inne r, served in our new d in ing room, w ill provide a tim e o f fe llow ­ ship and praise to the Lord fo r His goodness. The price o f the d inne r w ill be $2 .00 ; the price o f the luncheon, 60c (ca fe te ria style in the d in ing room); the reg is tra tion fee w ill be nom ina l. The dead­ line fo r reservations is Janua ry 4. Be sure to send your reservations ea rly enough to reach ou r new ad ­ dress by Janua ry 4. Th is is neces­ sary th is year. So, c irc le the date o f Janua ry 8 now and w rite a note to send reservations to Biola A lu m ­ ni Association, 13800 Biola Ave., La M ira d a , by Janua ry 4. "Come and see" what the Lord has done. Join with us in prayer for the suc­ cess of this Second Annual Home­ coming Day. BIBLES REBOUND FLEXIBLE MOROCCO COVERS 25 Years Experience GRACE WHIDDEN 558 Rose. Ave. Long Beach, Cal.

H onoring Dr. Louis T. Talbot, chancellor of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc., on his 70th birth- day, the Biola Board of Directors met at the campus home of President Sam­ uel H. Sutherland. There was real amusement during the occasion for pastry chefs had decorated a cake which pictured Dr. Talbot in the jun­ gles of Africa eating monkey meat. An additional feature of Dr. Talbot’s birthday celebration was the release of a special broadcast of the Bible In­ stitute Hour, featuring comments by 25 of Dr. Talbot’s friends.

Thousands of Dr. Talbot’s friends have been sending him special remem­ brances which are being placed in a special fund to be used in erecting the men’s dormitory on the campus. It will be in memory of the many peo­ ple who have tuned into Dr. Talbot’s radio ministry over the past 27 years. Dr. Talbot’s radio ministry is heard daily in Southern California. A great volume of prayer has been offered through the past months on be­ half of Mrs. Audrey Talbot, wife o f our chancellor, who has been in the Hollywood Presbyterian Hospital.

Board members from left to right are: (kneeling) Walter Workentin, and Ray Myers (standing) Jacob Eyman, Samuel Sutherland, Silvester Marshburn, George Peek Lloyd Anderson, and Arthur Woolsey. Dr. Talbot in the center holds his birthday cake.

Rev. Robert Phillips, formerly as­ sociated with Orient Crusades as a missionary in Vietnam, has been ap­ pointed by the Biola Board of Directors as Assistant Superintendent of the Bible Institute’s ministries in Hong Kong. Mr. Phillips started work for Biola in October. He will be touring the far Western States for the next several months holding meetings on behalf of the Hong Kong work. He is available for meetings through the Extension Department by contacting Mr. Ed Steele, director. Dr. Charles A. Roberts, superinten­ dent of the work, and for more than 36 years associated with Biola in the Orient, recently returned to Hong Kong after several months in the United States. He announced that ground will be broken soon for the new buildings in the Far East which will house a complete medical dis-

pensary treating 2,000 patients month- ly, a nursery for 1300 children, evan­ gelical church, gospel book store, schools, and maternity ward. A new colorful and descriptive bro­ chure, “Five Open Doors,” is now available for distribution, telling the complete story of the important and strategic work in Hong Kong. Tokens of interest and expressions of sacrifice are revealed in letters such as the following, recently received by the Biola staff: “ I have been waiting for some time to send a little help for the La Mirada Campus. I just had five dollars given me for something I might want. I am a shut in and have need of nothing, hallelujah!, so am sending it to the campus. I am await­ ing my ‘Home Call.’ Though I am called a ‘ninety-five-year-old marvel’ yet it is all the Lord, O wondrous story.”



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