King's Business - 1959-12

A MESSAGE from the editor



"For unto us a c h i l d is born, unto us a son is given . . . and his name shall be called Wonderful..." Isa­ iah u t t e r e d t h e s e words seven hundred years before the birth of Christ actually took place. In what way was our Lord Jesus Christ wonderful? We mean wonderful in the ab­ solute sense. He was wonderful in His birth. Who can explain the ineffable mystery of the in­ terweaving of deity and hu­ manity in the person of this little Babe lying in a man­ ger? Men of God have spent the language in an effort to explain the birth of Jesus Christ. Destructive critics have said that because it


1. Spring Bible Lands Cruise—March 2. Summ er Bible Lands Cruise—June 3. Europe and Scandinavia—Ju ly 4. South Am erica—Ju ly

Dally lectures by tour leader. Fine Christian fellowship. Write today for FREE BULLETIN. Specify which tour. Address: Dr. Joseph P. Free WHEATON Dept. K129 Box 468 TOURS Wheaton, Illinois Our 1960 Holy Land and European tours can include the Oberammergau Passion Play as an optional extension. Tours to Yellowstone Park, Grand Canyon and the Canadian Rockies. HONGKONG

never happened before and because it has never happened since, therefore it never did happen. The late Dr. Howard A. Kelly of Johns Hopkins Hospital and Medical College said, in effect, that if a virgin birth had occurred twice, it would have taken away the significance of the birth of Christ. He was wonderful also in His death. No man ever died as did He. He tasted death that, through faith in Him, we might never know death. He was buried, but all of the power of the Roman government could not hold Him captive. He came forth victorious over death and the grave, and because He lives, we too shall live. He was wonderful also in His life. He went about doing nothing but good. At the end of thirty-three and one half years of residence on this earth, no trace of fault could be found in Him by foe or friend. He presented to the world the only perfect life— a life so perfect that the interven­ ing centuries of time have only served to deepen its glow. He was wonderful also in His resurrection. No man ever rose from the dead in the manner such as did the Lord Jesus Christ. Human beings were brought back to life by God's power, but from all indications they died again. Christ's resurrection was unique in that He rose nevermore to die. He is wonderful, too, in His coming again. The Lord Jesus Christ will return. As surely as the sun rose this morning, so surely will the Lord Jesus Christ come again. He promised so to come, "And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also" (John 14:3). Wonderful, indeed, is this One whose birthday we cele­ brate each year on December 25. At this glad season of the year may the living presence of the Lord of glory fill the hearts and lives of all who name the name of Jesus Christ. In that way it will be far more than a "merry" Christmas to all.

The Door to 25,000,000 Chinese outside the Mainland The Colony that has the largest dis­ placed personnel with the greatest amount of suffering per square mile in the world The Bible Institute of Los Angeles in a great ministry Dr. Charles A. Roberts, Supt. EVANGELISM — Services in three dif­ ferent centers. MEDICAL — A doctor and nursing staff treating over 1,500 a month. BOOK ROOM — Downtown distribution point for Bibles and literature, Chinese and English. SCHOOLS — Christian education for 1,300 underprivileged children. NURSERY — Tiny tots of refugee par­ ents seeking love and home and work. Daily program caring for health, meals and instruction. Gospel antidote to communist propaganda. In operation early 1960. For complete information and gifts write: The Bible Institute of Los Angeles, Inc.

Hongkong Department 558 South Hope Street Los Angeles 17, California



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