2021 Orthman Research Yield Book


Compaction Trial The Orthman team partnered with AKRS Equipment to determine the difference in compaction between an 8R tractor with full duals and an 8RX tractor while using the same equipment in the same field. To complete this setup, using the 8RX tractor, 36 rows were strip-tilled with the 12 row 1tRIPr and 32 rows were planted with the 16 row ExactEmerge planter. This was repeated using the 8R tractor. 16 Rows were selected with the same direction of travel to use for the trial area. The Orthman team utilized Spectrum Technologies SC-900 Constant, reading digital penetrometer to collect soil resistance data across the 16 rows of planted corn from the surface to 14 inches of depth. Additionally, 16 rows were hand harvested for 17’5’ or 1/1000 th of an acre at both ends and at the center of the plot to determine the effect on yield by row. The corn was then harvested with an eight row head and weighed to measure yield across the plot.

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